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“What did Job do to stay morally clean?” (10 min.)
How we appreciate the gift of sight! Thanks to it, we capture images in full color and in three dimensions. Furthermore, we perceive the beauty and enjoy the wonders of the natural world, which are clear testimony of the existence of a glorious creator.
But the close relationship that exists between sight and mind requires that we be very careful, since what we see conditions what we think. This is what happens when we look at things that awaken ambitions and bad desires.
That is why the word of God encourages us to very carefully control what we see and desire. Someone who understood very well how sight and desire are related was Job. That is why we understand what he said in Job 31:1 that we are going to read, he says......
”I have made a pact with my eyes. So how could I become unduly interested in a young woman?
What did Job do to stay morally clean? He said that he had made a covenant with his eyes, which showed that he had an unbreakable commitment that prevented him from seeing things that could harm his relationship with Jehovah.
Job's commitment goes beyond physical actions, he refuses not only to engage in immoral behaviors, but also to entertain impure thoughts. This statement contains a powerful lesson for all of us: Since we are not immune to the temptations of the world, we must exercise careful control over what we see and desire.
Jesus emphasized the importance of maintaining this point. For in Matthew 5:28 he said that, "Anyone who continues to look at a woman to the point of having passion for her has already committed adultery with her in her heart."
Job's example challenges us to protect our thoughts and actions, recognizing the interconnection between sight and desire. Job immediately reflects on the consequences of sin, let's see it in Job 31: 2 and 3. If he found it, accompany me with the reading, please it says like this….
LET'S READ JOB 31:2,3.
In that case, what would God, who is above, have in store for me? What inheritance would you receive from the Almighty above? Doesn't disaster await those who act badly and calamity for those who do harmful things?
Job's words warn us to stop before entering destructive paths, lest we experience the consequences. For this reason we must reflect on where what we choose can take us. Remember that Paul said in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, that those who adopt immorality as a lifestyle "Will not inherit the Kingdom of God."
And the outcome of this narrative takes us to Job 31:4, Let's please read the book of Job together, chapter 31 and verse 4 in this verse Job asks a question: He says….
Does not God see my ways and count all my steps?
What an interesting question! The fact that Jehovah sees what we do should serve as a very powerful reminder. Let us ask ourselves: When is our loyalty tested? When we are surrounded by others or when we are alone? Regardless of whether we are alone or surrounded by others, we need to be vigilant at all times, always remembering that God sees our paths and counts every step we take.
In times of loneliness, we must remember that our behavior has a profound impact on our relationship with God, as our actions can cause us joy or pain. The Bible assures us that God cares deeply about us and desires our obedience for our own benefit.
In conclusion, dear brothers, Job's exemplary life teaches us the importance of maintaining moral purity, being clean and chaste not only in our actions, but also in the depths of our hearts. We find this warning from Jesus in Matthew 5:28 that we are going to read and says the following……..
But I tell you that everyone who continues to look at a woman to the point of feeling passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
In our activity guide for this week, following the words of Jesus, we can see a brother turning his face in disgust and quickly closing his laptop so as not to see anything that could affect his relationship with Jehovah, since in order to stay clean and chaste, that is, pure in a moral sense, this brother is very clear that moral cleanliness not only has to do with what he does or what he says, but also with what we put in our hearts.
Dear brothers, let us learn from wisdom, let us make: "A pact with our eyes", let us reflect on the consequences of our actions and always remain aware of the watchful gaze of our God Jehovah,
And how we do it? Always seeking moral cleanliness in every aspect of our lives, whether at work, at school, in our neighborhood, in our congregation and in every aspect of our Ministry. If we do this we can be sure that we will be among the faithful whom Jehovah cares for, and no doubt in due time we will receive many blessings for keeping ourselves morally clean.
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