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Spiritual Gems (10 min.)
Psa 64:3. Why does this text compel us to speak constructively? (w07 11/15 15 para. 6).
That words can be harmful, comparing them to a sharp arrow that seeks to hurt, we must be aware of the impact our words can have and strive to speak constructively.
Because in the world we live in, so imperfect, it is more normal to focus on defects and speak badly of others. So, instead of doing that, we should be constructive instruments that flatter good deeds. In this way, we will at the same time cultivate peace in the family, even among siblings.
This text encourages us to speak constructively, because since we are imperfect we can use language to destroy, it is easy to attack the faults of others, and because everyone is imperfect and makes mistakes. It is not at all difficult to discover the defects of others and tear them down by making hurtful comments. Our words can be like instruments to build or like weapons to destroy. That is why we must strive to be constructive. If we do so, we will maintain good relationships with others and a good position before God.
The issue is also related to the construction of houses in the description of them, when you speak badly of someone it is like hammering only to collapse, but when you speak well of someone it is like sculpting a monument, a statue.
Speaking constructively is an art. That is, a person who paints well, plays an instrument or writes skillfully, is considered an artist. Well, we want to be artists by speaking well of others and, especially, of our brothers.
It's like it happens with houses, it's much easier to destroy a house than to build it, that's why it says that it's so easy for one to see other people's faults and highlight them and not recognize that everyone is imperfect and makes mistakes, including ourselves, so That is why, as mentioned, we must ensure that our speech is always encouraging and try to highlight the good in each person.
Yes, well, it occurs to me to think of others first. If we show that personal interest, we will be considering the circumstances of our siblings or our relatives. So, in the way we speak to them, we will not hurt them with hurtful words, but we will build them up and help them move forward.
Ecclesiastes 7:20 says that on earth there is no one who does good and does not sin, there is no one who is completely righteous. So our flaws are visible, just like those of our brothers, so it is easy to see them. But being constructive when we speak is an art that we need to learn, because, as this psalm mentions, we can do a lot of damage and destroy a lot of effort behind it. So if we want Jehovah to be happy with our speech, we must strive to see the good and reflect it in our speech.
With our words, we can launch a poisonous dart and hurt our brothers or anyone. This could result in bad things being said about Jehovah and the organization. Therefore, we must always have words “seasoned with salt”, that is, kind and kind words.
It is interesting the reference from The Watchtower that said that being constructive when we speak is an art. If we think about an artist, carrying out his work does not happen overnight; It is a process that takes a long time and must be perfected. In the same way, we have to look at the qualities of our brothers. This will not happen overnight. First, we must cultivate the humility that Jehovah wants us to have, to be able to see our brothers as superior to us. When we manage to do so, in that continuous process, their strengths emerge and the things that we would like to imitate from them. We even feel compelled to praise them in front of other brothers because, sincerely, we are happy to see their personality.
What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?
Psalm 63:1-3. This text makes us see that it is love that motivates us to obey Jehovah, to go to him, to make sacrifices to please him and endure any trial. There is nothing more important than being friends of our Dear God, because we understand that a life without Jehovah is an empty life. There is nothing like having him by our side and feeling his love.
Psalm 63:1. He teaches us about the importance of diligently seeking God. In this verse, the psalmist expresses: » Oh, God, you are my God; I keep looking for you. My soul thirsts for you.” This statement reflects a deep devotion and longing for the presence and love of God, showing the importance of seeking an intimate connection with Him at all times, even in difficult and challenging situations.
Psalm 63:6. He tells us that the psalmist meditated during the vigil, he says that in ancient times there were three vigils during the night from sunset, he teaches us that it is a good time to meditate on the teachings and blessings that we receive from Jehovah.
Psalm 63:6. We are taught about the importance of prayer in our daily lives and even before going to bed, as it shows us that prayer and relationship with God should be an integral part of our daily lives, even before going to bed, demonstrating the importance of maintaining a constant connection or communication with our Creator throughout the day and night.
Psalm 63:7. This verse encourages us to trust that, even in the midst of difficulties, we can take refuge in the shadow of God's wings, where we will find comfort, security, and joy. This promise encourages us to maintain our faith and trust in God, remembering that He is our refuge and strength at all times.
