Monday, January 1, 2024

Study of the Congregation Book, Week of January 1 to 7, 2024, Chapter 4, Box on page. 30. “Common men with little education”, Answers.

Study of the Congregation Book, January 1-7, 2024, Chapter 4, Box on page. 30. “Common men with little education”, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.) bt chap. 4 box on page 30.

Paragraph 1

Names of Peter: Simon Peter, one of the most prominent disciples of Jesus Throughout Scripture, he is known by different names Symeon, Simon, Cephas, Peter that reflect aspects of his personality, his heritage, and his role within the group. of the disciples.

Paragraph 2

Peter was a married man, he was a native of Bethsaida, he worked in fishing, and he was one of those whom Jesus chose to be his followers.

Paragraph 3

What privileges did Peter have: he witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus, he was also present at the resurrection of Jairus' daughter, and he was along with Andrew who asked him for the sign of his presence.

Paragraph 4

Peter's character: Peter's character was impulsive, accustomed to expressing his opinion before the other apostles, he was the only one who refused to let Jesus wash his feet, but after he corrected him he asked him to wash his hands and head.

Paragraph 5

Peter also let himself be carried away by his feelings, for example he tried to convince Jesus that he did not have to fulfill his purpose because he had come to earth, he had the courage to defend Jesus with the sword, when they were going to arrest him.

Paragraph 6

Peter showed loyalty to Jesus after he denied Jesus, for example when he recognized him on the beach he jumped out of the boat and swam to the shore and that was when he encouraged him to use his energies for the service of the kingdom.

Paragraph 7

Privileges: He was given the power to open the opportunity for the uncircumcised, that is, people from other nations, to know the truth and become followers of Jesus. He also had the privilege of writing two letters that make up books of the Bible.


And now keeping Peter's life in mind, what was Peter's job?

Peter was dedicated to fishing and it was in Peter's boat that Jesus sat to give a speech on the shore of the Sea of ​​Galilee with a large crowd of people.

That job was not easy since I had to stay all night waiting for the fish to come there and imagine all night is something hard work so it was hard work, a job.

Of course he was married, his wife was there and the paragraph says that his brother and his mother-in-law lived with him, so he had no responsibilities.

Well, according to this story, he would have thought when Jesus said to him, well, now you are going to become a fisher of men, he would have said, and where am I going to take food for my family, I have responsibility, but no, he was obedient to Jesus, he left everything and left everything in hands of Jehovah and followed Jesus.

Maybe he also thought about the time because the job he had was at night or perhaps in the early morning, what time am I going to rest, what time am I going to take care of the family, so maybe he was able to think about it.

Each person has different circumstances, so if we want to dedicate ourselves to Jehovah, the time factor may sound, not making mistakes, the fear of making mistakes can affect the person.

Lessons from the privileges of Peter

Of course, you could miss out on several things, work, for example, and since there is a great need today within the organization, if you postpone serving within the organization, you can miss out on beautiful things, such as just one example: think about someone who doesn't want to fill an A19 for fear of serving etc., but what would he miss out on if he were appointed to have morning worship, to have the Bethel Family Watchtower study and other discourses, nice things that in reality he would miss out on or perhaps go to the evangelistic school to be able to go to support a congregation to also go and strengthen a congregation, then he would really miss out on all that if he didn't have the attitude that Peter had.

What kind of personality did Pedro have?

Peter was direct, dynamic and somewhat impulsive, so he was used to expressing his opinion before the other apostles, so many times the others were silent but he was always asking questions.

What defects does Pedro have?

Yes, Peter, carried by his personality, tells Jesus, for example in Matthew 16:21 to 23, when Jesus explains what he had to endure the sufferings, so Peter tells him that if he doesn't be so hard on himself, it will never hurt him. pass to you, but there the Lord Jesus corrects him, letting himself be carried away by his feelings and appreciating his teacher very much, he expressed this to him, however Jesus corrects him because he was having an excellent wrong way of thinking.

Yes, and Peter's mistakes did not make him a less spiritual man, he was a spiritual man but he was imperfect, he made mistakes, so it is the same thing that can happen to us, our brothers can make mistakes just the same and that does not make us bad. Jehovah's sight only makes us see the weaknesses we have and those that we have to improve.

And we see here, for example, that Peter loved Jesus very much, but Jesus makes him see that those feelings clouded his reason a little and did not allow him to see things the way Jehovah sees them, and that can sometimes happen to many families, perhaps, some parents love him very much. to his children and sometimes when they tell him he wants to baptize me the father thinks no son but maybe I'm not ready or this here maybe they don't want me to make a bad decision or for something to happen later but then they could stop maybe just like Peter did with Jesus or perhaps when a child expresses a desire to want to serve Jehovah more but the Father tells him what you are going to study, then we see that feelings can sometimes cause us to not see the whole picture.

John 1:15-17 | We have seen how Peter's mistakes could have caused him to even isolate himself but when Jesus arrived and we see that he immediately approached him then Jesus said to him do you love me more than these referring to his work and when he said yes then Peter said yes. He continued continuously and this opportunity was opened to him not only to dedicate his life to Jehovah and make disciples, that is, to follow Christ, but he also undertook the work of full service, which is what also encourages us, full-time service. It has opened up many blessings when we have decided to do this and we can also learn that from Peter.

Jesus gave him something very valuable that he had, which were his little sheep, that is, he gave him the commission to be able to take care of his sheep to the Christian congregation to all its members and part of that was also that he could be a teacher and could help the circumcised who were scattered. around Galilee including Babylon or other places, then Jesus gave him that commission and also gave him the power so that he could fulfill that commission that he gave him. 

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