Monday, March 4, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week 4 to March 10, 2024, “Jehovah, my source of all good”, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: March 4-10, 2024, “Jehovah, my source of all good things”, Prepared Discourse. 

“Jehovah, my source of all good things” (10 mins.)

What could we say about Jehovah and his organization? In short, he has no comparison to anything in the universe. And that is what we are going to talk about in this section of treasures of the Bible, with the title: "Jehovah, my source of all good things."

And for this we are going to compare Jehovah and his organization like the families of a few years ago. What were families like before? Very united. They met every week, either at the grandparents' house or at the parents' house. 

Wasn't it something that didn't move over the weekend? Sunday was exclusive, from wherever we all came to the house or from parents or grandparents, and it was talking and sometimes repetition of the same, and the same, and the same as always, but what laughter, what conversations.

Nobody was bowing their head towards an electronic device that left us mute forever, even if we had the most loved person in front of us, that was conversations.

The grandparents in the center or the parents and all the grandchildren around, listening to the same stories, but they always made their eyes open in admiration. And on that occasion we felt protected, the occupations didn't matter, we were all together and we enjoyed. 

This is Jehovah's Organization, we have many acquaintances, many friends, we want to always be there under Jehovah's protection and when you surround yourself with your family in a spiritual sense you feel protected and we could say the same words that we find in the Psalm 16 verses 2 and 3.


I have said to Jehovah: “You are Jehovah, my source of all good things. 3 And the saints who are on earth, the majestic ones, are very pleasing to me.” 

What beautiful words from David towards Jehovah, “the source of all good things.” And it's just like the families of before. It didn't matter if we saw the same people every week, but we felt comfortable. And here David is calling the saints. Who was he referring them to? possibly to those who strove to follow God's moral standards, this is what happens today. 

In the Christian congregation there are so many brothers that we do not know their history of their Family life or their personality, but they are there in the Meetings, sometimes under so much pressure, whether emotional, physical or spiritual, but they are there serving Jehovah, because he knows that our God is the source of all good things.

And we like to be within that organization of God, as we see in the photograph in our activity guide, perhaps returning after a long time to the old congregation we were in and giving each other a big hug, because we know that we have our friends there who are there. , there is our spiritual family, with whom we feel comfortable, because they are also striving to do the will of Jehovah.

But hey, why were we returning to our family home? Because there were either our grandparents or our parents whom we appreciated very much. We feel the same way when we are in God's organization, although we have many friends, however the main reason is the one mentioned in Psalm 16:5 and 6.


The Lord is my portion, my share, and my cup. You protect my inheritance. 6 Pleasant places have been marked out for me. In fact, I am satisfied with my inheritance.

We can observe what is the center of our attention, Jehovah. Just like our parents or our grandparents, we went for them, we were also with our family, but they were like the magnet that attracted us all. This is Jehovah, that is why David indicated with the expression a portion, that is, he felt that he had the privilege of serving Jehovah and having his approval.

Today, when we are in God's organization, he is also the center of our attention, his teaching, his affection, his protection, we feel it daily. Of course, we have problems, like in any family, but when we were with our parents or grandparents we forgot about the problems, or maybe they asked us and tried to advise us.

Jehovah is the same, he wants us to enjoy being among his people Because remember Jehovah is the source of all good things And with Jehovah we feel very safe in a spiritual sense If we now look at Psalm 16 verses 8 and 9, it says….. 


I always have Jehovah before me. Since he is at my right, nothing will ever shake me. 9 That is why my heart is happy and my whole being is happy. And I live in security.

What did you think about dad or mom or the grandparents? It's true that we didn't feel protected. Sometimes the grandparents spoiled us too much, more than our parents, or the parents did the same, no matter what we had done, they were there advising us and showing us how much love they had for us.

What's more, parents never see their children as adults, they will always see them as children. And Jehovah wants to protect us as a father protects his children, or as a conscientious grandfather protects his grandchildren. And that's why King David uses expressions like, He is at my right hand, I will not be made to shake.

In the Atalaya magazine of 2008, February 15, page 3 paragraphs 2 and 3, it is mentioned that possibly this expression was reminiscent of a battlefield where the soldier generally carried the sword with the right hand and the shield with the right hand. left, but what was the part that was left uncovered? the right where the sword was. However, if there was another companion, another Warrior, and he covered that right side, he was very well protected. This is Jehovah, he protects us when we take him into account, when we obey him. 

Very well, says the Activity Guide, just as in the case of David, our life has meaning, because it focuses on serving Jehovah, our source of all that is good, so let us ask ourselves: How has my life improved since I served? to Jehovah? We would say a lot 100% 1,000% in some cases. How do you feel being part of this spiritual family? There is no comparison of this organization of Jehovah with anything that exists in the universe. 

Therefore, like those good moments that you enjoyed with your family, treasure what you have, enjoy the spiritual companionship of our brothers and sisters who also strive, and support us side by side so that we continue to be loyal.

And let us always think that what we are experiencing within the organization, that what Jehovah provides us in spiritual food, in spiritual protection, is the best we can receive. No one compares to this organization, nothing different will ever happen that will make us change our minds. Because remember, Jehovah is always the source of all good things.

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