Tuesday, April 9, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week 8 to April 14, 2024, Psalm 26 to 28, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: April 8-14, 2024, Psalm 26 to 28, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Psa 27:10. How does this verse comfort us when we feel abandoned by a loved one? (w06 7/15 28 para. 15).

In this verse he comforts us by reminding us that even if we feel abandoned by our loved ones, Jehovah will never leave us or forsake us. His love is unconditional and eternal, giving us comfort and security in times of loneliness or emotional pain. It gives us comfort to know that we are not alone in our painful experiences and that we can find refuge and comfort.


When we feel abandoned by a loved one, Psalm 27:10 comforts us because it reminds us that even if our earthly parents left us, Jehovah would take us in and his love surpasses any human parent. Therefore, despite the rejection, abuse or abandonment we may experience, knowing that Jehovah loves us and that he will never abandon us comforts us regardless of how other human beings treat us.

Psalms 27:10 gives us comfort when we feel abandoned by a loved one by reminding us that God's love is unconditional and eternal. Even if the people closest to us fail us or abandon us, God is always present and willing to take us with love and compassion. This verse invites us to trust in the faithfulness of God's love, recognizing that his love surpasses any other type of human love.

This verse comforts us because Jehovah's love surpasses that of any human parent and all human beings were created for acceptance, not rejection. Since to be rejected is to be discarded for being worthless or undesirable, but God does the opposite. He draws us to himself and considers us of great value. Therefore, we feel very grateful to our father Jehovah, knowing that, no matter how other human beings have treated us, our heavenly father loves us.

Here our father or mother says that they could be the most loved ones we had. However, in some cases it could also be a family member, it could even be someone we consider our best friend, perhaps siblings. This text comforts us because Jehovah will be with us. No matter how painful it may be for us to reject, mistreat or abandon one of our parents, Jehovah continues to love us, nothing can separate us from his love, says the Bible.

A father or mother can abandon us in the literal sense, there are parents who abandon, leave, give away their newborns, it is a sign of literal abandonment, others forget about their children and do not want to know anything about them, others fall asleep In death, there are 2 types of abandonment, including spiritual, but the point is that Jehovah always promises to be with us, he attracts those he loves as John 3:16 and 6:44 says. So it is no coincidence that we are here, we feel good knowing that even if others fail us, even if others abandon us, our heavenly father is with us and loves us.

This verse highlights the Psalmist's trust in Jehovah's faithfulness and care, even in situations of abandonment or helplessness by loved ones. This verse teaches us that although the people closest to us such as our parents, family or friends can fail us or abandon us in times of need, God will never leave us alone, he is our refuge and our constant protection, he is always willing to sustain us and strengthen us in the midst. of life's difficulties and challenges.

This truth invites us to place our full trust in God and to seek refuge in his unconditional love and care. It encourages us not to despair in the face of adverse circumstances, knowing that we can turn to him in prayer and trust in his powerful help.

It also motivates us to cultivate a close relationship with God, recognizing his role as our heavenly father who loves us and sustains us at all times.

We can expand this answer with information from The Watchtower of July 15, 2006, page 28, paragraph 15, where it literally tells us, referring to this text, how comforting it is to know that Jehovah's love surpasses that of any human parent. No matter how painful the rejection, abuse or abandonment of one of our parents may be, Jehovah continues to care for us.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Psalms 26:2. The psalmist addresses Jehovah with confidence, recognizing that he has the power and authority to search and see the hearts of people. This trust in Jehovah's sovereignty teaches us to trust in his wisdom and love to guide us. The request to purify the inner thoughts and the heart reflects the psalmist's desire to be cleansed in the deepest part of his being. This reminds us of the importance of maintaining not only correct external behavior. But also an inner purity in our thoughts, desires and motivations.

For those brothers and sisters facing opposition from their families because of their faith, Psalm 27:10 offers comfort and hope as you remember that God's love is greater and more powerful than any human rejection. Although our loved ones may fail us or turn their backs on us, God will never abandon us and will always be willing to receive us with open arms.

Psalms 27:5. When the Psalmist speaks of being hidden in the secret place of God's tent in times of adversity, he reminds us that God is our safe refuge in the midst of any challenge. This image offers us comfort and hope especially when we consider the time in which God settles the score, that is, when he brings justice and judgment on his adversaries, he will hide us in his tent, it gives us the certainty that he is with us, protecting and defending us from any evil.

