Saturday, June 8, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week June 10 to 16, 2024, Parents, help your children to trust more and more in Jehovah's organization, Prepared Discourse.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: June 10-16, 2024, Parents, help your children to trust more and more in Jehovah's organization, Prepared Discourse. 

Parents, help your children to trust more and more in Jehovah's organization (10 mins.)

School education is essential for the intellectual growth of human beings. Of course, as time goes by, each of us has a certain preference for some subject offered in schools, colleges or universities.

But among some of them, those that can also stand out are subjects of geography and history. It is said that these were incorporated into teaching in school curricula in approximately the 19th century. Since then, of course, it has undergone some changes. In many places it is known as social sciences.

And although this history thing is not very pleasant in certain matters, because remembering dates, events, places, is not a fundamental subject in all courses, especially in secondary school.

But also, it is of interest that teaching history requires its own keys, ideas and resources, and that also applies in Jehovah's organization. Therefore, in this section of Treasures of the Bible we are going to look at the topic: "Parents, help your children to trust more and more in Jehovah's organization." What does this title have to do with history?

Children must not only know from Jehovah his elementary rules, the basic principles, but also know where this organization emerged? How was the people of God formed? laws, decrees and many activities that this people have carried out through the centuries, thanks to Jehovah's command.

It is essential to do so, and the better it is understood, the more prepared we are to strengthen our faith and help others understand it. Let's see how far the details we should know should be. In Psalm 48:12,13, the Israelites were recommended. 

LET'S READ PSALM 48:12,13.

March around Zion, go around it completely; count your towers. 13 Look carefully at your defensive walls. Examine your fortified towers so that you may speak of this to future generations.

Could you notice the way this Biblical text is worded? Here the Jewish fathers were asked to march around Zion, Jerusalem, completely circling, paying attention to its walls, carefully examining its fortified towers, so that in this way they could teach their generations how that city was structured.

We imagine that if this was done literally, that is, it was done by traveling on foot, to see the details of a city as large as Jerusalem, it would take time, but exact and precise data would be given.

In our days, we must do something similar, knowing the word of God is fundamental, there is nothing that replaces it, reading and studying the Bible, but there are also details that children need to know about Jehovah's organization.

How can it be done if we see here in these two images that we have in our Activities Guide, in the first we see a father who is dealing with the organized book with his son, of course when the son or daughter is a publisher he He gives him one of these books and the elders think it appropriate. In the 17 chapters that this book has organized, Jehovah's organization is taught how it works, how it is carried out. For example, in chapter number 4 it tells how the Christian congregation is organized, and a tour is made starting with the first century when the Christian Congregation was founded, the role it would play in preaching the Good News.

For example, does your son or daughter know what the word “Theocratic” means, one of the subtitles of this chapter says a theocratic organization, it talks about how it was established, what the governing body was then, what it is now, how they are. divided with elder circuit overseers, the discreet faithful slave, etc. That is the history of the organization and parents should share it with their children.

In the second image we can see a mother with her daughter and there is a book that is essential to study the history of the organization, that green book that you see on the desk: "The proclaimers book" This book is a gem, it would really help a lot Not only young people, but every servant of God to know how the Organization works in detail, with the fundamental biblical bases to know and know that this organization has biblical bases for everything it does.

Of course, like any history teacher, you have to prepare well to give accurate data. And that is what parents should do, know these two fundamental publications in detail to make their children know Jehovah's organization. But of course, many say that history is boring, it may be, but it also depends a lot on who teaches this history and that is why we have so many instruments to do it in the correct, appropriate way and that causes enthusiasm in learning.

It is said that someone who wants to become a citizen of another nation has to learn something about its history. He may even need to answer questions that have to do with the history of that country to be approved as a citizen of that nation. Furthermore, it is said that the subject of history is fundamental in the training of a person regardless of their profession, and it is interesting that it is not only about memorizing dates, places and historical facts, but about understanding historical changes, how society emerged. current and ultimately know the past to better understand the present and the future.

Even a special detail is that teaching history is synonymous with training more critical, analytical and opinionated people. And that's what we want with our children, we don't want them to simply repeat something they hear, without fully understanding the true meaning or the root of why they act or say that.

Therefore, to teach the history of God's Organization, it takes a lot of patience, dedication, and love for what we teach. And the students enjoy a good history teacher and they get involved in the situation, and the information is better recorded in them. That is why in Psalm 48:14 it says: 


Because this God will be our Goddess forever and ever. He will guide us for all eternity.

Parents must have the firm conviction to recognize that this story of Jehovah's Organization leads us to be friends of God, to know what is best in depth, to know how to explain to others why it acts in such and such a way. But it's good that history today has many audiovisual aids, to make it more enriching and that is what we see in the other images of the Activities Guide, we see parents who use the JW site to visit the museums the branch offices and some who can do it at world headquarters.

And a good time for children to know God's organization better is in family worship. The suggestion is that in this they watch and analyze videos from the our organization section of, let these investigations from the same organization teach their children how the congregations, the circuits, the traveling overseers, the branches, the governing body, are made up, They need to understand this.

Have you thought about visiting Bethel, if there is a branch in your country? This will have a profound impact on your children. Who would believe that history, which for many is boring, could be very interesting, and in the case of the history of the organization, it will help us trust Jehovah more. With this we will achieve that we have children who deeply love Jehovah and who are his personal friends, and that friendship will last forever. 

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