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Do you spend time observing creation? (10 min.)
The creation of the world and everything in it is a fascinating topic and full of lessons for us. In the Bible we find detailed stories and descriptions of how Jehovah God created the Earth and all the wonders that exist on it.
It is important, then, that we stop to observe and evaluate the aggression, since by doing so our trust in God is strengthened. We can begin our analysis with the first verses of the book of Genesis chapter 1 and verses 10 and 12, which says the following...
10 God called the dry land Earth, and the pool of waters Seas. And God saw that this was good.
12 The earth began to produce grass, seed plants, and trees that bear fruit and seed, all according to their kinds. And God saw that this was good.
In these sister verses it is described how Jehovah set the dimensions of the earth, laid its foundations, this shows us that God not only created the Earth randomly, but also designed and built it in a precise and detailed manner, it was a work made with care and love, but the most important thing is that after creating it God took the time to reflect and admire his own work.
In Genesis 1:38, he tells us that "everything was very good." This teaches us that Jehovah delighted in every detail of his creation and the beauty and functionality of it, even taking time to observe his work. Let's imagine how the angels must have felt when they saw how Jehovah was creating everything. The emotion they must have experienced when witnessing each new advance of creation is indescribable. Let's please read Job 38:7, if you found it, accompany me with the reading, please, it says like this……….
when the morning stars shouted together for joy and all the children of God shouted in praise?
This passage tells us that when the Morning Stars shouted together for joy and all the children of God shouted in praise. The answer is that they shouted in praise when they saw how God created things, since the angels are direct witnesses of Jehovah's work, they also spent time observing and evaluating it.
We cannot forget that Jehovah created his son Jesus, before beginning the creation of everything else. Colossians 1:16 tells us that through him, through Jesus, everything else was created. Jesus also participated in creation, collaborating closely with his father. The words of Proverbs 8:30 reveal to us that Jesus felt happy to work alongside Jehovah.
Continuing with our analysis, it is important to remember that Jehovah not only created the Earth and the natural Wonders, but also human beings, he is the author of life. And his wisdom and love are reflected in every human being that exists, without a doubt human beings are God's masterpiece.
As we study creation and realize all that Jehovah has done, our trust in him grows stronger. When we spend time observing and appreciating what Jehovah has created, our trust in him becomes stronger and stronger. In these verses he expresses Job's conversation with Jehovah, Job 38:32 to 35 says the following......
LET'S READ JOB 38:32-35.
Can you bring out a constellation at its station or guide Ash's constellation with his children? 33 Do you know the laws that govern the heavenly bodies or can you impose their authority on earth? 34 Can you raise your voice to the clouds to cause a downpour to cover you? 35 Can you send lightning bolts? Will they come and tell you, 'Here we are!'?
Job's experience teaches us about trusting Jehovah through observing creation. God spoke to him about the Stars, the clouds, the rays and the animals, showing him their power and his wisdom. Through these words Job was able to see the greatness of God and fully trust in him.
His faith grew stronger and he said what is mentioned in Job 42:5: "I only knew about you by hearsay, but now my eyes see you." Similarly, when we spend time observing and studying Jehovah's creation, we remember that he is infinitely wiser and more powerful than us. We also remember his love and willingness to help us at all times. Thinking about that fills us with confidence in him. and helps us face problems with courage.
If we review in our activity guide the photograph that has to do with this section of treasures of the Bible, it is a beautiful photograph, where mother and daughter are observing something so simple, so simple from our point of view of observation, like a butterfly. , of so many colors that they have, and perhaps you have admired one more beautiful than another.
That really admires a girl or a boy, you have seen how they open their eyes in admiration for something so beautiful, but unfortunately it has a short lifespan, a maximum of 30 days, and some of them are the ones we normally see in our gardens that last only a week of life.
Sometimes as Christians we must be like children, admiring what we see around us. It is possible that because of our busy lives we do not dedicate the time necessary to examine the details of such insignificant things, but which teach a lot about the power of Jehovah's wisdom.
Observing Jehovah's creation leads us to know him better. Through the Bible we can learn the details and lessons that emerge from the aforementioned texts. So brothers and sisters, let us take time to reflect and appreciate what God has created, and our faith will be strengthened.
Jehovah is trustworthy and his love and wisdom are evident in all his works of creation, it is a living testimony of his greatness. We, like Job, face challenges and tribulations in our lives, however, as we observe Jehovah's creation we remember that he is reliable and powerful. Just as He reminded Job of His wisdom and control over creation, He also tells us to trust Him, for He is in control of all things.
Nature itself teaches us that Jehovah is able to handle any situation, and when we put our trust in him, we can overcome any adversity. As we study creation, we remember that Jehovah is infinitely wiser and more powerful than we are. Every element in nature reflects the love of it and the wisdom of it, as mentioned in Psalm 104:24 and Romans 1:20. So brothers, contemplating creation helps us strengthen our faith and trust more in Jehovah, knowing that he is in control of all things.
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