Monday, January 8, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of January 8 to 14, 2024, Make disciples: (Enjoy life forever! lesson 13 point 5). (Making Disciples: A Labor of Love, lesson 11, point 3). Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: January 8-14, 2024, Make disciples: (Enjoy life forever! lesson 13 point 5). (Making Disciples: A Labor of Love, lesson 11, point 3). Prepared Assignment.

Make disciples (5 mins.) lff lesson 13 point 5 (lmd lesson 11 point 3).

Publisher: Julia, We have reached point 5: False religions do not reflect the love of God. At this point, what will we see?

Student: We will see that false religions have tarnished God's reputation in many ways. And in a special way, with his participation in wars.

Publisher: That's right, to see how they have done it, let's analyze the video "The role of churches in World War II." Let's watch the video, please.

Student: Okay. 

Publisher: According to what we saw in the video, what position did many Churches adopt during World War II?

Student: The leaders of many of these Churches continually expressed their support for human governments. In fact, the Pope made alliances with fascist regimes and pressured many nations to become the State region of these countries. 

Publisher: Unlike the churches of Christendom, what position did Jehovah's Witnesses publicly adopt? 

Student: Unlike the churches of Christendom, Jehovah's Witnesses proclaimed that the solution to the world's problems was the government of God. They also publicly proclaimed that they would not participate in this war.

Publisher: And you, what do you think about what these religious leaders and the followers of these Churches or false religions did?

Student: I think that someone who claims to believe and serve God cannot participate in a war, kill brothers of faith simply for being in different pews, and much less urge others to participate in wars and armed conflicts.

Publisher: That's right, now let's read John 13:34,35 and then John 17:16, to ask some questions.

Student: of course there is no problem, the texts say the following………………

Publisher: Very good Julia, taking into account these biblical texts, how must Jehovah feel when religions get involved in wars?

Student: Jehovah wants his servants to love each other and not be involved in divisions and conflicts like Wars. So I think Jehovah must feel sadness and disapproval when religions engage in war, as this goes against his mandate of love and peace. 

Publisher: That's right. Now, false religions are responsible for many atrocities and do not reflect the love of God. What things have you seen that show that this is so? You can rely on the image to respond. 

Student: False religions definitely have responsibilities in Wars because they support governments, make alliances, bless armies and urge their followers to actively participate in these armed conflicts, where they kill each other despite saying they believe in God. and who profess the same faith. 

Publisher: That is correct. I congratulate you for your excellent reasoning. You have understood the point very well. Now let's move on to the next...

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