Monday, January 1, 2024

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week from January 1 to 7, 2024, Job 32 to 33, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: January 1-7, 2024, Job 32 to 33, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Job 33:25. How does this verse help us see our physical appearance with balance as the years go by? (w13 1/15 19 ¶10).

This verse helps us see that it is not wrong to worry about our appearance. However, we should not try to eliminate the signs of aging at all costs, which can actually reflect maturity, dignity and inner beauty. On the contrary, we must view our physical appearance with balance as the years go by.


On the other hand, Proverbs 16:31 teaches us that gray hair is a crown of beauty when it is in the path of righteousness. This means that maturity and dignity that reflect the signs of aging can be considered beautiful in the eyes of Jehovah God.

Therefore, instead of undergoing risky treatments or surgeries to look younger, it is more important to develop inner qualities such as justice, kindness and love, which make us truly beautiful in the eyes of God. Furthermore, we must remember that in the new world, we will be completely healthy and regain our youthful beauty. Until then, wisdom and faith help us stay close to Jehovah and accept the passing of the years with gratitude.

The text of Job 33:25 talks about waiting for the restoration of our health that comes as a benefit of being part of the Kingdom of God and avoiding undergoing risky treatments to look younger in order to improve self-esteem or simply out of personal preference.

From this text we can also learn that our relationship with Jehovah is better and is more significant than our physical appearance, since as the Bible mentions, true beauty comes from giving importance to what we are on the inside, such as our maturity and dignity. .

Balance lies in maintaining a conscious perspective that outer beauty is fleeting and that inner beauty and spiritual well-being are more lasting and bring eternal benefits. Without a doubt, old age was not in Jehovah's plans when he created us, that is why it is not something that we all want to reach that, so that is why there are these types of feelings, but this text helps us see that youth only Jehovah will not give them complete, so we are encouraged to be prudent not to enter into cosmetic surgeries where we put our lives at risk.

And there are people who undergo risky treatment or surgeries to look younger, but we must remember that more important is to develop internal qualities that can be reflected daily and permanently, such as kindness, justice, patience, love, these qualities make us truly face Jehovah's eyes see us much more beautiful, we must remember that very soon in the new world we will be completely healthy and our youthful beauty and until then wisdom and faith help us to stay close to Jehovah and accept with gratitude the passing of the years.

In reality, no one likes to see the signs of aging in oneself, but that is not a justification for us to try to eliminate these signs since, as the Bible mentions, they can actually reflect maturity, dignity and inner beauty. Furthermore, let us remember that for Jehovah the most important thing is what we are inside and that same point of view is what we have to have.

The course is that one does not think about getting old, one strives to eliminate features of old age, resorting to various methods, putting one's own health at risk, but even so one must be very careful, remember that only in the new world will we have full health, will we recover our health. Youthful beauty and that makes us think that today we must show ourselves closer to Jehovah by showing wisdom and faith that he will help us.

As the years go by we get older and that can become visible with wrinkles, gray hair, and diseases. Of course we would not like this to happen but it is reality, which is why many people resort to risky treatment operations to open up. more physically attractive, but although it is not bad that we worry about our appearance, the bad thing is to live obsessed with the idea that physical appearance is the most important thing, so we know that only youth, beauty and health, as you say We will only have it in the new world, so while the new world comes let us be patient and focus on who we are on the inside because it is the person who pleases Jehovah that we are on the inside.

Well, this verse helps us understand that we do not have to be ashamed of the signs of aging or try to hide them since these represent maturity, dignity and inner beauty and as Job 33:25 says, it says that your flesh becomes fresher than when you were young. and may he once again have the vigor of his youth. In other words, we don't need to worry about our physical appearance because when the new world comes we will already be perfect.

And it is true that we will have that physical beauty and that perfection only in the new world, but the balance that must be maintained is not bad for us to worry about our appearance, it is not to be excessively worried, not to forget that for Jehovah what matters most is our inner person, not the one we pretend to be on the outside.

If the paragraph raises a very interesting question that we should ask ourselves, if it is prudent, then undergoing risky operations or treatments just to look more attractive is well worth asking.

This teaches us that for Jehovah what we are on the inside is much more important and that in the new world we will have that full health and recover youthful beauty so we will have to focus more on obtaining wisdom and discernment of the things that Jehovah promises us.

