Monday, January 1, 2024

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week from January 1 to 7, 2024, Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO and then analyze the booklet A Labor of Love, Lesson 1, Points 1, 2. Analysis and Answers.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: January 1-7-2023, Lesson 1, Points 1, 2. Analysis and Answers.

Sincere Interest: What Jesus Did

(7 mins.) Analysis with the audience. Play the VIDEO and then analyze the brochure A labor of love lesson 1 points 1, 2.

VIDEO: Jesus talks to a woman at a well

1. Watch the VIDEO or read John 4:6-9. Then consider the following questions:

What did Jesus notice before starting to talk to the woman?

Jesus looked at the surroundings. This gave him the opportunity to find common ground with the Samaritan woman: He was thirsty and she was going to draw water from the well. By being observant and looking for common ground, Jesus was able to spontaneously and simply indicate a conversation with the woman.


Before beginning to speak to the woman, Jesus noted that the woman was a Samaritan, so Jesus set his sights on breaking down the social and cultural barriers that existed between the Jews and the Samaritans. Despite these differences, Jesus made a simple and direct request asking the Samaritan woman for water, which surprised the woman, since it was unusual for a Jew to address a Samaritan in that way, due to the prejudices that existed among them. both groups. 

Before starting the conversation, Jesus took into account several details of the social, cultural and religious context of the Jews and the Samaritans. By breaking down these barriers he was able to start a conversation and make a connection with the Samaritan woman.

Jesus realized that he should be the one to start the conversation, since the Jews and the Samaritans had no relationship. In fact, Jewish men were not supposed to talk to a woman on the street, not even their own wife. On the other hand, Jewish teachers did not consider women worthy of receiving deep spiritual education. Hence, the woman will be amazed to see that Jesus had no prejudices. This broke the ice and allowed the conversation to begin.

Furthermore, Jesus also looked at the daily task that the woman was going to perform: "Search for water," and then he used a comparison to tell her about the water of life that quenches spiritual thirst.

Jesus said to him, “Give me a drink.” Why was it a good way to start the conversation?

Asking the Samaritan woman for water was an effective way to start the conversation, since Jesus in doing so showed a humble and needy attitude, since both the Jews and the Samaritans considered themselves superior, so this broke down social barriers. This simple and direct request demonstrated that Jesus was willing to interact on equal terms, showing empathy towards the Samaritan woman.


It was a good way to start the conversation, because it allowed Jesus to break down social barriers and establish a point of connection with the Samaritan woman. This request also opened the door for a deeper conversation about water and eternal life.

When Jesus carried out this action of asking the Samaritan woman for water, it was a show of humility, since through this simple request, Jesus demonstrated that despite being a Jewish man and a teacher, he did not believe himself superior to her. This allowed the Samaritan woman to feel valued and open to talking and listening to him.

The request for water was a kind and respectful way to start a conversation, because it created an environment conducive to easily starting a conversation that would later deal with deep spiritual questions.

Additionally, Jesus' request allowed the woman the opportunity to contribute and participate in the conversation. As we see, it was something simple to do and we can say that it was an easy conversation to have. This request opened the door for a dialogue that became a teaching about the living water that only he could offer.

What do we learn from Jesus' example?

We probably like to talk about a particular topic that interests us, but if we apply the example of Jesus, we will start our conversations by talking about a topic that interests the person. If we do so we will be following the example of our great teacher Jesus.

We learn that we can use current events to arouse people's interest in the Kingdom message. After mentioning the cost of living, a natural disaster, drug addiction, riots, or the like, we might ask the person something to get them thinking. For example: Do you think it will ever end? Or what do you think is the solution for……? Then we can show you a Bible verse related to the topic. If the person is interested, we can show them a teaching video or publication here. The important thing is to try to reach the hearts of the people of our territory.

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