Friday, November 10, 2023

Watchtower Study, Lean on Jehovah, Just as Samson Did, Week of November 6-12, 2023, Comments and Practical Answers.

Watchtower Study, Lean on Jehovah, Just as Samson Did, November 6-12, 2023, Comments and Responses.

“Sovereign Lord Jehovah, please remember me. Oh, God, give me strength” (JUDGE 16:28).

1, 2. Why is it good for us to study the life of Samson?

It is good to study the life of Samson because his example encourages us and teaches us practical lessons. Since throughout his story, Samson demonstrated a deep trust in Jehovah even in the worst circumstances. 


Samson's example teaches us that we can lean on Jehovah in difficult times and carry out his will, even if a task seems impossible to accomplish. Furthermore, despite his mistakes, Samson demonstrated great faith in God and achieved impressive things for God. His town. 

His story also teaches us practical lessons that we can apply in our daily lives. Additionally, Jehovah inspired the Apostle Paul to include Samson’s name in a list of extraordinary examples of faith in Hebrews 11:32-34. 


3. What mission did Samson receive?

Samson's mission was to save Israel from the hands of the Philistines. Jehovah chose Samson to free the Israelites from the oppression and rule of the Philistines, who were causing much suffering to the nation of Israel. 


For this reason, if Samson wanted things to go well, he had to rely on Jehovah and in this way be able to accomplish this mission. This example teaches each of us the importance of leaning on Jehovah when we have any assignment or responsibility in the congregation, since if we do so, we will be able to fulfill it in the best way just as Samson did.

Furthermore, this task was challenging and required Samson to rely completely on Jehovah's help to accomplish it.

4. How did Jehovah help Samson? (Judges 15:14-16).

Jehovah helped Samson on several occasions throughout his life, granting him supernatural strength at critical moments, for example when the men of Judah decided to hand Samson over to the Philistines, tied him with two new ropes and took him to their enemies. At this moment, the spirit of Jehovah filled him with power, which means that God granted him a special and supernatural strength, that because of that strength he was able to kill a thousand Philistines with a donkey's jawbone.

As we could see in the story, it mentions that there was a large group of Philistine soldiers who were going to receive Samson who had been captured by his own people, and this was because they were afraid of the Philistines. So they decided to tie him tightly with two new ropes and hand him over to their enemies. However, the spirit of Jehovah filled him with power and as we saw he managed to free himself from the ropes until he found a strange weapon, a donkey's jawbone, which he used to kill 1000 Philistine soldiers.

5. How did Samson demonstrate his trust in Jehovah?

Samson showed his trust in Jehovah by leaning on him in difficult times and using what he had at hand to do God's will. Instead of relying on his own strength or sophisticated weapons, Samson trusted in Jehovah and managed to do impressive things for his people.


As already mentioned, he showed that he trusted in Jehovah, by the defensive weapon he used, since it was only a donkey's jawbone that was fresh, that is, from an animal that was already decomposing. Samson knew that the most important thing was to rely on Jehovah regardless of the weapon he would use, considering that it was a huge army that he would have to face. Which teaches that he used what he had at hand to do Jehovah's will and rely on him, and he undoubtedly succeeded.

By using the donkey jawbone as a weapon to confront a large number of enemies, Samson showed his faith in Jehovah's supernatural help. And this was because he knew that only with the support of God could he achieve an incredible feat. Because in reality, regardless of the weapon he used, the outstanding thing about this story is that Jehovah can use insignificant things to achieve wonderful things in favor of his town.


And as we can see in the image the description, when this Philistine army was approaching, it used what it found, because that was not what was going to give it victory, but it was the power and support that came from Jehovah.

Samson grabs the jawbone of a donkey as the Philistine army approaches. Samson trusted in Jehovah and was adaptable. He used what he had at hand to do God's will. (See paragraphs 4 and 5).

6. What is one lesson we can learn from the story of Samson?

The lesson encourages us to place our trust in God in all circumstances, always recognizing that, with his help, we can overcome the challenges that arise in our responsibilities and successfully fulfill our tasks in his organization.


That if we lean on Jehovah, he will help us fulfill his will and give us strength to fulfill any responsibility that his organization assigns to us, even if it seems like an impossible task to us.

We learn that although it is true that it is likely that in Jehovah's organization, we are assigned to fulfill some responsibility or assignment, which may seem impossible to us to carry out, because sometimes it happens that at first it is difficult for us to prepare said assignment. However, Jehovah will give us the strength to be able to fulfill his will, since we remember that it is an assignment that comes from Jehovah, and it is possible that we will even be impressed after fulfilling it.