It helps us understand that because of sin, we are going to spend time, we are going to grow old, we are going to see the effects on our body on our skin, so instead of focusing on it, we should focus on our spirituality because otherwise we could have so much desire to stay young that we gave them our lives in high-risk surgeries that put our lives in danger, so that is why it is so important that we remember that only in the new world will we be able to recover our youth and our vigor.

Then we will feel the joy of Jehovah and faith and wisdom will help us go through this stage of growing older but not focusing on appearance.

What spiritual pearls have you found in this week's Bible reading?

Job 32:1-5. These verses show that Elihu becomes angry with Job and his three friends because they cannot find adequate answers. This teaches me the importance of listening to others and not judging based solely on a person's age or experience.

Job 32:11. They highlight the importance of listening before speaking, a crucial principle in the Ministry and in life in general. This skill is essential to offer wise advice based on the Bible. By listening with empathy and understanding, we can capture people's emotional situations and questions, which enables us to provide relevant and useful Biblical answers.

Job 32:22. We see that Job emphasizes the importance of not exalting or extolling humans above what they deserve. This teaching is relevant in daily life and in Ministry. Sometimes, we tend to praise human figures too much, whether for their achievements, knowledge or positions. However, this verse reminds us that no person deserves to be exalted above God, since instead of Elevating people, it urges us to direct our glory and honor to God, who is the true source of all honor and glory.

Job 32:8. He highlights that there is a type of wisdom that comes from God and that grants understanding. The study of the Bible is essential to obtain this Divine wisdom, since the word of God is an inexhaustible source of spiritual knowledge and guidance for daily life. By delving deeper into the scriptures, we can better understand God's will, the principles that guide our lives, and how to apply them in various situations.

Job 32:3,4. He introduces us to Elihu, a character who waited patiently and showed respect and patience as he watched them discuss and debate ideas about Job's situation. This teaching can be applied to ministry. Often, we encounter ideas or perspectives that differ from the teachings of the Bible, so it is important to maintain patience and respect when listening to others, even if their ideas may seem wrong, and wait for the appropriate time to speak about what you think. says the Bible.

Job 32 8. Highlights that there is a type of wisdom that comes from God and that grants understanding. The study of the Bible is essential to obtain this Divine wisdom, since the word of God is an inexhaustible source of spiritual knowledge and guidance for daily life. By delving deeper into the scriptures, we can better understand God's will, the principles that guide our lives, and how to apply them in various situations.

Job 32:7. In this text we can see Elihu talking about the wisdom associated with age, highlighting the importance of learning from experience and knowledge accumulated over time. For older brothers who have served Jehovah faithfully for a long time have experiences, knowledge, and a deeper understanding of the scriptures that can be extremely valuable to those who are younger in the congregation. Their wisdom and practical knowledge can offer helpful guidance, advice, and insights on how to live a life centered on faith and service to God.

Job 32:6-9. These verses show that wisdom does not depend only on age, but on the understanding and discernment that Jehovah grants us through his Holy Spirit. This teaches me to value the wisdom that comes from Jehovah and motivates me to strive to acquire it through Bible study and also to ask Jehovah for it through prayer.

Job 32:1-13. These verses show that none of Job's friends could refute his arguments or prove him wrong. This teaches me the importance of having solid arguments before signing something.

Job 32:14-15. These verses show that Elihu does not believe that Job's words are directed against him, so he will not respond with the same arguments as his friends. This teaches me not to take the words of others personally and to respond with respect and wisdom.

Job 32:16-19. These verses show that Elihu has waited in silence, but now he feels the need to speak and share what he knows. This teaches me the importance of expressing my opinions and knowledge but always in a timely and respectful manner.

Job 32:20-22. These verses show that Elihu asks for the opportunity to speak to relieve himself. This teaches me the importance of communicating and sharing what we carry inside in order to avoid exploiting and venting in an inappropriate way or that brings us bad consequences.

Job 32:21-22. He helped me take an honest exam because it says that I am not going to show favoritism to anyone or flatter any man, so this helps me see that this is the best way to imitate Jehovah by being impartial.

Job 33:1-31 . This story shows how it is that these three friends of Job were more concerned with judging him and lecturing that they did not even put themselves in his place, they did not have any consideration for Job, this helps me to understand better that if I want to encourage someone person I must be very careful with my words so as not to hurt them otherwise I will make the problem worse and leave more pain, frustration and discouragement.