Psalm 63:11. This verse teaches us that God is pleased with those who are faithful and truthful, and speak the truth. On the other hand, he warns us of the consequences for those who speak lies, indicating that their mouths will be closed. This teaches us the importance of honesty, faithfulness and integrity in our words and actions, reminding us that God values truth and righteousness in everything we do.
Psalm 64:5. The Bible teaches us that no one can hide from Jehovah and that everything is exposed to his eyes, since God knows all the intentions of the human heart and that nothing can be hidden from his gaze. It teaches us that no matter how secret or hidden the actions of the wicked are, God knows them and will judge them justly. This urges us to live with integrity and fear of God, knowing that our actions and motives are in the sight of the All-Seeing One.
Psalm 65. Shows us God's willingness to forgive our sins when we turn to Him in repentance and humility. It teaches us that despite our faults and sins, God is willing to forgive us and restore our relationship with Him. This encourages us to turn to God for forgiveness, trusting in His mercy and goodness to cleanse and redeem us.
Psalm 63:4 and 5. We are taught about the importance of fulfilling the promise we made to Jehovah on the day we dedicated ourselves to Him and were baptized, as they express the commitment to praise God throughout our lives, invoking His name and worship him. Furthermore, satisfaction and gratitude for all the good things he gives us stand out, which motivates us to praise God with joy and gratitude. This teaches us the importance of keeping our promise to serve God with faithfulness and gratitude, recognizing his goodness and blessings in our lives.
Psalm 63:3. We are taught about the loyal love of our heavenly Father, Jehovah. The verse says: "For your love is better than life." This statement highlights the supremacy of God's love over all things, including life itself. It teaches us that God's love is unconditional, eternal and worthy of praise, showing the faithfulness and goodness of our heavenly Father towards his creation.
Psalm 63:3. It makes you meditate on the love of Jehovah and that when one begins to meditate on each aspect of Jehovah's love such as hope, also the spiritual food that he gives us and so many things that thanks to his love we benefit, that motivates me to be able to give glory to Jehovah.
Sometimes due to situations we experience it is easy for us to maintain joy, there are times when we feel sad for some reason but we have to trust what Psalm 64:10 says, the righteous will rejoice in Jehovah, that is, no matter what. Whatever happens to us, we will be happy if we continue trusting in Jehovah.
Psalm 63:6-8. They remind me that I should be happy to be under Jehovah's protection and that if I take his hand he will hold me tightly without letting go and he will be there to help me.
Psalm 65:4. Says the psalmist, happy is the man whom you choose, this teaches me that although the invitation is offered to everyone, the approach has to be done with total sincerity and with true faith.
Psalm 64:10. It tells us that the righteous will make Jehovah his joy and take refuge in him and this teaches me that no matter what happens to us we will be happy as long as we are faithful to Jehovah and wait for the day to come when his promise is fulfilled.
Psalm 64:1. It says protect me from the terrifying attacks of the enemy This reminds me that it is important to meditate on all sufferings and it is thanks to what Jehovah gives us through his loving rules and advice that we have to trust in these because Jehovah gives it to us to protect us.
Psalm 63:1. David uses the effect that being in this barren and dry region has on him, and mentions that he longs for God. He compares God's desire for companionship with his desire for water in an arid desert. With these words David sought Jehovah's favor, guidance and protection. David so longed to receive help and refreshment from Jehovah that he said this longing weakened him. This teaches us that, like David, the most important thing is to always put our God and the worship of him first.
Psalm 63:5. This text teaches us that when we are part of God's people, we are well nourished in a spiritual sense, since Jehovah, through his word and the meetings, has us well prepared, so that we can praise him in the best way.
Psalm 63:6-7. In David's day, the Israelites had night vigils. That the Psalmist used periods of sleeplessness during those night watches to think of Jehovah certainly reflected a deep appreciation for the help he had received when the Almighty had protected him as if with wings. Thus safeguarded, David could give himself over to rejoicing. This teaches us that we too must make the best use of our time and meditate, reflecting on the beautiful qualities of Jehovah, as well as his wonderful purpose for us and for all humanity.
