Friday, June 14, 2024

The Study Watchtower, «Article 14», Week 10 to June 16, 2024, “Let us advance towards maturity”, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, «Article 14», 10-16-June-2024, “Let us advance towards maturity”, Responses.

“Let us advance toward maturity” (HEB. 6:1).

1. What does Jehovah expect from us?

Jehovah expects us to grow and mature spiritually, just as parents want to see their child grow. The apostle Paul emphasizes this idea first in Corinthians chapter 3 verse 1, where he compares new believers to little children in a spiritual sense. Although Jehovah is happy with our first steps in faith. His wish is that we progress beyond that initial stage.

In 1 Corinthians chapter 14 verse 20, Paul urges Christians to be adults in their spiritual understanding and behavior. The process of spiritual maturity involves acquiring a deeper knowledge of the Bible, developing Christian qualities and applying Biblical principles in our daily lives.

In Hebrews chapter 5 verse 14 he tells us that solid food is for adults, those who have trained their faculties through constant use to distinguish between right and wrong.

2. What questions will we answer in this article?

In this article we will address four key questions that will help us understand and achieve spiritual maturity:

What does it mean to be a Christian adult? Being an adult Christian means having developed a deep understanding of biblical teachings and applying these principles in our daily lives.

What do we have to do to achieve Christian maturity? Achieving Christian maturity requires a continued effort to study the Bible, pray regularly, and actively participate in congregational activities.

Why is solid spiritual food so important? Solid spiritual food is crucial to our spiritual growth and maturity.

Why shouldn't we trust each other? We should not trust ourselves, because spiritual maturity is a continuous process, there will always be challenges and temptations to face.


3. What does it mean to be a Christian adult?

Being an adult Christian does not necessarily refer to physical age, but to spiritual maturity, the Greek word translated as adult, can also mean perfect and complete mature.

This indicates that being an adult Christian implies having grown spiritually and having stopped being like children in a spiritual sense, as mentioned in 1 Timothy chapter 4 verse 15, upon reaching spiritual maturity a person should not stop their Progress. Therefore, it is essential to continue constantly advancing in faith. 

4. What are mature Christians like?

Mature Christians are distinguished by their obedience to all of Jehovah's standards, not just those that are convenient to them. Despite being imperfect and making mistakes, his life reflects a constant effort to think and act in accordance with what Jehovah expects of his servants, as mentioned in Ephesians chapter 4 verses 22 to 24.

This is manifested in his determination to wear the new personality and transform his way of thinking to become more like God's every day. Furthermore, mature Christians have learned to make decisions based on Jehovah's laws and principles, which allows them to act with discernment without needing an extensive list of rules. When they make a decision, they make every effort to fulfill it, demonstrating self-discipline and perseverance in their service to God, as highlighted in first Corinthians chapter 9 verses 26 and 27.

5. What can happen to Christians who are immature? (Ephesians 4:14, 15).

Immature Christians are at risk of being easily deceived by people who use trickery and cunning to confuse others. Ephesians chapter 4 verse 14 mentions that these individuals are like children carried to and fro by every wind, indicating their vulnerability to conspiracy theories and the teachings of apostates.

Furthermore, immature Christians can show negative behaviors such as envy and conflict. Paul also pointed out first to the Corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 that these individuals tend to be quickly offended and easily fall into temptation, which demonstrates a lack of spiritual and emotional stability.

6. What example helps us understand the process of becoming a mature Christian? (See also images).

As we have seen in the example in the paragraph, the process of becoming a mature Christian can be compared to the example of a child growing into an adult.

Just as a child needs the protection and supervision of an adult to learn to make safe decisions, immature Christians require the guidance of mature Christians to avoid spiritual dangers and make spiritually good decisions.

This process is crucial, mature Christians can help immature ones avoid dangers and strengthen their faith as mentioned in Hebrews chapter 5 verse 14, which highlights the importance of training our faculties to discern between right and wrong.


Series of images: 1. A young sister listening to her parents. She has a tablet with an article on the screen, and they have their Bibles open. 2. The same young woman does her personal study with a tablet, the Bible and a notebook. Images inside circles: 1. A woman holds her little daughter by the hand and reminds her that before crossing the street she should look both ways. 2. The little daughter is already a teenager and appears crossing the same street alone. Christians who are not yet mature have to learn to apply biblical principles to make good decisions. (See paragraph 6).

7. Do mature Christians need others to help them?

Although mature Christians are often able to make wise decisions for themselves, this does not mean they never need help. Sometimes even they must seek support and advice. The difference lies in how they face this need, while an immature Christian might expect others to decide for him. A mature Christian values ​​the wisdom and advice of more experienced brothers but also understands the importance of carrying his own burden of responsibility.

