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Details of Jesus' death were prophesied (10 mins.)
It is true, dear brothers and sisters, that some of the biblical prophecies powerfully attract our attention. For example, the promise of a glorious future: The resurrection of the dead, the end of suffering and life in an eternal paradise and these are the hopes that sustain us in times of difficulty and that give us courage to persevere in our faith as long as possible. which inspires us to live with hope and purpose.
However, there are also prophecies that, although they do not speak directly about the future, offer us valuable benefits and lessons for our lives in our present. These prophecies invite us to reflect on nature, its justice and its love, and teach us important lessons about life and faith.
For example, in the Old Testament we find numerous prophecies that speak about the coming of the Messiah, the promised Savior. These prophecies not only offer us the hope of redeeming ourselves from sins, but they also show us God's fidelity to his promises, and do not remind us of the importance of faith and obedience, let's analyze some of them. In Psalms 21:1 Let's read it please.
My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you far from saving me, far from my cries of anguish?
Let's analyze this question that we find in this verse. Why have you forsaken me? In this exclamation in the form of a question this prophecy of the Psalm was fulfilled. This moment was not only an expression of the intense physical and emotional suffering Jesus was experiencing, but also the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy detailing the agony the Messiah would face.
Mark 15:34 shows how the prophecy of the Psalm came true: At the ninth hour, that is, around 3 in the afternoon, Jesus Jesus cried out with a loud voice: "Eli Eli Lama sabajtháni" which translated means: My God, my God , Why have you Forsaken me?
Now, it is crucial to understand in what sense he abandoned him, abandoned him by allowing his son to be tested to the limit, carrying the weight of our sins upon himself. So we can see that Jesus' death was not a theatrical act, but rather he experienced true suffering for love of humanity. Another prophecy was that of Psalms 22:7,8, We encourage you to look for this text, let's read it, and if your circumstances allow it, accompany me with a reading, please, it says like this.
Everyone who sees me laughs at me; They speak with contempt and shake their heads in mockery: 8 “He put himself in the hands of * Jehovah. Let him rescue him! Let him save him, if he wants it so much!”
This prophecy was fulfilled in a shocking way during the death of Jesus, as recounted in the Gospel according to Matthew. In this passage we see how Jesus was the object of insults and ridicule by those who passed by the Madero, also by the religious leaders.
Furthermore, the religious leaders, including the chief priests, scribes and elders, also joined the stage towards Jesus. Mocking his title as King of Israel and his claims to his divine identity, they began to mock him and say, “He saved another.” Likewise it cannot be saved” these words show the fidelity of the prophecy of the Psalm. And one last prophecy is the one in Psalms 22:18, which we are going to read. If he found it, please accompany me with the reading.
They divide my clothes, and they cast lots for my clothes.
As we can see in the first image of our corresponding Activity Guide this week, it was fulfilled in an amazing way during the death of Jesus. As we see the Roman soldiers carried out this action exactly as predicted after nailing Jesus to the tree, They took their outer garments and distributed them among themselves.
In the Psalms, David prophesied that Jesus' enemies would divide his garments and cast lots for them. This act was not only a way of appropriating Jesus' belongings, but it also fulfilled David's ancient prophecy, since in Matthew 27:35 it tells us that after nailing him to the tree they cast lots to divide his clothes.
In conclusion then, the fulfillment of these prophecies show every detail of the life and death of Jesus, as it was orchestrated according to Jehovah's Divine plan. Every aspect of his suffering had a greater purpose and the sharing of his clothes was no exception, reminding us that God is in control even in the midst of darkness and pain and that his plan is always fulfilled. faithfully.
Therefore, dear brothers, we do well to ask ourselves: How does Psalm 22 strengthen my faith that the other Messianic prophecies, for example that of Micah 4:4, will be fulfilled to the smallest detail? Psalm 22, along with other messianic prophecies such as Micah 4:4, strengthen our faith by demonstrating God's faithfulness and power to fulfill even the smallest detail of his promises.
Now, when we consider Psalm 22, it accurately describes the events of Jesus' death, including the mockery, the apparent abandonment of God, and the dividing of his clothes. And in order to clearly visualize this wonderful promise we have another image in our Activities Guide in which we can see in Paradise, a sister sitting under a tree next to a puma. Some llamas graze very close. And in this image we can clearly realize that God is able to fulfill every word he has spoken.
Seeing how Psalm 22 was fulfilled in the life of Jesus, we can trust that the other messianic prophecies will also be faithfully fulfilled. Since Micah 4:4, for example, predicts a time when each of us will sit under his vine and his fig tree and there will be no one to make them tremble. This image of peace and security seems far away in a world full of conflict and fear, but as I remember how Psalm 22 was fulfilled in detail, I can be confident that God will fulfill his promise of peace in his perfect time.
The accuracy and fulfillment of messianic prophecies such as Psalm 22 lead us to trust God's word as true and reliable. since by analyzing the content of it it reminds us that God has a perfect plan for history and that he is actively working to fulfill his Redeemer purpose in the world.
Therefore, dear brothers, faith in the faithfulness and power of God will be strengthened by considering how prophecies have been fulfilled and will be fulfilled in the future, even in the smallest details.
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