Psalm 63:9-10. With these words, Life expressed the confidence he had that his enemies would suffer and be thrown into the pit and die. This teaches us that we must also have that same confidence and if we are going through persecution we can be sure that Jehovah will give us a way out of any difficult circumstance we are going through.
Psalm 63:1-3. It teaches us that it is love that motivates us to obey Jehovah, turn to Him, make sacrifices to please Him, and endure any trial. We know that there is nothing more important than being his friend, because we understand that a life without Jehovah is an empty life. This is evidenced in verse 3, where he says that “the loyal love of the Lord is better than life.” Therefore, it is crucial to keep in mind that there is nothing like having him by our side and feeling his love.
Psalm 63:7. We see how King David recognizes that Jehovah is his help in time of need. This shows us the importance of recognizing and also being grateful for the help we receive from Jehovah. Furthermore, he encourages us to continue trusting in him and seek help from him when we face difficulties.
Psalm 63:7. We learn the importance of recognizing and being grateful for the help we receive from Jehovah in our lives. This teaches us to trust in Him, as did King David, who recognized that Jehovah helped him in times of need. We too can seek help from him when we face difficulties.
Psalm 63:3. He says that the love of Jehovah is better than life. This means that anyone who turns away from God has no real purpose in life, but the love that Jehovah showed David gave him true purpose. Intimacy with Jehovah assures us of his help and divine guidance and allows us to look to the future with the hope of an eternal and happy life.
Psalm 63:6. This text teaches us how important it is to pray, study and meditate. This is part of our worship, for this reason it is important to find quiet times and places to spend time with Jehovah. Let's avoid unnecessary distractions. And when we are carrying out some spiritual activity, let us ask Jehovah to help us concentrate. If we make the best use of our time, Jehovah will bless us with eternal life in the new world.
Psalm 63:9-10. With these words, Life expressed the confidence he had that his enemies would suffer and be thrown into the pit and die. This teaches us that we must also have that same confidence and if we are going through persecution we can be sure that Jehovah will give us a way out of any difficult circumstance we are going through.
We live in a world where, due to different problems, it is not always easy to maintain joy. But Jehovah comforts us with the words of Psalm 64:10 , which tells us that even if we are discouraged, we can trust that “the righteous will rejoice in Jehovah.” That is, no matter what happens to us, we will be happy as long as we are faithful to Jehovah, waiting for the day when we will be righteous in the full sense of the word forever.
Psalm 64:10. It also speaks of lasting happiness. Jesus told us about this happiness when he was in heaven. Although he had a wonderful life, when he came down to earth he faced very serious problems. However, the Bible says that "the joy that was set before Him helped Him to endure." So, for all of us, whether we are enjoying a service assignment or not, or enjoying a family that serves Jehovah or not, having Jehovah's approval and being obedient to him, enjoying his friendship, is the most important and what will truly give us happiness.
Psalm 64:2. This verse shows us that we live in a complex, violent world and people will try to harm God's servants, so we must cling to our creator and ask him to always take care of us and protect us.
Psalm 64:4. He caught my attention when he says: "To shoot the innocent from his hiding places." When I investigated what this meant, I understood that we can shoot an innocent person when we spread gossip. Gossip is harmful and can be murderous because it destroys the good reputation of an innocent person.
Psalm 65:6. We can notice the unlimited power of Jehovah. If He created all things, then Jehovah is the Almighty God, which calls us to praise Him. This text can also be used in preaching.
Psalm 64:10. It says that “the righteous will rejoice in Jehovah and take refuge in Him; all the upright in heart will glory. We have the privilege of preaching and we know that we are doing what Jehovah commands us. Now we are in the invitation campaign for the good news assembly, and the people can decide what they are going to do. We are radiant with joy because we obey Jehovah.
Psalm 64:10. It shows us that the righteous will make Jehovah his joy and will take refuge in him. It is true that it is not always easy to maintain joy; There will be times when we will feel sad, but Jehovah comforts us with the words of this text. Even if we are discouraged, no matter what happens, we will be happy as long as we are faithful to Jehovah. This teaches me that the key to deep joy is knowing that we have Jehovah's approval. Obviously, problems do not bring us any joy, but they do not take away that joy either. On the contrary, when we endure them and remain faithful to Jehovah, the feeling becomes even more intense. Let us also remember that Jehovah gives his spirit to those who trust in him, and one of the qualities that that spirit produces in us is joy. No wonder the text says: "The righteous will rejoice in Jehovah."
