Monday, January 8, 2024

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week of January 8 to 14, 2024, Do you think life is unfair?, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: January 8-14, 2024, Do you think life is unfair?, Prepared Speech. 

Do you think life is unfair? (10 mins.).

Friendship with our God Jehovah is a reality and an honor that... And this is possible, because we strive to know him, to acquire knowledge of which is his will and we practice it. And to be friends with someone, you need to know what they are like. Likewise, to be friends of God it is necessary to know his qualities.

The better we know them, the closer we get to him. Of all his wonderful qualities, there are four that stand out: power, wisdom, justice and love. Let's talk about one of them, let's talk about justice. 

Our creator wants us to understand his justice and benefit from it. How do we benefit from this? Well, it encourages us and helps us see the future in a positive way. "Do you think life is unfair?" Well, perhaps we will say yes, but not because our God causes it as many people think. Let's go to the book of Job and touch on this point. We are going to read Job 34:10.


So listen to me, sensible men: it is unthinkable for the true God to act evilly, for the Almighty to do something unjust!

This statement by Elihu highlights the nature of God who always acts with righteousness and justice, and they know why he does it, because he does not judge by appearances like man does, he does it with full knowledge, seeing directly into the human heart. 

It pains him to see so much injustice, therefore, it is impossible for him to provoke it. What's more, she promises to eliminate evildoers and corruption on earth very soon. According to Proverbs 2:22 and precisely that promise reflects his commitment to justice and righteousness.

Although it may sometimes seem that the wicked get their way, they deceive themselves, for Jehovah sees everything. Notice how Elihu confirms it in Job 34: 21-26, If he found it, please accompany me with the reading it says …………

LET'S READ JOB 34:21-26.

For the eyes of God are on the ways of man, and he sees all his steps.

22 There is no darkness or deep shadow in which those who do evil can hide.

23 For God has not set a date for any man to appear before him in judgment. 24 He overthrows the powerful without having to ask questions and puts others in his place. 25 He knows what they are doing; he overthrows them during the night and crushes them.e

26 Because they are evil, he strikes them in plain sight,

While some wicked people may think they get their way, they don't, Jehovah sees everything. In Isaiah 55:7 he says that "Just a little longer, and the wicked will be no more." Even so, Jehovah in his justice and mercy offers them the opportunity to change, and forgives those who repent from the heart. There are those who seek help amidst so much injustice, and notice how Elhiu says this about it in Job 35:9,10. He says in relation to the current situation of many people that he is sincere, he says….

LET'S READ JOB 35:9,10.

People cry out for help under the weight of oppression; They beg to be relieved from the rule of the powerful. 10 But no one says, 'Where is God, my Great Creator, who makes songs sung in the night?'

As we notice, today people cry out under oppression, but few seek God as their great creator. Here arises the human responsibility to recognize Jehovah in the midst of injustice. 

But for this to happen, we need to know about it, we need to know it. And the only way to do that is through someone who preaches and teaches them. Jesus' command in this regard is clear. Let's see it in Matthew 28 19,20, it says the following......

So go and make disciples of people of all nations.a Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit. 20 Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you.c And remember, I will be with you every day until the end of the system.”

In our activity guide for this week, we can see in the image a couple preaching to a man and his little son in a very poor neighborhood that is near some luxurious skyscrapers. Today, this teaching is translated into the commitment that Jehovah's Witnesses have to continue sharing the message of the Kingdom and guiding others to a relationship with God, despite criticism for not getting directly involved in political or social issues. Our priority is to follow the command of Jesus and teach about the Kingdom of God, as dictated by divine justice.

While it is true, life may seem unfair to our limited eyes, But we know of Divine justice. Our responsibility is to take care of our friendship with our God in the midst of adversity and share accurate knowledge with people.

In doing so, we contribute to the fulfillment of Divine purpose and offer hope in a world marked by injustice. Let us always remember then, brothers, that our main task is to make disciples of Jesus and let us then remain focused on the kingdom of God and trust that by following his will we are contributing to the transformation of lives and the establishment of Divine justice on earth. 

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