It also reminds us that faith and dependence on God are essential to overcome what seems impossible AND achieve what he calls us to do. Since trust in Jehovah is key to receiving his strength and carrying out his will.

7. What example demonstrates the importance of seeking guidance from Jehovah?

The example presented demonstrates the importance of seeking Jehovah's guidance in making decisions and adapting to changes. In this case, the Jehovah's Witness organization was faced with significant growth and the need to build more kingdom halls and other facilities to serve its congregation. Instead of continuing with the traditional design-and-build approach, the responsible brothers sought Jehovah’s guidance and were willing to try new methods, such as purchasing existing properties and renovating them.


Previously, Jehovah's organization designed and built most Kingdom Halls. However, in view of the growth of Jehovah's people, they decided to start purchasing already built and renewable properties. Doing this became a challenge for our brothers. But they were willing to adapt, and with Jehovah's blessing the result was favorable.

The responsible Brothers sought Jehovah's guidance and tried new methods, in this case buying properties that were already built and renovating them, since once they were built it saved time and energy. It was certainly not easy for everyone to accept this new approach, but the brothers were willing to adapt, and it was clear that Jehovah was blessing these changes.


8. What did Samson do when he became very thirsty?

When Samson became very thirsty after killing the thousand Philistines, instead of trying to find water on his own, what he did was ask Jehovah for help.

This episode demonstrates Samson's dependence on God even in the most basic needs, such as thirst.

The account in Judges 14 says that after killing the 1,000 Philistines he became very thirsty, and instead of trying to find this vital liquid on his own, what he did was ask Jehovah for help to supply it to him.

9. How did Jehovah respond to Samson's request? (Judges 15:19).

Jehovah responded to Samson's request in a miraculous way, causing water to flow from a natural source, after which he regained his strength, thus this miracle demonstrated once again the faithfulness and power of Jehovah, and thus strengthened Samson's confidence. in it. 


When Samson drank this water, he experienced recovery. This event served as a powerful reminder to the Israelites that if they trusted and leaned on Jehovah in difficult times, He would be willing to help them in supernatural and providential ways.

As the story indicated after Judges 15, Jehovah miraculously caused water to flow in that place, and when Samson drank he regained his strength and revived. That is why when the prophet Samuel wrote the book of judges there was still this natural source of water, which reminded the Israelites that if they relied on Jehovah he would help them in difficult times.  

10. What should we do so that Jehovah can help us? (See also images).

We must be modest and recognize that our abilities and achievements are insufficient without God's help. Humility allows us to depend on Jehovah and recognize that only with his help and guidance can we be successful in our lives.


We must take advantage of all the help that Jehovah gives us to be spiritually strong. Additionally, in the images depicted in the article, we see brothers arriving at a Kingdom Hall, suggesting that attending Christian Meetings is an important way to receive spiritual help. 

It is also mentioned that we should be modest and admit that we will only do well if we rely on Jehovah. Therefore, to receive help from Jehovah, we must trust in him, ask for his help in prayer, and study his word and attend Christian meetings.

This paragraph highlights that no matter what abilities we have or responsibilities we have achieved, we must be modest and rely completely on Jehovah. We must take advantage of all the help that Jehovah gives us to stay spiritually strong, and this he does through his organization.

Jehovah provides us with spiritual resources and support through organization, scriptures, prayer, and other spiritual sources. And the purpose of these great helps is for us to be spiritually strong, we must make the most of these resources and maintain a close relationship with Jehovah.

In short, to receive help from Jehovah, we must go to him with humility, seeking his guidance, his support, and take advantage of all the spiritual help he provides us. Since dependence on Jehovah and the use of his spiritual resources will strengthen us spiritually and help us face the challenges of life.


And in the image we have the description says: Samson regained his energy when he drank the water that Jehovah gave him. We must take advantage of all the help that Jehovah gives us, to be spiritually strong, and there you can see the publications, the meetings, the site and the Broadcasting in which we always have excellent speeches, new news and everything that Jehovah wants us to use. and let us receive to be spiritually strong. 

Samson takes water from a spring with his hands. Overlaid images: 1. A JW Broadcasting® program. 2. The Bible and several of our publications. 3. Brothers arriving at a Kingdom Hall. Samson regained his energy when he drank the water that Jehovah gave him. We must take advantage of all the help that Jehovah gives us to be spiritually strong. (See paragraph 10).