Psalms 27:1. It helps us in times of persecution or prescription, it is especially important to maintain our trust in God and not give in to fear. Knowing that God is with us and that he is greater than any adversary gives us the strength and hope necessary to remain firm in our faith and our testimony, even in the midst of adversity. 

Psalms 26:12. It shows the Psalmist's confidence and security in his relationship with God within the congregation. In a similar way, we should not doubt that we are missing something by being within the Congregation, since this can cause us to distance ourselves from Jehovah and have to suffer the consequences of a poorly made decision.

Psalms 26:7. It reflects the psalmist's desire to proclaim praise to the creator and publicly share his devotion to God. As followers of God we should be motivated and excited to share the blessings and truth we have experienced in our relationship with Him. And the promises we know about the future for people.

Psalms 26:4. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining an integral and faithful relationship with God, which means separating yourself from those who do not respect biblical principles. This reminds us of the importance of taking care of our company and environment, since the people we surround ourselves with can have a significant impact on our spiritual life. If we associate with those who despise God's values ​​and teachings, we run the risk of distancing ourselves from him and falling down the same path of evil and hypocrisy.

Psalms 26:1. It shows us the trust that the psalmist David had in God by inviting him to examine his heart and his thoughts. This attitude invites us to reflect on our own relationship with God and to consider whether we also have the same confidence to open ourselves completely before him and ask him to see our strengths as well as our weaknesses, and trusting that he will guide us and help us grow spiritually.

Psalms 26:1. In this verse, the Psalmist cries out to God not to judge him, trusting in his own integrity and faithfulness. He expresses his confidence that he has lived a life upright and faithful to God's commands. This verse encourages us today to live with integrity and sincerity before God and others. It reminds us of the importance of maintaining honest and fair conduct in all your actions and decisions. In a world full of corruption and deception, being people of integrity and faithful to biblical principles distinguishes us and allows us to maintain a close relationship with God. 

Psalms 27:12. Jehovah expects his witnesses, the more than 8 million, to tell the truth, instead of giving half-truths. This is a serious issue especially if we have to appear before some secular spiritual authority.

Psalms 27:1. This verse highlights the Psalmist's trust in God as the light of salvation and strength; it declares his security in God's protection and care, allowing him to face any situation without fear. In our daily lives we face many fears and worries. This verse reminds us that we can trust in God as our light and our salvation, no matter what circumstances we face, we can find strength and security in the presence and power of God.

Psalms 27:14. Sometimes we don't see a solution or way out of the situations we go through, it is so easy to sink and even give up, but the Psalm encourages us to never lose hope in Jehovah.

Psalms 28:7. This verse highlights the psalmist's trust in Jehovah as the source of strength and protection; he recognizes that his trust in God has been rewarded with help and joy, which leads him to praise and worship the Lord with songs. Today in the midst of life's difficulties and challenges. This verse encourages us to trust in God as our strength, Justice and reminds us that we can place our trust in Him and find help in times of need.

Psalms 27:14. This verse encourages patient waiting on Jehovah and finding strength and encouragement in him. It reminds us of the importance of trusting in God's timing and will, keeping our faith firm as we wait for the appointed day to arrive. Today in a world full of anxiety and impatience. This verse teaches us the importance of waiting on God with patience, confidence and encourages us to strengthen our hearts in Jehovah.

Psalms 26:7,12. This text teaches us that we should praise Jehovah publicly at Christian Meetings.

Psalms 27:10. Sometimes it makes us sad to see that there are parents who abandon their children, that is very wrong, but there are also children who abandon their parents, whatever the reason, cultural, economic, lack of love. Abandonment, ignoring is something that Jehovah expects us not to do, Jesus Christ gave us the example until the end.

Psalms 26:8. This text teaches us that Christian meetings are very important, so we must strive not to miss our beloved Meetings.

Psalms 27:1. It highlights the fact that he frees us from ignorance and spiritual darkness. In the literal sense, a light can reveal some danger or obstacle in our path. However, it does not remove it. So we must act in accordance with what we see. Likewise, Jehovah does not reveal the basic meaning of world events. He warns us of the dangers of this system of things and gives us biblical principles that always work, but we must apply what we learn.

