Tuesday, January 9, 2024

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS:Week of January 8 to 14, 2024, Do you “preach the word” informally with enthusiasm? Video: How hundreds of people found the truth, Analysis and Answers.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: January 8-14, 2024, Do you “preach the word” informally with enthusiasm?, Video: How hundreds of people found the truth, Analysis and Answers.

Do you informally “preach the word” with enthusiasm? (15 mins.) Analysis with the audience.

Paul told Timothy, “Preach the word; do it urgently” (2Ti 4:2). The Greek verb translated “do it urgently” was sometimes used in the military context to refer to a soldier or guard who was at his post always ready for action. This expression very well describes something we all want: to always be ready to transform any conversation into a good opportunity to preach.

Because we love Jehovah very much and value all that he does for us, we are motivated to tell others about his beautiful qualities.

Read Psalm 71:8. Then ask:

What details about Jehovah do you like to tell others?

We can tell details such as focusing on Jehovah's mercy and unconditional love, talking about his wisdom and Justice, and we can also highlight his creative power and his ability to provide comfort in difficult times.

For example, I really like to talk to them about God's faithfulness, his justice, his power and his love, because what we want is for others to know God just as we come to know ourselves, and in that way they join us. in worship and praise to God.

Additionally, as followers of God, we must also seek to tell others about the greatness and glory of God, and we can do this by sharing our personal experiences and biblical truths about God. By doing so, we can inspire others to seek God and experience his love and power in their own lives.

The love we feel for people also motivates us to preach to them informally.

Play the VIDEO How hundreds of people found the truth. Then ask:

How did informal preaching help hundreds of people find the truth?

Thanks to informal preaching, a brother was able to preach to a co-worker who was in charge of a church, the man told him that he wanted to study the Bible and he was able to convince the members of his church what the brother had explained to him and he achieved convince them that they needed to better understand the Biblical teachings. 

As a result, around 1000 people wanted to study the Bible and so they did, studying in groups of 10 or 15 people because there were not enough brothers and sisters to conduct those courses.

How did learning the truth of the Bible benefit these former church members?

They had so many questions and each one of them was answered with the help of the Bible, that was a discovery for them and so they began to accept the truth so that they could transmit what they learned to their children, learn the state of the dead for a great deal. relief for them. 

It greatly benefited everyone, including the children, because they made lasting friendships, it helped them fight with fears, for example the fear of death, it also helped many to make serving Jehovah their main goal in life, and that their family did it together with them.

Why does love for people help us remove fears and dare to preach informally?

When we think about the spiritual state that many people are in, that motivates us to bring the message to them, especially if we ask Jehovah to help us reach more people, since he looks for a way to bring the message to them. so many people need.

Love for people frees us from fear and enables us to preach informally effectively, because we focus on the well-being of others and are willing to overcome any obstacle for the love of them.

Why do you think informal preaching is so effective?

Because it is a large territory where we can find and reach many more people that we usually do not find at home. And this makes it possible for them to also come to know Jehovah and make changes in their lives until they become dedicated to him.

Informal preaching allows for open and honest dialogue to occur, which facilitates mutual understanding and response to questions and concerns, and we can preach to people who we might not otherwise meet in their homes, and informal preaching also allows us to adapt the message to the specific needs and circumstances of listeners, which increases its relevance and effectiveness.


Montreal (Quebec, Canada), circa 1975

In the mid-1970s, several brothers in Montreal were asked for help to deal with a unique situation. A special pioneer who helped organize the work at that time reported that about a thousand people from the same church wanted to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, all thanks to an informal testimony.

The story begins like this: One day a brother from the congregation approached me to tell me something that had happened to him with a co-worker, that man was in charge of a small church and the brother had been able to preach to him informally, the man told him that he wanted to study the Bible and that he wanted to convince the rest of the members of his church to also study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses.

The truth is that this person had some influence on their religion. So he told the members of his church what his brother had explained to him and convinced them that they needed to better understand the teachings of the Bible. It was something so extraordinary that many people found out what happened.

According to what I heard, about a thousand people wanted to study the Bible, there were not enough brothers and sisters to conduct all those courses. So groups of 10, 12 or 15 people were formed who took Bible classes in Kingdom Halls once or twice a week. week, it was one question after another, we all had questions, but the Bible always answered the questions logically. One verse explained what we did not understand, in another we realized that the Bible answered all our questions. At first it was studied in groups of two or three families. 

And they did use the Bible to answer the questions, that impressed me, because I didn't know anything about the Bible, and I thought the Bible talks about this and that, it was also quite a discovery, first we studied the parents without the children, and then accepting the truth, we taught it to our children, everyone behaved very well during the study, the children were very quiet with their book the truth and their Bible in front of them.

When these families came to the Hall, the children sat with their parents without moving and paid attention to what was said. I was little when they started coming, I remember it very well, many of them were my age, so I saw them as future friends, it was very exciting.

My first meeting was here in Laval, that meeting helped me later decide to stand on the side of the truth, begin to worship Jehovah and make the truth my way of life, when I was young I was very afraid of death, it was a great relief to learn that the dead do not suffer that it is as if they were sleeping, the things that I wanted to have and that I could have achieved went to the background, now I wanted to have a simple life follow the guidance of the organization and raise my children in the truth today.

These brothers do a lot in the organization, they carry out different tasks and have great responsibilities. My father always strived to set a good example for all his children and that marked me. Now my wife and I have the privilege of serving here in the Canadian branch. 

I was 8 years old when my family started attending the Meetings. I have very good memories of how the congregation took an interest in us and took care of us. At 15 I started reading the Bible every day and studying it from that moment on I knew what I wanted. to do with my life, to serve Jehovah full time, I am sure that Jehovah could see what was in our hearts.

Jehovah gave us a lot of help, you can't have anything better, without his help we would continue in that religion and we would never have known the truth, but Jehovah found a way to reach those who had the right attitude, an informal testimony led many people to study the Bible and change their lives. 

More than 200 former members of that church and their descendants have become Jehovah's Witnesses. 

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