In chapter 33. It reminds me that even though I am young I can also encourage my older brothers and it also teaches me that I should ask Jehovah for help.

Job 33:8. We can learn from these two faithful men, for example, Elihu teaches us how to advise and console those who need it, and Job teaches us that we must be humble and listen to advice and we are the ones who need that help.

Job 32:6-9. Here in these verses they show that wisdom does not depend only on age but on the understanding and discernment that Jehovah grants us through his holy spirit, this teaches me to value the wisdom that comes from Jehovah and motivates me to strive to acquire it through the study of the Bible.

Job 32:6,7. We see how Elihu showed respect for these two elderly men, that made me think that we should do the same with our older brothers, since they go through many illnesses and problems and we have to show them love and affection. always.

Job 32:19.20. He makes a comparison that when he heard what these people had said and what Job had also thought, he left the appropriate time for him to respond, he had self-control, a peaceful spirit, but when it was time to speak, now, yes, that's why he says there in On the 19th, he was like wine without a vent, like new wineskins about to burst, but also something very important was that he was not going to show favoritism to anyone or flatter any man, that is, he was going to defend Jehovah.

Job 32:18,19. When he says in number 18, the spirit inside me forces me to speak that, it makes me see that when I see the need in others I should not say as they said a moment ago, I can't, I don't know, I don't have words, I don't have wisdom, we come. all week to the meeting precisely to fill us with all that information that consoles our brothers and ourselves, that is why I should never say no, that is not my responsibility, but rather as I pointed out, the spirit of Jehovah forces me to speak in favor of my siblings.

Job 33:25 . This text is very appropriate to use in field service, people are suffering and crying because of the detestable things that are happening, such as in this case of illness and old age, when we teach people that Jehovah promises to make them younger in the future if they do their will will recognize that the only way to be healed in every aspect will be to obey Jehovah, follow his commandments and be aware of all the changes that exist in them.

Job 33:4. This verse is teaching that life is a gift given to us by God who gave it to us through his holy spirit and his breath, so we must value life and use it to serve God.

Job 33:14. It says that God speaks once and twice, when we pray to Jehovah for help he can answer us in various ways through the brothers, the elders, the talks, the meetings and sometimes we have to be aware to realize that it is So.

Job 32:6. We see that God's conduit to correct Job was the young Elihu, just as his name means God is he, he was compelling in speaking for God's vindication in prophetic fulfillment. Elihu represents the governing body in the new world society. of Jehovah on Earth today, through this spokesperson Jehovah corrects and exhorts his witnesses, building them up in correct doctrine, clarifying the responsibility of proclaiming the kingdom through Christ.

Job 32:7,8. We see that wisdom depends not only on age but also on the knowledge that Jehovah gives us and what is best to put into practice.

Job 33:8-12. Elihu advised Job and he was sincere, this teaches us that we can advise and console those who need it and also if we want to be good friends we cannot be silent when they make a bad decision or have something to correct.

Job 32:18. Elihu was full of words, that is, he really wanted to talk since he is compared to a wine that was about to burst, so when applied to the ministry, it can also happen to us that we really want to talk too much and we cannot express it to him. the person then what is fair and necessary.

Job 33:14-16. It shows that in the past God spoke over and over again through dreams and visions, which is why many people believe that God continues to communicate with humans in this way today, but the truth is that the servants of the past did not have the word of God. just as we have it now and that is why he used and availed himself of these means, but once the biblical Canon was completed, dreams and visions were no longer necessary and Jehovah unclogs our ears and records his teaching through his written word, the Bible.

Job 32:21. Since we are talking about imitating Elihu for his good qualities, he says: "I am not going to show favoritism to anyone", another good idea to put into practice is to show favoritism, Jehovah does not do it and since we want to imitate Jehovah, we do well to imitate this.

Job 33:24. When we read about Job's flesh becoming fresher than in his youth, we see how Jehovah made his terrible illness disappear and in this way lengthened the years of his life, and what surprises me is the fact that apart that for Jehovah there is nothing impossible, there are times when one thinks that to be resurrected it has to be a person who has died, but in this case and in other cases that we know from ancient times, Jehovah, even when alive, the person can resurrect them by giving them energy. and extending their lives.

Job 32:11,12 . He says that Eliu listened carefully and patiently gathered information before responding. Sometimes we are quick to judge the motives of someone's actions without having information and we can jump to conclusions and therefore be wrong.

