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Discipline is a sample of God's love (10 mins.)
What comes to mind when you hear the word discipline? You may immediately think of punishment, but discipline is much more than that, the Bible often speaks of discipline in a positive way and sometimes mentions it alongside knowledge, wisdom, love and life.
God's discipline shows us that he loves us and wants us to live forever. It is true that his discipline may include punishment but it is never excessive. In fact, the meaning of the word discipline is mainly related to education, like the one a father gives to a child he loves.
As we noted, discipline is related to teaching and education, but also to correction and punishment. Jehovah disciplines us so that we worship him as he wants. Sometimes discipline can hurt, but if we accept it we will be fair and God will bless us. David was one of those cases when, David sinned, Jehovah looked away from him. Let's please read Psalm chapter 30 verse 7. It says the following.
Oh, Jehovah, when I had your favor, you made me as strong as a mountain. But when you looked away, I was terrified.
Also join me in reading Job chapter 34 verse 29 It says like this.
When God remains silent, who can condemn him? When he hides his face from it, who can see it? Whether he hides it from a nation or from a man, the result is the same:
The expression hide one's face has a variety of meanings depending on the circumstances. For Jehovah God to hide his face often means that he withdraws his favor or sustaining power. This can happen as a result of disobedience, whether individual or as in the case of collective Israel. Let's read Isaiah chapter 54 verse 8 And also chapter 59 of Isaiah and verse 2 If I found it, please accompany me with the reading, it says like this.
54:8 In a fit of* indignation, I hid my face from you for a moment, but with eternal loyal love I will have mercy on you,” says your Repurchaser, Jehovah.
59:2. No, what has separated you from your God are your errors. His sins have caused him to hide his face from you and refuse to hear you.
In some cases it may indicate that Jehovah is holding back from manifesting himself through an action or response, while waiting for the appropriate time to do so. David's request, hide your face from my sins, was a request to God to forgive him, or not take into account those transgressions, as you mention in Psalm chapter 30 verse 8 that we can read.
Oh, Jehovah, I kept calling you; time after time he begged Jehovah for his favor.
As we observe in the text, David repented and begged Jehovah to grant him favor. We can compare Jehovah's discipline to the ripening process of a fruit, just as fruit needs time to ripen, it takes time to react to the correction that God gives and change our attitude. Please Hebrews chapter 12 verse 11 says the following.
It is true that at the moment no discipline is pleasant, but rather it hurts. But later it produces in those who have been trained by it the peaceful fruit of justice.
As we noted in the verse read, although discipline hurts, we must accept it and put the advice into practice immediately, since we are imperfect we all need to be disciplined in one way or another. For example, if due to our bad behavior we lose some privilege in the congregation, we must be willing to wait on God, without allowing ourselves to become discouraged and give ourselves away. Let's please read Psalm chapter 30 verse 5. It says the following.
Because his fury lasts just a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime. At dusk there may be tears, but in the morning there are shouts of joy.
These words of David are very encouraging, we observe that Jehovah stopped being angry with David, if we cultivate an attitude of waiting and apply the advice that the scriptures and the organization of God give us, the time will come to launch a joyful cry.
In the image corresponding to this week, we can see the steps a person takes when receiving discipline, first we must pray to Jehovah and sincerely repent, attend meetings regularly and follow the advice of the elders to have good prayer habits and Bible study. You should also do everything you can to avoid things that could lead you back to sin.
If we work to repair his relationship with Jehovah, we can be sure that he will forgive us completely and that the elders will help him return to the congregation. Of course, the elders know that each case is unique, so they carefully analyze each case. situation and try not to judge harshly.
So dear brothers, discipline means: punish, correct, teach and educate. Jehovah disciplines us just as a loving father disciplines his children, and we can receive his discipline through reading the Bible, personal study, attending meetings, and meditating. Also through the advice that other Christians give us, when suffering the consequences of our mistakes, through judicial censure or expulsion, through the trials or persecution that Jehovah allows us to face.
That is why we must accept the advice or discipline that we receive through such means, no matter how long we have been baptized or how many our theocratic responsibilities are, we must always follow Jehovah's advice and allow him to transform us according to his will.
Let us never forget that discipline is a sign of God's love, if we accept discipline and make the necessary changes we will have eternal life. Jehovah's discipline prepares us to live forever in peace and unity as a family under his care. If we keep this in mind we can see Jehovah's discipline as what is truly a beautiful proof of his love.
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