Psalms 26:11. At the same time that he expressed his determination to remain whole, David asked to be redeemed. His case illustrates that these imperfections do not prevent us from being loyal.

Psalms 26:4. From this same text we can find another very valuable Pearl, since it is advisable for us to avoid any type of relationship with those who hide their identity in chat rooms on the Internet, with study or work colleagues who pretend to be our friends with bad intentions, with the apostates who appear sincere and with whom they lead a double life.

Psalms 26:4. When we ask Jehovah to examine us, we are telling him to test us. Therefore, he may allow situations that reveal our true motives and state of heart. We must accept such tests, for they offer us the opportunity to demonstrate the extent of our loyalty to Jehovah. Furthermore, they reveal whether we are complete and healthy in every aspect, without being deficient in anything. Meanwhile, we grow spiritually.

Psalms 26:2. Maybe we don't like surprise exams, but God is examining us right now, and that leaves us right now thinking that he is finding Jehovah in us. Without a doubt, this motivates us to maintain integrity, to fight not to let ourselves be overcome by bad thoughts or tendencies.

Psalms 26:1. In this text we can also find another very valuable Pearl, since it teaches us that walking in integrity requires faithful attachment to God, even in unfavorable circumstances. We evidence this quality when we endure trials, remain firm in the face of adversity, or resist the temptations of the world apart from God. We rejoice the heart of Jehovah, as we give him basis so that he can respond to the one who is challenging him with ridicule as mentioned in Proverbs 27:11.

Psalms 26:1. We see that integrity does not mean being perfect, nor being religious, rather it communicates the idea of ​​being upright, blameless, just and blameless. Being upright not only means doing what is right, but also manifesting moral rectitude or devotion to God with a complete heart.

Psalm 27:13. David stressed how necessary faith and hope are, which is why it is important that we ask ourselves: What would become of us if we did not have the hope that God has given us and if we did not value divine goodness? For this reason, we must continue to confidently ask Jehovah to give us strength and protect us as we face the events that will lead to Armageddon. 

Psalm 27:11. Acting in harmony with this prayer means paying close attention to any directive we receive from Jehovah's Organization and obeying it immediately. Many brothers who have freed themselves from unnecessary debt can attest that applying the wise advice of simplifying their lives has benefited them in these times of economic crisis. Instead of being saddled with positions they can no longer afford, they have more freedom to expand their ministry.

Psalm 27:11-13. These verses teach us that like David, we can ask Jehovah to help us know his ways, today more than ever we need to acquire knowledge of the word of God and let his information descend into our hearts in order to be loyal to Jehovah in every moment of our life.

Psalm 27:10. Knowing this reading comforts us greatly, because even though we lose fathers or mothers, Jehovah welcomes us as his children, this encourages us and comforts us knowing that we serve such a wonderful God.

Psalm 27:7. This text shows us that we can go to Jehovah in prayer, and be certain that he hears us and helps us in the face of any adversity we are going through.

Psalm 27:4. This text teaches us that through prayer we can ask Jehovah to bless us and of course we must strive to please him, attending meetings and glorifying his holy name. If we do so, Jehovah will give us the opportunity to live in the new world and we will be able to continue praising him for all eternity.

Psalm 27:1-4. Jehovah's Witnesses want to live in the house of Jehovah forever. That is why we have dedicated ourselves as slaves of Jehovah and are fully informed of Jehovah's will. We know what he wants us to do despite any outside influence. We know that acquiring more knowledge of Him and His purposes is the right thing to do and the way to eternal life. Our goal is to live to be able to serve Jehovah, for this reason we will not fear anything or anyone.

Psalm 27:1. This verse shows us that Jehovah is our salvation and our light. That light is transmitted through his inspired word in the Bible and that light is what strengthens us.

Psalm 26:8. This text teaches us the importance of loving instead of worshiping our God. So we must be willing not to miss any meeting so that we can praise and glorify our father.

Psalm 26:4-5. This text emphasizes avoiding bad company, it is important for our spiritual health not to have dealings with people who tell lies, that is, do bad things.

Psalm 26:3. Jehovah is a Loyal God, he is always on the side of his servants, that is why it is important to always walk in his ways and let him direct our lives at all times.