Job 32:4. We learn two very important lessons, in this verse first that we should not interrupt people while they speak, in this case knowing the difficult situation that Job had and the second lesson that we can learn is the respect that Elihu had before the elders, we learn that Even if we have the truth, we know the truth and they are wrong, we should not judge them, we should have empathy for our brother because he may be going through a difficult time, he is venting and we should wait for him to finish speaking so that we can then speak to him with respect. and always encouraging him with the Bible.

Job 33:25. We see that older age makes someone wise. It is true that the Bible says that grayness is a crown of beauty, but it only turns out to be like that when one is on the path of justice, which is why it is not simply those who abound in days who It turns out that those who understand the judgment are not wise nor those who are old, but rather those who, in addition to their experience, let the spirit of God guide them and acquire the understanding of his word.

Job 32:13. He says that God is the one who corrects not man so we see that it was Elihu who was correcting Job so it is clear that Jehovah is the one who corrects through imperfect brothers.

How important good manners are since they require us to pay attention when people speak to us and well this also applies to our meetings because perhaps we should ask ourselves if we allow our mind to wander or time after time we whisper to the person next to us, Job 32: 11-12, Elihu not only sat and listened patiently but he listened to what they were saying and kept our attention directed to them. Good manners will prompt us to show the respect due to the speaker and by giving our attention and support to them. At the same time we will come out stronger of course.

Job 33:1-31. It shows that Elihu knew how to listen, so he was able to help Job to express himself from the heart. He also encouraged him. He also knew that because of pain, he used words rather than saying inappropriate things, and from his example we can learn that we must listen, we must use words to refresh, heal, and not to attract. bitterness and pain.

Job 32:6-9. These verses show that wisdom does not depend only on age but on the understanding and discernment that Jehovah grants us through his help the holy spirit. This teaches me to value that wisdom comes from Jehovah and motivates me to strive to acquire it through the study of the Bible and also to ask for it through prayer.

Job 32:3. He says that he had become very angry because these men had declared Jehovah guilty. By the way, he also had to be very attentive to the speeches of these people to see those details, but in reality it must also be our motivation when we preach. The fact that Jehovah is blamed for so many things for which he is not to blame must produce a similar feeling of anger in us because we do not believe that his name is being stained and it is a good motivation to go preach to cleanse him.

Job 32:16-19. By waiting in silence, Elihu, although he felt the need to speak and share what he knew, taught me the importance of expressing my opinions and knowledge but always in a timely and respectful manner.

We talk a lot about Elihu but maybe we ask ourselves, well, who was this young man who had the detail of being educated in listening but sometimes the courage to correct some elders in that sense, because when we see in Job 32:2, it says that the son from Baraquel the Buzite and we have there a note that Genesis 22:20 and 21 sends us and says that the Buzites were sons of Buz, and Buz was a son of Nacor, brother of Abraham. Therefore I tell you, he was a distant relative of Abraham and apparently he had a good relationship with Jehovah and a good sense of spirituality.

Job 32:1-13. These verses show that none of Job's friends could disappoint his arguments or prove him wrong, this teaches me the importance of having solid arguments before claiming something.

Job 32:2. This verse shows that although Job did not blame God for what was happening to him but tried to prove that he was right and not God, for this reason he was censured. This teaches us not to believe ourselves too righteous because we can start playing at another and that is not good in the eyes of God since he is the only one who has the power to judge.

Job 32:9. We can see that age by itself does not make someone wise and the Bible emphasizes that age alone is not enough that although grayness is a crown of beauty it only turns out to be that way when it is on the path of justice, then it does not Only by being older does one become wise. True wisdom comes from those who, in addition to their experience, allow themselves to be guided by the spirit of God and acquire an understanding of his word.

Job 32:6- 9. These verses show that wisdom does not depend only on age but on the understanding and discernment that Jehovah grants us through his holy spirit, this teaches me to value the wisdom that comes from Jehovah and motivates me to strive to acquire it through Bible study and also to ask Jehovah through prayer.

Job 33:3. There Eliu said my words express the righteousness of my heart and the reference takes us to Matthew 12:34 which says the mouth speaks of what abounds in the heart, Eliu was a prudent and delicate young man when speaking and his words reflected the understanding of Jehovah even recognized it himself, this drives me to continue taking care of my way of thinking and continue meditating on Jehovah's understanding and in this way prudent and edifying words will come out of my heart.