Galatians chapter 6 verse 5, emphasizes the personal responsibility that each Christian has in his spiritual life. Mature Christians recognize that although it is valuable to seek and accept the help and guidance of others, in the end each person is responsible for his or her own decisions and actions. This balance between receiving support and taking personal responsibility is a key characteristic of spiritual maturity.

8. Why do we say that not all mature Christians are the same?

We say that not all mature Christians are the same, because mature Christians develop various spiritual qualities, some may excel in wisdom, others in courage, generosity or empathy. This diversity in skills and strengths enriches the congregation and demonstrates that maturity does not manifest itself in just one way.

Furthermore, it is possible for two mature Christians to reach different conclusions on the same issue, especially on issues of conscience. And both conclusions can be valid from a biblical point of view.

1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 10 highlights the importance of not judging the brothers for their decisions and of striving to maintain unity in the congregation. This respect for the decisions of others and the search for unity are signs of spiritual maturity.

The Watchtower's August 15, 2012 article: How to Resolve Differences? This article emphasizes that the diversity of opinions among mature Christians should not be a reason for division.


9. Why do we say that no one automatically becomes a mature Christian?

Unlike physical growth, spiritual maturity does not occur automatically with the passage of time, this is evident in the case of the brothers from Corinth, who accepted the good news, were baptized and received the Holy Spirit.

In addition to learning a lot from the apostle Paul. However, despite these initial advances, many of them remained immature, several years after their baptism.

10. What do we have to do to become mature Christians? (Jude 20).

To become mature Christians, it is essential to have the desire to mature. We don't want to be like some adults who avoid responsibilities and depend on their parents to make decisions. Instead we must take responsibility for our own spiritual growth.

The text of Jude exhorts us to build ourselves up in our faith and to pray with holy spirit. This involves a conscious effort to study and apply the Bible, maintain constant communication with Jehovah through prayer, and allow his spirit to guide us in our decisions and actions. Spiritual maturity is an ongoing process that requires dedication and personal effort.

11. What helps does Jehovah give us so that we can become mature Christians? (Ephesians 4:11-13).

Jehovah provides us with various helps to achieve spiritual maturity. First of all, he gives us pastors and teachers in the congregation to help us have the maturity of an adult man. These brothers play a crucial role in providing us with scriptural teaching and guidance.

In addition, Jehovah gives us his spirit that acts as a driving force that guides us, strengthens us, and helps us understand and apply biblical principles in our daily lives.

Jehovah also caused the four gospels to be written that allow us to fully understand what Jesus did during his time on earth. These stories provide us with a clear model to follow in terms of how to think, speak and act.

The Watchtower's January 1, 2013 article: “Continue to imitate those who have faith” This article highlights the importance of following the example of Jesus and other faithful servants of God to progress spiritually. In addition, the book: "Let us imitate his faith" delves into the life of Jesus and other biblical characters, providing practical lessons for our lives.


12. What are “the basic teachings about the Christ”?

The basic teachings about Christ refer to the essential foundations of the Christian faith, such as repentance, faith, baptism, and resurrection. These principles are crucial for every Christian, as evidenced in Peter's speech at Pentecost, where he mentioned these teachings when preaching to the crowd.

Accepting these teachings essentially defines a disciple of Christ. In fact, Paul emphasizes the importance of the resurrection, indicating that denying it is equivalent to rejecting the entire Christian faith. However, we must not remain stuck in this basic knowledge, to advance towards spiritual maturity, it is necessary to go beyond these foundations and deepen our understanding of biblical truths. This involves a continued commitment to study, prayer, and practical application of the principles taught by Christ.

The Watchtower's December 15, 2009 article: Why Do We Need to Persevere in Bible Study? Where it is highlighted that regular and in-depth study of the Bible is essential to strengthen our faith and develop a more intimate relationship with God.

13. What should we do to take advantage of the solid spiritual food spoken of in Hebrews 5:14? (See also images).

To benefit from solid spiritual food that includes both the laws and principles of Jehovah, it is essential to commit to deep study of the Bible. This involves not only reading the scriptures superficially, but also meditating on them, reflecting on their meaning and applying their teachings in our daily lives. Regular and deep study of the Bible is essential for our spiritual growth and helps us develop a more intimate relationship. with Jehovah.


A brother doing his personal study. Image inside a circle: The same brother chooses to watch a report about the sea on his television. Solid spiritual food teaches us to make decisions that please Jehovah. (See paragraph 13). 