Psalm 26:2. This text makes us see that Jehovah has the power to know how we are on the inside, and although human beings can be deceived in this aspect, Jehovah cannot, because he knows us both inside and out and has the power to examine and purify ourselves.

Psalm 26:1. This text teaches us that Jehovah judges us according to our actions. That is why we must be clean and upright before Jehovah, if we do so we can have full confidence that we will have his approval.

Psalms 28:9. In this verse David concludes the psalm with a prayer for Jehovah's continued protection and care of his people, asking that he guide and sustain them. This teaches me that I should also include these requests in my prayers in view of their vital importance.

Psalms 28:8. In this verse David recognizes Jehovah as the source of strength and salvation, not only for himself, but for all of his people. This teaches me that Jehovah will fulfill his promise to save his people, so I must strive to always belong to him. 

Psalms 28:6,7. These verses show how David expresses his gratitude that Jehovah has heard his pleas. This reinforces my certainty that Jehovah is attentive and answers the prayers of his faithful.

Psalms 28:4,5. These verses show that there is divine justice against evil. Here David calls for Jehovah to act justly and punish those who ignore his commands and perform evil acts. This teaches me that I must also pray that very soon God's justice will reign throughout the Earth.

Psalms 28:3. This verse shows how David asks Jehovah to recognize him as different from those who are evil and deceitful, reflecting his desire to be judged by his own actions and not those of others. This teaches me that it is our actions that make this difference. Hence I must strive to live according to Jehovah's righteous standards.

Psalms 28:1,2. This verse shows how David feels the urgency to seek God sincerely and fervently, especially when he feels in danger or despair. This teaches me that I must imitate his example in order not to lose heart.

Psalms 27:14. This verse is an exhortation to place our hope in Jehovah and to trust in him with courage and strength of heart. Therefore, if I want to be brave and have a strong heart, I should never lose hope. This will help me to carry out my ministry with zeal and endure with endurance until the day of my deliverance.

Psalms 27:13. This verse teaches me that I must strengthen my faith in the goodness of Jehovah. In David's case, his faith was rewarded. In my case I am sure that the same will happen now and in the future.

Psalms 27:11,12. These verses show David's request to Jehovah to teach him the right path and protect him against falsehood and violence. Many of us also face threats, false witnesses and violence, so we must remember that these verses teach us that if we have faith in Jehovah and accept his guidance, he will give us justice, so we should not fear, but wait patiently for May Jehovah act.

Psalms 27:10. This verse teaches me that I must be assured that if even those closest to me abandon me, Jehovah will remain with me. This is important, because many of us suffer family opposition, so we must keep in mind the protection that Jehovah gives through the congregation.

Psalms 27:7,9. These verses show that prayer for help is important in our times of fear or distress. I learn that this prayer must be from the heart and with absolute confidence that Jehovah will hide us in his refuge in the day of our calamity.

Psalms 27:5,6. These verses teach me to see Jehovah as my refuge in adversity. In times of crisis, Jehovah can not only offer me a safe refuge, but also lift me above my enemies.

Psalms 27:4. This verse deeply inspires me to have the same desire as David to want to live in the presence of Jehovah, contemplating his goodness and seeking guidance from him. 

Psalms 27:2,3. These verses teach me that even when enemies attack me or I face great threats, my faith in Jehovah will provide me with security and confidence to continue forward with integrity.

Psalms 27:1. This verse teaches me that I must trust in Jehovah as my light and salvation. I learn that there is no reason to fear when we fully trust our salvation to Jehovah.

Psalms 27:3. This verse shows that even though David faces the threat of an army and the possibility of war, his trust in God does not fade. This teaches me the importance of remaining calm and trusting in Jehovah, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Psalms 27:1. In this verse he also shows that fear can have a debilitating effect and even worse if it is an intense fear. However, he who trusts in Jehovah should not feel any fear, because his trust in God must be greater than all his fears.

Psalms 27:7. This verse shows that although David cries out for help, he is willing to wait for Jehovah's response. This teaches me the importance of patience and perseverance in our prayers and our requests for help. Furthermore, it shows that we must always trust that Jehovah will act at the right time.

Psalms 27:1. This verse says that Jehovah is our light, with this metaphor it highlights that Jehovah takes us out of ignorance and spiritual darkness. Therefore, I learn that I must maintain my personal shield of the Bible so that Jehovah can help me in this regard.