Psalm 65:1, 2. In this text we notice that Jehovah hears the prayers of people of all kinds who sincerely want to know him and desire to obey him. That is why we can pray to Jehovah at any time.
Psalm 65:6. As we can see, Jehovah's power has no limits, He created all things, this shows that Jehovah is the Almighty God, which encourages us to praise Him.
Psalm 65:6. Mention you are clothed with power, this reminds me that Jehovah is a God who has abundant power and gives me confidence that he can give the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to endure any situation, even if it is difficult.
Psalm 65:6-7. He mentions the great power that Jehovah has in how he has done creation. From this we learn two things: one, that we must meditate on all the things that Jehovah has made, in creation, in the heavens, in the sun, to see his great power, because He has great power and is stronger than any man. This helps us think about how much he loves us for what he has created. We must meditate on it and also think that he is the only one who will free us.
Psalm 65:3. It makes me think about the sacrifice of the director of Christ, what Jehovah through that sacrifice covers our offenses, how I can benefit, have a clear conscience and frankness of expression in prayers to Jehovah.
Psalm 65:1-9. It shows how David meditated on Jehovah's creation in his arm, which teaches me that I must also meditate on all creation, everything that Jehovah has done for us and that very soon he will give even more in the future.
Psalm 65:2. This reading makes me see that Jehovah is the ear of prayer and is for us at any time at any time so that we can always go to him and be certain that he will hear us and respond to us at the right time. .
Yes, also thinking about that same text from Psalm 65:4, which talks about how we can be happy because we are going to live in the courtyards of Jehovah and this makes us think about when we are here in the meetings we can say that we are in the courtyards of Jehovah. and we feel happy, so it is good that we never miss our meetings and that we can attend in person as many times as possible and without these circumstances it does not allow because then we will be able to feel happy and we will see how Jehovah then gives us what we need.
Psalm 65:4. It reminds me that I should be happy because Jehovah chose me to be in his people and drew me to him, so I should be satisfied with his goodness and because I am among his people.
Psalm 65:5. He tells us: "He will respond to us with impressive acts of justice, O God of our salvation." Jehovah is the only one who will act on all the earth with true justice. So what should we do? Well, have a lot of confidence in Jehovah so that he can also save us from all the acts that He will perform.
Psalm 65:2. It shows us that we have the enormous privilege of communicating with the most important person in the universe. Many people consider prayer as something that generates their well-being, but they do not believe that they communicate with God. So we have the privilege of teaching those people how they should pray, what prayers God hears and that they can have a personal relationship of friendship with Him, so that they can also know Him and know what His purposes are.
Psalm 65:4. It reminds us of the great privilege we all have: thanks to Jehovah, we are in his town. Jehovah chooses us, draws us to Him and we are happy serving Him. How can we show that we appreciate this gift from Him? Striving to strengthen our friendship with Him, getting to know Him better in order to comply with His standards and, above all, enjoy happiness.
Psalm 63:6. David says that when he is in bed he remembers Jehovah and meditates on Him during the night watches. This gives us a great example of the importance of not only studying, but also meditating. And what better time to do it than when we are calm, whether in bed or any other place where we are at peace, without distractions. This meditation is what will really help us strengthen our relationship with Jehovah.
Psalm 63:8. He said, "Your loving-kindness is better than life." That melody of David teaches us that life without Jehovah would be meaningless; It would have no purpose. The wise course of action in this case would be to cultivate a close and friendly relationship with Jehovah. If for some reason we lost our lives, it would be guaranteed because Jehovah will preserve it.
One of the things we can meditate on is what David said in Psalm 65:4: “We will be satisfied with the goodness of your house.” So, if we meditate on all the things that Jehovah has done for us and what he gives us each day in a spiritual sense, we will not focus on the negative things and we can continue to be happy serving Jehovah.
Psalm 65:2. Prayer is a way to cultivate the desire to serve Jehovah. The text says: "Hearer of prayer, even people of all flesh will come to you." This also shows that He has no favoritism and promises to listen to everyone who obeys Him.
