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“Women […] must be moderate in their habits and faithful in all things” (1 TIM. 3:11)
1. What must we do to become mature Christians?
The first and most important thing we must do is cultivate a close friendship with Jehovah. Once we have that friendship with him, his holy spirit will help us to have good qualities.
In the note he tells us that the person who has reached Christian maturity is guided by the spirit of God, and not by the wisdom of the world.
In Proverbs chapter 1 verse 5 we read: He who is wise listens and receives more instruction, the man who has understanding finds expert guidance. This shows us that maturity comes from the hand of wisdom and wisdom comes from Jehovah.
2. What does Genesis 1:27 teach us? And what will we see in this article?
The text we have just read teaches us that Jehovah created man and woman in different ways and with different qualities and functions.
In Genesis chapter 2 verse 27 we read: Then Jehovah God said it is not good for the man to remain alone, I am going to make him a helper to complement him. Seeing these words we understand that Jehovah first created the man and then created the woman so that they could complement each other. each other.
In this week's article, we will look at what young sisters can do to become mature Christians.
3, 4. Where can young sisters find good examples to look to? (See also the images).
Young sisters can set many examples in the congregation. There are mature sisters who can notice and imitate their good qualities. In addition to the mature sisters in our congregation, younger sisters can take as an example any of the many faithful women who appear in the Bible.
In first Timothy chapter 3 verse 11 we read: Women must also be serious and not slanderers, they must be moderate in their habits and faithful in all things. Therefore, if young sisters imitate the qualities of women like Rebekah, Esther, or Abigail, they will surely become mature Christians.
Series of images: A young sister looks in the mirror and meditates on what she reads in a Bible publication. Featured images: 1. Rebekah pours water into a water trough for a camel. 2. Esther serves food to Mordecai. 3. Abigail kneels and begs for his life and for those who live in his house. If you imitate the qualities of faithful women like Rebekah, Esther, and Abigail, you will become a mature Christian. (See paragraphs 3 and 4).
5. Why should mature Christians be humble?
In James chapter 4 verse 6 we read that God opposes the arrogant, but shows undeserved kindness to the humble. Therefore humble women come to have a good friendship with Jehovah.
Among other aspects, this humility that women demonstrate is reflected in the principle of authority that Jehovah installed to establish who should lead the congregation and the family. For this reason, in 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 3, we see that the head of every man is the Christ, that the head of the woman is the man and that the head of the Christ is God.
6. How can young sisters imitate Rebekah's humility?
In the Bible we have several passages that detail Rebekah's attitude and way of being. Therefore, taking Rebeca as a reference and example teaches the young sisters that intelligence and wisdom along with respect and obedience are key to knowing when and how to react to situations, acting in this way will make them a positive influence. for their families and the congregation.
7. How can young sisters imitate Esther's modesty?
In Proverbs chapter 11 verse 2 we read that when arrogance comes, dishonor also comes, but wisdom is with the modest. As an example of modesty we have Esther in the Bible. She was named queen of Persia, but she never boasted or boasted about it, rather she followed the advice that her cousin Mordecai gave her.
Today young sisters can apply the way of being in terms of humility. And they can also take example from mature sisters and apply their advice.
8. When choosing their way of dressing and grooming, how can sisters follow the counsel at 1 Timothy 2:9, 10?
One of the ways modesty is demonstrated is in the way one dresses. The text that we have read gives us a series of aspects to take into account. Here, Ester's example was also very good, since despite being a beautiful woman, she never wanted to be the center of attention.
This teaches young sisters that they should dress modestly, with good judgment and in a decent manner, taking into account the feelings of others.
9. What do we learn from Abigail?
Abigail had the quality of discernment, thanks to which she knew how to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. And therefore do the right thing.
In first Samuel chapter 25 verses 14 to 23, we are detailed about the decision that Abigail made in a situation that would have ended very badly for her and her family. Given that, discernment is a quality that young sisters must apply in their lives, since it allows them to know when to speak and when to remain silent.
10, 11. What will be the benefits of learning to read and write well? (See also the image).
In many cultures, it is not important for women to learn to read and write, but apart from being a personal satisfaction, knowing how to read and write well will allow sisters to find and keep a job to support themselves. On the other hand, in first Timothy chapter 4 verse 13 we read: While I arrive, continue applying yourself in public reading, in advising and in teaching. With these words we understand that sisters who know how to read and write correctly will be able to be better students and teachers of the word of God, and reading and understanding the word of Jehovah will bring them closer to him.
When a person reads well, they get several benefits, the reader's imagination flies and it helps the reader to think. Therefore, it is very good that the habit of reading is implanted in us from a young age.
In Second Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 we read: Since you were born you have known the holy writings that can give you the wisdom necessary for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Let us apply this skill and thus we will be happier and we will make Jehovah happier.
A young sister reads the booklet “Answers to 10 Questions from Young People.” On her desk is an open Bible, a notebook and a pen. How has knowing how to read and write well benefited you? (See paragraph 11).
12. What does Proverbs 31:26 teach you?
This text shows us that we must speak with wisdom, in James chapter 1 verse 19 we read: Everyone should be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to anger. With these words we understand that we have to listen carefully when they speak to us, and ask if we do not understand something and reflect for a moment on the answer, asking ourselves the following: What I am going to say is true, it is encouraging, it is respectful, it is kind.
If we act in this way we will be applying what we see in Proverbs chapter 15 verse 28 where we read the heart of the righteous meditates before responding but the mouth of the wicked releases bad things.
