Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Study of the Congregation Book, Week of January 8 to 14, 2024, Chapter 4, Box on page. 33. John, the beloved disciple of Jesus, Answers.

Study of the Congregation Book, January 8-14, 2024, Chapter 4, Box on page. 33, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 4 box on page 33.

Who were Juan's parents?

John's parents were Zebedee and Salome.

Who was Salome?

Salome was the mother of John and was probably the sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

How close was Salome to Jesus?

Salome accompanied Jesus in his ministry and attended to his needs when he went to Galilee. Furthermore, when Jesus died, she bought spices to prepare his body for burial.

Why do we say that John was a man of faith?

John was considered a man of faith because when Jesus invited him to be his follower, he immediately abandoned his nets, his boat, and his livelihood to follow him. Furthermore, in the Gospel of him, he describes in detail what happened at the events in which he was present, suggesting that he had great attention and commitment to the teaching of Jesus.

How do we know that Juan had a very active personality?

We know that John had a very active personality because Jesus gave him the nickname "Boanerges", which means "sons of thunder."

Why were James and John selfish?

James and John were considered selfish because they sent their mother to ask Jesus to give them the best positions in his Kingdom, thus demonstrating their concern for having an important position.

According to Matthew 20:20-28, what did Jesus teach his disciples?

According to Matthew 20:20-28, Jesus taught his disciples that leadership in his Kingdom is not about having power and authority over others, but about serving others and putting their needs above your own. Jesus told them that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.

On what occasions did Juan show that he had a lot of character?

Juan showed that he had a lot of character on at least two occasions. First, he tried to stop a man who was not with the disciples from casting out demons in the name of Jesus. Secondly, when the inhabitants of a village in Samaria did not want to receive Jesus and his disciples, John offered to command fire to come down from heaven and destroy the people. In both cases, Jesus rebuked him, but it shows that John had a strong and determined personality.

Why did Jesus commission John to take care of his mother?

Jesus tasked John with taking care of his mother, Mary, because he was the disciple Jesus loved and trusted to take care of his mother in his absence. At the stake, Jesus saw his mother next to John and said to her: "Woman, there you have your son." Then he turned to Juan and said, "There you have your mother." From that moment on, Juan took care of María and took care of her as if she were her own mother.

What happened at the end of Juan's life?

At the end of his life, John lived longer than the other apostles. He is believed to have died around the year 100, after seven decades of faithful service to Jehovah.

What lessons do we learn from the life of John? What was the relationship he had with Jesus?

From Juan's life, we can learn several lessons. Despite his initial flaws, such as his desire for an important position and his impulsive attitude, Juan demonstrated positive change throughout his life. He learned to be more reasonable and compassionate, showing that people can change and grow over time.

Furthermore, his faithfulness and service to Jehovah for seven decades teach us about the importance of perseverance and dedication in faith. Also, his role in Mary's care shows us the importance of care and respect for our loved ones. In summary, John's life teaches us about personal growth, fidelity, service and care for others.


What was the relationship he had with Jesus?

It is said that the apostle John was the son of Zebedee and brother of the apostle James and apparently his mother was called Salome and probably the sister of Jesus' mother.

Well, from a biblical quote where we can find clues to say what we say, for example in one of them it says that she was the mother of the children of Zebedee in another it tells you that her name was Salome in another it tells you that she was serving Jesus when when He was in Galilee so from those details we are learning different things about Juan's relatives.

Apart from that detail that they were probably cousins, another task that we learn is that apparently the family was doing well. In Mark 1:20 it says that they leave their father in the boat with the workers, so the fishing business He had to do very well to have employees and then when in John 19:28 and 27 Jesus tells John to take care of his mother, it is understood that probably he would have the means and would have a house too.

Well, she accompanied Jesus in his ministry and when he went to Galilee she even attended to his needs, so when he died it was she who bought the spices to prepare the body for burial, as Mark 16:1 says, which were made to apply to the deceased.

Details about what we are learning

Well, he says that he was probably the other disciple of John the Baptist who was with Andrew in this quote from John 1:35 when he says look at the lamb of God because it refers to this moment.

Yes, well, also based on the study note here it says that Andrew was the brother of Simon Peter.

Because it is also possible that she was with him in Jerusalem, Samaria, Galilee, since his gospel explains it, the reasons and details of the matter are explained, therefore possibly she would have been with him.

And so there is no doubt that he was a man of faith since when Jesus invited his follower to do the same as James and Peter, as the story in Matthew 4:18 to 22 says, he abandoned his nets, his boat and his livelihood. and followed him.

Everything probably says but the point is that if he was really on all these occasions he identifies that he is a spiritual person, a person who is searching for the truth and finally that is why when Jesus says to him, hey, become my follower, he does not have any kind of doubt, he has found the Messiah. and then he says what he has to do and takes the steps immediately.

Well, as we are seeing and emphasizing this, the slave prudently says probably and what is not certain is not guaranteed, but here the paragraph says and without a doubt he was a man of faith, this highlights something very important about his personality because the study note also says that fishing was a business to survive and he and Andrés and Santiago were partners and they left and surely their family would support themselves or themselves with this work but that is why the slave says that without a doubt he was a man of faith because they left their livelihood economic to follow Jesus.

What was Juan like?

Well, it also talks about him having a very active personality, in fact it is seen that Jesus gave them the nickname children of thunder, which meant that they had a burning enthusiasm. If we remember an occasion when they did not want to show hospitality to Jesus, how they reacted, they wanted the fire to go down. from heaven and although Jesus rebuked him, they had their normal justice, but what it demonstrated was the faith they had.

Well, we remember that time when they asked his mother to talk to Jesus so that they would give him the best positions in the kingdom, so to speak, in the kingdom of heaven, so to speak, then we see that he also had some defect.

But  this detail reveals something to us and that is that for him and his brother the kingdom was something real, it was something very real, that is, they did not see it as a story, it was very real and they wanted to be there, of course, they went a little slow, we could say with that request but of course it was very important and then Jesus taught them a lesson about humility.


And what Jesus taught was surely recorded in him because as the paragraph says, it is obvious that John learned that, over time he became more reasonable, more compassionate, not so harsh, so demanding, in his letters he reflects it very well, right, we remember everything, for example when John said almost 70 years later that God is love, then he learned his lesson.

Well, even though he had that character and was what he was, Jesus says about this John that he was the disciple he loved and in fact, when he died, I mean before he died, it was this disciple who told him to take care of his mother.

And in this case also what Jesus was most concerned about was not the material thing but that his mother was well cared for in a spiritual sense and he noticed John because he saw him as a particularly spiritual man. He says he is going to give my mother what he gave her. needed while I'm gone.

What privileges did the apostle John have?

We are seeing it in this study of this book, it was a column of the congregation, a very long service of more than 70 years, as it says, it was a pillar without a doubt.

He wrote his gospel and his three letters and the apocalypse.

It is very nice to see what we have reviewed from a young John to 60 years later, a very old person and even on the verge of death, that Jesus himself gives him these unparalleled privileges such as writing the future that he he was not going to live the future three letters a gospel about his life give him enough memory to remember everything he lived because it is 60 years we are talking about a very old person and this makes us see that neither through imperfection nor old age Jehovah and Jesus are He forgets about his loyal servants and uses them to collaborate with him until the end of his life.

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