Psalms 27:7. This verse shows that although David cries out for help, he is willing to wait for Jehovah's response. This teaches me the importance of patience and perseverance in our prayers and our requests for help. Furthermore, it shows that we must always trust that Jehovah will act at the right time.

Psalms 26:12. In this verse David states that he will praise Jehovah, thus showing his determination to remain faithful despite adverse circumstances. This inspires me to move forward and remain faithful, especially in the most difficult of times.

Psalms 26:7. This verse teaches me that by expressing gratitude and declaring the wonderful works of Jehovah, I am strengthening my relationship with him. I also learn that prayer and praise are important means of communication with God, so they help me stay close to him at all times.

Psalms 26:12. This verse teaches me that I must remain steadfast spiritually in order to praise Jehovah in the congregation. Like David, I must feel love for the dwelling place of our God.

Psalms 26:11. This verse teaches me that even though I live with integrity, I must recognize the need for Jehovah's mercy and redemption so that my imperfections do not prevent me from being loyal.

Psalms 26:9,10. These verses teach me that I must reject corruption in order to maintain my integrity. To do this I must resist the temptation of corrupt behavior and bribery.

Psalms 26:8. This verse teaches me that I should love the house of Jehovah. And one way to demonstrate this is by being morally and spiritually clean to worship Him in unity with two brothers in the Kingdom Halls.

Psalms 26:6,7. These verses teach me that part of worshiping Jehovah is recognizing his works and showing gratitude for them. Which prompts us to worship God with gratitude and recognition of his works.

Psalms 26:4-5. These verses teach me to avoid the company of the wicked. That is, intimacy with those who do not obey Jehovah. It also teaches us to choose our associations wisely and to reject falsehood and evil in order to protect our spiritual integrity.

Psalms 26:3. This verse teaches me that I must always keep Jehovah's loyal love for me present, because that will lead me to walk in his truth and accept his guidance in my actions and decisions.

Psalms 26:1. From this verse I learn the importance of living with integrity and trusting in Jehovah, as it teaches me that integrity and trust are essential to having a close relationship with him.

Psalms 26:2. From this verse I learn the importance of being willing to be examined by Jehovah. In fact, like David, we must invite God to examine our hearts as a sign of our desire to remain pure and want to live the truth.

Psalms 26:7. The text teaches us that by expressing gratitude and declaring the wonderful works of God, we are strengthening our relationship with him. Prayer and praise are important means of communication with God, and they help us stay close to him at all times. 

Psalms 26:12. By stating that he will praise Jehovah, the psalmist shows his determination to remain faithful to God despite the circumstances. This is an important lesson that helps us a lot, to say that our attitude of perseverance in faith inspires us to move forward even in difficult times.

Psalms 27:1. Recognizing Jehovah as our salvation and strength, the psalmist declares his freedom from fear. The lesson for us is that when we fully trust in Jehovah, there is no room for fear. God's presence and power enable us to face any challenge with courage and confidence. 

Psalms 27:1. From this same text we can draw another very valuable Pearl, since instead of depending on our own abilities or resources, this text shows us how the psalmist identifies Jehovah as the strength of his life. This leaves an important lesson and that is that only in Jehovah do we find security, stability and protection. The lesson is that we must seek strength and security in Jehovah alone.

Psalms 27:3. Even though the psalmist faces the threat of an army and the possibility of war, his confidence does not fade. This text reminds us of the importance of remaining calm and trusting in Jehovah, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Psalms 27:7. Although the psalmist cries out for help, he is also willing to wait on God's answer. This teaches us the importance of patience and perseverance in our relationship with God, trusting that he will act at the right time.

Psalms 27:10. This verse teaches us about the importance of trust in Jehovah's protection and care, even in difficult situations, such as abandonment by parents. It reminds us that, regardless of the circumstances, Jehovah is always present and cares for us.

Psalms 27:14. This text teaches us that the main lesson is to put our trust in Jehovah. This means recognizing that we can trust him to guide and care for us in all of life's circumstances. Furthermore, this text urges us to put our hope in Jehovah. This hope is not just a vague wish, but a sure trust that God will fulfill his promises and sustain us in times of trouble.

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