13. How can you learn to take care of a home? (See also the image).
Taking care of a home is a very big responsibility, since it involves tasks such as cooking, cleaning, sewing and shopping. They may seem like complicated tasks, but the sister mentioned in the article says that knowing how to do all these things helped her become more for Jehovah.
Therefore, hospital-working women who know how to take care of a home are a blessing to their family and to the congregation.
A young sister who is with her mother bargains with a vendor in an open-air market. Women who know how to take care of a home are a blessing to their family and to the congregation. (See paragraph 13).
14. What do you learn from what Crystal says, and what should you focus on?
This sister tells how her parents recommended that she choose classes from which she could learn practical things. She chose to learn accounting. In the case of sisters, it is very convenient that they know how to manage themselves and not spend more than necessary.
In first Timothy chapter 6 verse 8 we read: So if we have food and clothing, let us be content with that. Seeing these words, we understand that if you are happy leading a simple life, you will be able to focus on your spiritual goals.
15, 16. Why are single sisters a treasure? (Mark 10:29, 30).
The reason why single sisters are considered a treasure is based on the words of Jesus that we just read. This means that those who have left important things behind to follow Jesus and preach the good news will be richly rewarded in the present and in the future.
Therefore, single sisters who faithfully serve Jehovah are valued and appreciated by the congregation for their love and dedication.
17. What will help young sisters reach the goal of serving full-time?
Young sisters can reach the goal of serving full-time by taking several concrete steps. They should first pray to Jehovah for guidance and wisdom then they can seek counsel and guidance from those who are already serving full-time to better understand what the requirements and responsibilities of this service are.
Then they can set achievable goals by considering options such as pioneer service, volunteering in construction, or work at Bethel, and they can explore different ways in which they can fully dedicate themselves to Jehovah's service.
In Psalm chapter 6:8 verse 11 we read that the women who proclaim the good news are a great army. Therefore, by taking these steps and continually seeking God's guidance, young sisters will be better prepared to achieve their goal of serving full-time.
18. Why is it important for a sister to be very careful when choosing who she will marry? (See also the image).
The importance of a sister being very careful when choosing who she is going to marry lies in the fact that the man she marries will become her head as mentioned in Romans chapter 7 verse 2 and in Ephesians chapter 5. verses 23 and 33.
This decision is one of the most important of your life and will have a significant impact on your spiritual, emotional and material well-being. Therefore it is crucial that you carefully consider whether the man is a mature Christian, whether he values spiritual things, whether he makes good decisions, whether he recognizes his mistakes, whether he respects women and whether he will be able to take care of her in all aspects. Evaluating these qualities and looking for evidence of responsibility and commitment in the congregation are fundamental steps to ensure a solid and healthy marriage.
A young sister who is talking with other sisters notices a single brother who is helping with the cleaning of the Kingdom Hall. If you want to get married, you must be very careful when choosing who. (See paragraph 18).
19. Why can we say that being a “helper” is an honor?
We can say that being a helper is quite an honor because the Bible itself in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 6 presents Jehovah as a helper. Therefore being called a helper in the context of marriage is not a position of inferiority, but rather, a privilege and a responsibility.
As we see in Proverbs chapter 31 verse 11 and 12, a wife who acts as a true helper, complements her husband by supporting him and collaborating with him for the success of family decisions. Therefore, being a helper in the home and in the congregation is an honorable position that reflects divine wisdom and design for marriage.
20. What effect can a mother have on her family?
The effect that a mother can have on her family is deep and lasting, with her love, kindness and patience a mother can contribute significantly to the happiness and well-being of her family. Her influence can create an environment of security and love in the home, allowing her children to grow up feeling protected, loved, and valued.
In Proverbs chapter 24 verse 3 we read that with wisdom a house is built and with discernment it is made firm. Therefore, a mother who plays her role with dedication and care can shape the character of her children by teaching them moral values and encouraging her emotional and spiritual growth. Additionally, a mother can be a pillar of support for her husband and her children, providing them with guidance, encouragement and comfort in difficult times.
21. How much do you value our sisters, and why? (See cover images.)
Jehovah's organization deeply values our sisters for everything they do for Jehovah and for his people. They work hard to cultivate spiritual qualities, learn skills that enrich their lives and those of those around them, and prepare well for the future. Therefore our sisters have a very special value for Jehovah's organization.
Images of the two young women from before joyfully participating in spiritual activities: 1. The sister who was meditating on what she was reading now holds an open Bible and smiles confidently. 2. The sister who was bargaining with a vendor prepares the table for the meal at Bethel. 3. The sister who was reading the pamphlet now reads a biblical text to a woman in the sermon. 4. The sister who noticed the single brother at the Kingdom Hall preaches in the stroller with an older sister. Many young women have put into practice what they learned in the Bible and have become mature Christians. (See paragraph 21).
1 Timothy 2:9, 10
This verse gives us a series of aspects to take into account when demonstrating modesty. One of these aspects is dressing with appropriate clothing and good judgment and in a decent manner taking into account the feelings of others.
Proverbs 31:26
This verse shows us that we must speak with wisdom and listen carefully when they speak to us, we must ask ourselves if we do not understand something and reflect for a moment on the answer, asking ourselves: Is what I am going to say true? Are you an entertainer? Is he respectful? Is he kind?
Mark 10:29, 30
In these verses we learn that all those who have left important things behind to follow Jesus and preach the good news will be richly rewarded in the present and in the future.
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