Elihu makes the clarification in Job 33:14 , that Jehovah speaks once and twice or answers, but an earlier verse shows that Job was probably complaining about what he did not answer, but the interesting thing about these passages is that although Jehovah does answer the prayers we need to be attentive to see how Jehovah answers our prayers, he probably does it in a meeting or perhaps a brother gives us advice but we want to be attentive to how Jehovah answers us.

And the entire chapter 32 shows me that he was a great friend, really a great friend and that is how I want to be, if someone is going through a difficult moment and speaks without thinking I want to help them with affection and with a lot of tact of course and on the side Job teaches me that I must be humble and listen to advice, I do not want to reject it at any time because advice can save my life.

Job 32:6. It is good advice for young people because, although Elihu was young, he says that he remained silent and respected the older men. This shows that today, even young people, sometimes we should not take the trust any further. The elders can give us confidence but if we take each other instead of the hand we take the elbow we would be disrespectful. Sometimes we can even call them names, without them having given permission, we must be careful we have to copy the example of Elihu that although He saw the older ones but always also respected them.

Personally, I quite liked the story of Job 33:1-7, where we observe that young Elihu approached the problem in a way to show respect to Job because he showed him that he did not feel superior and rather that he felt calm for the word I was going to say, an excellent way to handle that situation in the same way, whether we are young or old, when we are talking or giving advice to a brother, we must imitate Elihu and handle the situation in a way that we do not feel superior for More than that we are older and thus we will gain their trust and they will take us as their friends.

Job 32:21-22. He mentions that when Elihu visited Job he gave him compassionate advice because the most important thing for Elihu was to seek the honor of Jehovah, not his own or anyone else's. His example teaches me that our main interest when advising someone should be to give themselves honor. to Jehovah and not to us.

Job 32:5. It shows us that if we speak when we are heated we may miss things that we may later regret having said or we may become angry. However, if we think before speaking we will also be able to better organize our thoughts and express ourselves calmly, which will help us to also some may respond to us more favorably.

Job 33:1-3. We see how Elihu acted with Job despite all the adversities he went through and encouraged Job to express himself with a sincere heart before Jehovah. Here we can learn several lessons, one of them is that for our friends we must always be there supporting them and of course if We ask Jehovah for help through prayer, he will never abandon us.

Job 32:21. What catches my attention is what Elihu says in his youth, he says that he is not going to flatter anyone or show favoritism, today it is common in the world to show favoritism and within the organization, thank Jehovah, there is not this and we see that In the congregation, for example, young children, everyone comments, they also preach, and when we were preaching, I started to think about how we could show favoritism. Sometimes well-known people tell us something that does not agree with biblical principles, but in order not to look bad, we give them reasons. We should think carefully about the messages we transmit.

Job 32:14,15. These verses show us that Elihu does not believe that Job's words are directed against him, so he will not respond with the same arguments as his friends. The lesson we learn from here is not to take the words of others personally. and respond with respect and wisdom.

Job 32:12. It says that God is much greater than mortal man and one of the reference texts is Isaiah 55:9 where it says that the thoughts of Jehovah are much higher than our thoughts and that reminds us that we have a point of very limited view as human beings and we may not think of some decisions that are made by the congregation or at the organizational level, but remembering that Jehovah knows much more than we do helps us to have humility to support all decisions.

Job 32:6. I like that Elihu said that he stayed silent because they were old men and although what they were saying was wrong he waited respectfully for them to finish speaking, this teaches me that if we find ourselves in a situation in disagreement we see something wrong we should treat our little brothers with due respect and if we are going to advise, let us treat them like a father with a lot of patience and affection.

Job 33:1. Speaks fairly Elihu says that in some way Impartial went to advise in some way Job, for example, told him, "I too am made of clay," he says, "Jehovah has made me just like you, so there it gave him more confidence and apart from that he also referred to Job." by name, then when we advise someone to give confidence to the person, look at their face, pay attention just as we saw the image there in front and in that way we will also be able to advise in the best way with the Bible as well.

Job 33:3,4. Elihu tells him that his words express righteousness and my heart and my lips say they tell with sincerity what I know but he recognizes and says it was the spirit of Jehovah who made me and the breath of the almighty that gave me life, there he shows humility with which he addresses Job and never gives the credit to himself but rather shows him about Jehovah what he knows to help .