14. How did Paul help the Corinthians mature?

The Corinthian Christians asked Paul for a rule regarding whether they could eat food offered to idols. Instead of giving them a specific rule, Paul explained that each person has the right to choose according to their conscience.

Paul mentioned several biblical principles that would help them make a decision that would not only put them at ease, but also avoid causing others to stumble. This strategy of Paul taught the Corinthians to mature spiritually using their discernment instead of depending on specific rules. , this helped them develop a deeper understanding of biblical principles and apply them in various situations.

15. How did Paul help the Hebrew Christians continue to grow spiritually?

Paul wrote to the Hebrew Christians to help them continue to grow spiritually. He pointed out that some of them had stopped progressing, saying they once again needed milk instead of solid food. This indicated that they were not keeping up with the new teachings that Jehovah provided through the congregation.

An example of this is that many Christians of Jewish origin continued to insist on obedience to the law of Moses, even though the sacrifice of Christ had annulled it. Some 30 years earlier Paul wanted to help them accept the profound truths contained in his letter written by Divine inspiration. These teachings were the solid spiritual food they needed to understand the new way of worshiping Jehovah.

The Watchtower of April 15, 2010 article: "Let's move towards Christian maturity" which highlights the importance of not getting stuck in the basic teachings and always seeking a deeper understanding of the scriptures.


16. In addition to reaching maturity, what should we do?

In addition to achieving spiritual maturity, it is crucial to strive to maintain it. The Bible warns us in 1 Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12, about the importance of not trusting ourselves. A key aspect to maintaining spiritual maturity is to subject ourselves to constant self-examination, the apostle. 

Paul urges us to examine ourselves regularly, to make sure we are on the right path. This means recognizing that there is always room to grow and improve in our relationship with Jehovah and in our spiritual life.

17. What does the Letter to the Colossians teach us about Christian maturity?

The letter to the Colossians offers us important teachings about Christian maturity. Paul in Colossians chapter 2 verses 6 to 10, warns the Christians of Colossae about the importance of achieving spiritual maturity and maintaining it, urging them to be careful not to be deceived by the ideas of the world. Although these believers were already mature, Paul reminded them of the need to persevere in their faith and resist deceptive influences that could lead them away from the truth.

The Apostle also highlights the fundamental role of prayer in maintaining spiritual maturity. Epaphras, who knew the Colossians well, always prayed for them so that they would remain firm and complete in their faith. This teaches us that to maintain spiritual maturity it is necessary to make efforts and depend on divine help.

The Watchtower of February 15, 2018 article: How we can remain firm in the faith, where we find practical advice on how to strengthen our faith and remain firm in the midst of difficulties and temptations.

18. What could happen to a mature Christian? (See also the image).

A mature Christian runs the risk of losing God's approval if his heart hardens to the point of irreparably distancing himself from Jehovah, thus losing the ability to repent and receive Divine forgiveness. Although this warning may seem harsh, it shows the importance of maintain a humble and receptive heart to Divine correction. However, those who become inactive or are expelled from the congregation still have hope of being reconciled to Jehovah if they sincerely repent of their actions and demonstrate humility, in such cases they may need the help and support of mature brothers in the faith to rebuild your relationship with God and restore your friendship with the congregation.

The Watchtower of January 15, 2018 article: “How to Help Those Who Fall Away?” where we are offered practical advice on how elders and other members of the congregation can help those who have fallen away from the faith to return and rebuild their relationship with Jehovah.


An elderly brother is in another brother's house encouraging him with the Bible. Jehovah offers help to those who need to rebuild his friendship with him. (See paragraph 18).

19. What should be our goal?

Our goal should be to advance toward spiritual maturity and remain firm in it. If we are on the path to maturity we must continue to nourish ourselves with solid spiritual food and strive to understand and apply divine principles in our daily lives.

On the other hand, if we have already reached maturity as Christians, we must do everything possible to never lose it.


What does it mean to be an adult or mature Christian?

Being an adult or mature Christian means growing spiritually and stopping being like children, demonstrating obedience to Jehovah and striving to think and act in accordance with his expectations.

What do we have to do to achieve Christian maturity?

To achieve Christian maturity, we must have the desire to mature, nourish ourselves with solid spiritual food, study the Bible, meditate on it, and apply what we learn in our daily lives.

Why shouldn't we trust each other?

In order not to trust ourselves, it is important to constantly examine ourselves to ensure that we continue to progress in our relationship with Jehovah and to remain alert to any possible current setbacks.

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