Psalm 65:4. He shows that "happy is the man whom you choose and attract to your side." This shows us that, at the moment of deciding to dedicate this life to Jehovah and serve Him, He allowed us to draw closer to Him. So, how good it is to be able to cultivate that friendship that we have with Jehovah from the moment we begin to know Him and strengthen it in these times in which we are living.
Psalm 63:5. David said that he was satisfied with the best, the choicest portion, and that caused him to praise Jehovah. This makes me think about how Jehovah meets our needs today. We also come from an assembly, the meetings, and every day we have new topics on the site. We can make the most of that and see how Jehovah meets our needs.
Psalms 63:3-5. The psalmist expresses his love and gratitude for Jehovah by recognizing that his love is better than life itself. This reminds us of the importance of expressing our gratitude to Jehovah for all the good things he gives us, and we can also put it into practice. giving him praise and making his name known.
Psalm 65:2. There he refers to Jehovah as the hearer of prayer and at the end he says that people of all kinds come to him. Without a doubt, we can help other people see Jehovah as a real person by teaching them how Jehovah listens to them, how they can approach him. and telling him what they feel helps us or them to see how Jehovah can be a means or a friend that can be trusted and it also helps us to teach them that prayer is undoubtedly a gift that Jehovah gives us. He has given to all people so he sees prayer as a valuable gift and helps us teach other people.
Psalm 65:9. We see that the beauty, abundance and functioning of the earth is due to Jehovah, so we can trust that in the future he will also ensure that the earth is even more beautiful.
Psalm 63:6. Where David spent time meditating on the times he took refuge in Jehovah and all the times Jehovah saved him from his enemies. This makes me think and also teaches me how important it is to dedicate time to meditation. Remember all the times that Jehovah has helped us in the past, how he helps us in the present and how he helps other brothers too. Remembering and meditating on all this will help us strengthen our faith now and also in the future.
Psalm 65:9. It reminds us that Jehovah cares for all of his creatures and provides us with everything necessary for our physical needs. So we can trust that Jehovah cares for us in every way and be grateful for his constant provisions.
Psalm 64:10. It says that the righteous will make Jehovah his joy and take refuge in him. This makes me think that if I take refuge in Jehovah despite difficulties and remain faithful to Him, I can continue to enjoy the joy of having his approval and friendship.
Psalm 64:10. It says that "the righteous will make Jehovah his joy and all the upright in heart will take refuge in Him and will be radiant." What a nice idea, because it is not always easy to maintain joy, especially when we go through difficulties and tend to feel sad. But Jehovah comforts us with these words, so even though we are discouraged, we can trust that He will always be watching over us. Knowing that we are faithful to Jehovah also gives us happiness and joy to continue serving him.
Psalm 64:10. It reminds me that the greatest joy we can have as servants of Jehovah is worshiping him. We may have some privileges or assignments, but at some point we may no longer have those, but we are not going to lose our joy, but rather we are going to concentrate on worshiping Jehovah, who is our source of joy.
Psalm 64:2. With the words spoken by King David, he teaches us that one reason not to spread gossip is that gossip can actually be deadly. This means that it can destroy the good reputation of someone innocent and can be like an arrow fired in an ambush against someone blameless. That is, it can cause so much damage that it can sink that person. Therefore, we should do everything possible to avoid gossiping against brothers.
Psalm 63:7. It is said that David shouted for joy. This might seem strange because, according to the heading, he was in the wilderness and Saul was pursuing him to kill him. But the same verse gives the answer: David was glad because he took refuge in the shadow of the wings of the Lord. How can we do this, take refuge in Jehovah? Well, asking Jehovah for his holy spirit, which guarantees that we will have lasting joy, that is, not a fleeting feeling, because that joy is part of the fruit of Jehovah's spirit. Then, meditating on what we learn in the Bible and focusing on serving Jehovah is what David did and allowed him to be happy even in very difficult circumstances.
Chapter 63, 64, 65. How can we repair our friendship with Jehovah when we have damaged him by our sins and there are times when we are too overwhelmed by those mistakes we have made and we feel very far from Jehovah and we feel that he will not help us listening, these psalms help us see the expressions of other servants because they help us have those beautiful words that can bring us closer to Jehovah knowing that Jehovah does have feelings and is interested in us.
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