Job 32:8,9. The thought shown here is that it is not age by itself that makes a person wise. A person can be very old but not have the spiritual maturity or not have the maturity to make wise decisions, which is shown here then in The text of Job is that it is the spirit, it is the wisdom of Jehovah that can make a person mature, that is why in reference it shows the text of the Psalm where it says I behave with more understanding than older men because I obey your orders, so if we want To be mature people, spiritual people, no matter how old we are, whether we are very young or very old, what is actually going to make us people with more understanding is the spirit of Jehovah, reading his word in the Bible and doing as he says.

Job 33:18. It says that Elihu was full of spirit when he was able to give wise words to Job, so from this we can learn that in order to advise a brother who asks us for help, we must first pray to Jehovah, ask for his holy spirit so that everything we say will first be biblical, not of our harvest but to help us find information on the page in the indexes but above all ask for his Holy Spirit.

I really like what Job 33:25 says , it is a promise that many of us hope for and that it will be fulfilled that our flesh will become fresher and regain the vigor of our youth, this encourages me to continue serving Jehovah faithfully so receive this award.

Job 32:8. They make us see that it is Jehovah who gives wisdom no matter how old we are, in verse 9 he mentioned that age by itself does not make someone wise and older men do not always understand what is correct, giving us to understand so Jehovah is the source of wisdom and no matter how old we are we can continue seeking it, just as Jehovah can give a young boy inexperienced wisdom as well as older people, so that encourages us to always respect those who They have authority even if they are younger than us.

Job 32:21. Mention, I am not going to show favoritism to anyone or flatter any man because if he wanted to my creator would soon eliminate me, Elihu is a great example for those brothers that Jehovah has allowed to have a position of authority within the congregation, in what sense at the time of dividing and caring for the little sheep that Jehovah has entrusted to them, they do not favor or give greater treatment to those who are closer or pressure them to impose their own thinking. brothers and follow the advice and teachings they find in the Bible when doing their personal study.

Job 33:4. I can use this verse in Ministry to teach that Jehovah used his Holy Spirit to create and give life. And to show that in the Bible the word "Spirit" is used to refer to the powerful active and invisible force of God when it is at work, carrying out his will.

Job 33:25. I can use this verse in preaching to teach that Jehovah through his Kingdom will gradually eliminate the effects that old age produces on human beings.

Job 33:6,7. These verses show that we are all equal to Jehovah. There is no one superior to the other. Therefore, we must not allow the words of someone who believes himself to be superior to cause us fear or crush us.

Job 33:13-15. These verses remind us that Jehovah speaks to us in different ways to direct us and turn us from evil paths. We just have to listen to it and pay close attention to it.

Job 33:19-22. These verses teach me that pain and suffering can become a source of correction and refinement, if we face them with the right attitude.

Job 33:26. This verse shows that when we seek Jehovah and repent of our sins, He forgives us and rescues us from the darkness of sin to receive its righteousness again.

Job 33:6,7. This verse reveals to us the importance of good counselors. The Bible compares us to "Brothers born for when there is distress." However, in Job's experience, we see that some counselors can do more harm than good. This teaches me that a counselor must be empathetic, respectful, understanding and kind in a way that Elihu was not.

Job 33:1,31. These verses show that Job's three comforters were so busy judging and lecturing him that they did not understand him or put themselves in his place. They didn't even call him by his name. Maybe because they consider it "A problem." This teaches me that if I want to encourage someone I must be empathetic and not judge them. Otherwise, instead of encouraging him, I will only bring him more frustration. 

Job 33:1,31. These verses show that Elihu knew how to listen, while the others remained reserved about recognizing their own qualities. Eliu urged Job to speak from his heart and encouraged him not to be terrified. Furthermore, he kept in mind that because of suffering and pain, someone of integrity can say the wrong things. From this I learn that I should always use my words to refresh and heal and not to attract bitterness and pain.

Job 33:4. Eliu recognizes his position as created by God and expresses gratitude for his existence. This understanding and gratitude toward God for his creation can lead us to show loyalty and defense when faced with criticism or gossip that defames God's name or misinterprets his will.

Job 33:1-3. It shows Eliu's attitude in expressing his desire to speak, his motivation being driven by his love for Job and his Genuine desire to offer guidance. This attitude of sincerity and love toward others can be a useful model when speaking in Ministry. When we share the message of the Kingdom, love leads us to communicate with compassion, empathy and sincerity, truly seeking the benefit and edification of those to whom we address.

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