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“Your loyal love is better than life” (10 mins.)
What do you consider the most important thing in your life? Some people might say that freedom is what they value most, others might say success is the most important thing in their life, others might say personal satisfaction, money, pleasure, family.
According to the circumstances that each of us lives, it is the desire to achieve something that apparently would give us permanent satisfaction, although it is generally only ephemeral, only at certain moments.
But when you review the lives of people who have already achieved what someone wants, you can realize that achieving that has not really been success. How many people don't have that much money, but then don't know what to do with everything they have? and they prefer to lead a quiet life away from the public, from people and even make donations so that others can enjoy what that person already has too much.
Everyone wants something, however on one occasion the Lord Jesus Christ said a truth that must be thought very carefully: What good is it for a man to gain the whole world if he loses his life? What can a person do if he had no life? Nothing.
And that is what we are going to talk about in this section of Treasures of the Bible with the title: "Your loyal love is better than life." Where do we get these words from? Let's please review the book of Psalms chapter 63 and we will keep it open to examine some verses, Psalm 63 verse 3 says:
Your loyal love is better than life; That is why my own lips will give you glory.
Who said these words? King David was a king, he had everything a person could want, riches, fame, fortune, a number of women at his disposal, one would think he already had it all. However, he said, your Loyal love is better than life and this world cannot offer us anything better to enjoy life.
Let's think again about a person who has a lot of money, that person cannot easily walk the streets, they usually have bodyguards, people who take care of them from any attack, robbery, kidnapping, etc.
They do not live in peace, perhaps they cannot even sleep peacefully or perhaps they do not even sleep in the case of a servant of God, when you enjoy a true friendship with Jehovah, you can enjoy peace of mind and happiness because we have the best relationship of friendship with the supreme being Jehovah God.
Of course, this friendship is not maintained automatically, you have to be thinking about how to strengthen it, like when you have a friend you try to think, well, a special day is coming for that person, what do I give them, what do I do to make them feel comfortable? ? We know what pleases him, because we try to brighten his heart by inviting him to eat something he likes or taking him to a place that we know he wants to visit so much. It is the same with Jehovah, we need to make the love we have for him grow more and more every day. How can we achieve that? Let's go back to Psalm 63 this time verse 6.
When I'm in my bed, I remember you; I meditate on you during the night watches.
Once again we look at someone who had everything in life, but when he got to his bed he meditated, thought, and saw all the good things he had received from God. It was a way to see how much God appreciated him, how much love God had for him and of course he wanted to reciprocate in our case, we can do the same.
We must not only thank Jehovah for what he has done for us, but meditate and reflect on everything he has shown so much tender affection and appreciation to imperfect human beings, that we cannot give him anything to benefit him. him to more than our love and our faithful service.
However, it is true that our lives are busy and it is difficult for us to meditate to have a moment of tranquility, it is difficult for us to reflect on everything that Jehovah has done for us, but what was King David doing meditating at night when he was in his bed when he was already It was all quiet, when he had the time he needed without distractions to consider how good Jehovah was to him
We also want to do that, find a specific moment where we take the time to think about the love that Jehovah has for us. Even Jesus also preferred to pray in quiet places, away from some people and on occasions where he communicated with his father by night. nights, where there were no interruptions, where there were no distractions.
We want our love for Jehovah to grow, because we know that Jehovah's loyal love is better than our lives, but other ways to show how much we appreciate that love is by making it known to others. If we now look at Psalm 63 verses 4 and 5 it says the following:
So I will praise you all my life; Invoking your name, I will raise my hands. 5 I am satisfied with the best, the choicest portion; therefore my mouth will praise you with joyful lips.
David did not stop talking about Jehovah, he did not stop praising him in front of others, everyone knew how much David loved Jehovah, and we have the demonstration in the word of God, so many songs, so many prayers, so many expressions of gratitude that David gave to Jehovah. and that are recorded in the Bible
How can we imitate this example, we have the image of our activity guide on this of treasures of the Bible: A sister who is wanting to know Jehovah better by reading the word of God. Knowing what she likes, what she dislikes, How to please, What to do and what not to do in her life, but you see her face of satisfaction, upon learning of the beautiful qualities that Jehovah has and of course in her own life, she manifests.
Another image we have is this same sister enjoying the ministry, not doing it by force, out of obligation, out of a commitment to fulfill something and that's it, no. She enjoys speaking the name of God, as David did. The other occasion where the sister in the Meetings is participating with her comments, another beautiful way to praise the name of Jehovah, to talk about that magnificent friend she has, someone who recognizes that she loves Jehovah so much, because Jehovah has first shown her his love towards her, we can all personally recognize how much love Jehovah has had for us.
We have here a nice recommendation in the activity guide, a suggestion for family worship, to talk among everyone, talk about the ways in which Jehovah has shown you his Loyal Love and without a doubt there will be beautiful comments from the smallest to the youngest. older at that family gathering.
It is true that many people have a desire to achieve something, because they think that it will give them happiness, but we should not imagine that if we achieve something we will be happy, we can be sure that Jehovah's undeserved kindness, his loyal love, is better than life, no one can live without Jehovah and no one will be able to live eternally, without the loyal love that he has for us.
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