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“I will praise you, O Jehovah” (10 mins.)
In the year 1741, the famous oratorio The Messiah by Handel, a famous musician-composer, was written. Millions of people have heard that oratorio sung since it was first performed in 1942 in Dublin, but in 1743 the entire public was able to hear it when it was performed in London.
And one word that stands out a lot in that opera is “Hallelujah,” and I think most of us have heard it. This expression "Hallelujah" most of the faithful of Christianity know this word well.
Some even say it out loud during Sunday religious services, but it is worth asking how many, however, know its true meaning? In reality it is the Hebrew word that is translated by the expression Praise Jah. It serves to acclaim with joy and strength the creator, whose name is Jehovah.
However, although it has an expression of praise and admiration, there is one interesting fact that the book contains: insight. Under the theme praise it says that when the object of praise is the person of God, it has the character of worship.
There, there is another purpose of praising Jehovah, it is not only praising him, naming him, mentioning him to people, it is worshiping him, it is an act of worship. And that is what we are going to talk about in this treasures section of the Bible: “I will praise you, O Lord.”
There are many reasons to wash it, and we are going to talk about the reason and various ways how we can praise and worship it. Let's look at one of the many reasons in Psalm chapter 8 verses 3 to 6 we can see an excellent reason that is mentioned here, If you found it, please come with me. The text says…………….
3 When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you formed, 4 what is mortal man that you keep him in mind and the son of man that you care for him? 5 You made him a little lower than the divine beings and crowned him with glory and splendor. 6 You gave him dominion over the works of your hands; You put all things under his feet.
What good reasons King David gives us to praise Jehovah and worship Jehovah. He is acknowledging here that on a starry night he marveled at that creation. Compared to human beings we are nothing, and yet Jehovah takes care of us, Jehovah is very good to us.
So much so that David recognizes that we are a little inferior to divine beings and, yet, he crowned us with glory and splendor. How has he done it? placing at our disposal the things that Jehovah has created, under our dominion, under our administration. How good Jehovah is to us.
He takes us into consideration, and although most human beings do not praise Jehovah, although they know the word "Hallelujah," however, he gives us that opportunity to show him our love and our adoration. Therefore we have good reasons to praise Jehovah how to do it if we see in Psalm chapter 9 verse 1 a very good way to do it. We read together Psalm 9:1 it says like this……………..
I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will proclaim all your wonderful works.
If we use our activity guide we have five scenes here, but let's look at four of them to apply what we see in Psalm 9:1 about praising Jehovah. In the first photo we can see a sister who is in a nursing home, She is being cared for by medical personnel. But she is not feeling depressed just waiting for death, she is praising Jehovah by worshiping Jehovah by preaching the Good News to the people who care for her, with a smiling face, talking about someone who is very good to her.
In another scene we see a sister who perhaps in the classroom is sharing the knowledge she has already acquired, the proof she has that Jehovah is the creator of all things to help a classmate to also take God's side. and praise him.
Another way that we see in the activity guide is by collaborating with the cleaning of the Kingdom Hall. What does this have to do with praising Jehovah? in having a worthy place, a place that honors Jehovah, where we receive Biblical education, which prepares us for a new world,
and one more in which perhaps many of us may be afraid to participate with comments in meetings. Are you one of the people who finds it difficult to raise your hand because you are very nervous? Well, I think that 99% of God's servants have a hard time commenting in meetings, but when we do it it is a demonstration that we worship God, because he is very good to us, that is why we want to do it, we want to make an effort because Jehovah Let us see how much we love Him. Now let's look at a second reason that our activity guide mentions about praising Jehovah. If we see in Psalm 9 verse 2 it says…..
I will be happy, I will be radiant thanks to you; I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.
This is another reason why sometimes we do not participate with the enthusiasm we want, in singing the songs of the Kingdom. How many of us can say that we do not have a good voice to do it?, that we do not know how to read the notes, but that at least we move a little. little lips. Think about this: How does a mom or dad feel when their child says her name for the first time, or when he says daddy or mommy? Isn't it an indescribable feeling? This is how Jehovah feels when he sees us strive to praise him and sing to him.
Jehovah is not aware of the beautiful trained singing voice that we have, but he feels comfortable, he greatly appreciates when we do our best to show him that we adore him. That means the word “Hallelujah,” Praise Jah, and it has to do with worship. For example, Sister Sara says that, although she does not believe she has a great voice, she wants to praise Jehovah by singing. What is she does?.
When he prepares for a meeting he does not ignore the songs because he knows that it is part of the worship of Jehovah, he rehearses it and tries to see what relationship there is between the lyrics and the topic discussed in the meeting. She says, "All of this helps me focus more on the words than on my voice." Good detail also what we can perceive.
That is why in the activity guide you see these brothers who, with different tones of voice, however, do it with enthusiasm. The time to sing the songs of the Kingdom is to continue worshiping Jehovah, it is part of the worship that we give him in the Meetings and we want Jehovah to listen to us because we want to praise him forever.
Therefore, although many people do not understand what the word Hallelujah means or praise Jah, We do, and remember, it has to do with the worship of Jehovah, and the songs within our Meetings are still part of that worship. . Let us continue to show Jehovah how much we praise him, how much we worship him and that we will continue to do so for all eternity.
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