11. What should we do to make the most of Jehovah’s help, and what example did a couple set for us?

Like the example of Alexey and his wife, it is essential to have a spiritual routine that includes prayer, daily Bible study, and meditation on the scriptures. This helps us strengthen our faith and stay close to Jehovah.


We must follow a program of spiritual activities that includes studying the Bible and reading it daily, praying, attending Christian meetings, and preaching. Additionally, the example of a couple in Russia that has maintained a good spiritual routine despite intense persecution in their country is mentioned. This couple has found the strength to endure thanks to their faith in Jehovah and their daily spiritual routine. Therefore, to make the most of Jehovah's help, we must maintain a good spiritual routine and trust in him at all times.

The main lesson is that we should not trust in our own strength or abilities, but in God. Recognizing our dependence on Jehovah is essential to receiving help and strength from him.

This paragraph tells of a couple who live in Russia, where they suffer intense persecution for the work of our brothers who are loyal. However, they mention that they have the habit of analyzing the day's text and praying to Jehovah together. Furthermore, they read the Bible and study it, and they have not neglected attending the Meetings and participating in the preaching, all of this despite the intense persecution they face. Like Samson, Jehovah has given them the strength to endure, undoubtedly a good example for each of us. 

Maintaining this spiritual routine over time is essential. Since persistence and consistency in our spiritual practices such as meetings and preaching allow us to maintain a solid relationship with Jehovah and receive constant help from him. 


12. What bad decision did Samson make, and why was it different from previous ones?

Samson made a bad decision when he fell in love with a woman named Delilah. This decision was different from previous ones because, in the past, Samson had fought against the Philistines and had demonstrated his bravery and the decisions he made were guided to fulfill his mission. However, upon falling in love with Delilah, Samson walked away from his mission to fight against God's enemies and let himself be carried away by his personal desires.


Although he had previously sought to marry a Philistine woman as part of Jehovah's purpose to act against the Philistines, his relationship with Delilah was problematic.

Furthermore, it is likely that Delilah was an Israelite, not a Philistine, which meant that their relationship did not contribute to Samson's fight against the Philistines. This difference made it a less appropriate choice from a spiritual perspective, since these decisions had terrible consequences because they were not under the direction of Jehovah.

In the stories we find in Judges chapter 14 and chapter 16 it is indicated that on one occasion he even wanted to marry a Philistine woman. It is even said in Judges 14 that apparently this decision came from Jehovah to act against the Philistines. But then he fell in love with Delilah who was probably an Israelite and that relationship was not going to help him in his fight against the Philistines because he had to go through a person from that nation and that decision had terrible consequences because they were not what Jehovah was indicating. 

13. What did Delilah do to trap Samson?

Delilah accepted the Philistines' offer to betray Samson in exchange for money. She then repeatedly pressured Samson to reveal where her strength came from, and he ended up telling her her secret. As a result, Samson lost his strength and the approval of Jehovah.

Samson told him that his strength was due to the fact that his hair had never been cut. Dalila took advantage of this information to cut his hair while he slept. Which brought unfortunate temporary consequences, which were already mentioned above.

14. How did Samson end up trusting Delilah?

The Philistines captured him after Delilah did not betray him and put out his eyes, turning him into a slave to grind grain. Afterwards, they took him out of prison to mock and humiliate him.

Samson ended up trusting Delilah instead of trusting Jehovah, as a result he was captured by the Philistines, who put out his eyes, put him in prison in Gaza, made him a slave to grind grain and mocked him at a party, all as a consequence of his misplaced trust in Delilah.

Unfortunately, because Samson trusted Delilah more than Jehovah, he paid dearly for it. The Philistines captured him and put out his eyes, they turned him into a slave to grind grain, something that animals did, they even organized a party for the false god Dagon because they believed that he had delivered Samson into their hands, at this party he killed him. They humiliated and mocked him.

15. How did Samson show that he was leaning on Jehovah again? (Judges 16:28-30; see cover art.)

Samson demonstrated that he was once again relying on Jehovah by praying and asking Him to give him strength to take revenge on the Philistines who had captured and blinded him. God heard his prayer and restored his extraordinary strength, allowing him to kill more Philistines on that occasion than during his entire life. This act of faith and trust in Jehovah shows that Samson had learned from his mistakes and was willing to fulfill the mission that God had given him.

He begged Jehovah, as we saw in the story, to allow him to take revenge on the Philistines. So this indicated that he was determined to fulfill the mission that Jehovah had given him, to fight against the Philistines. Jehovah heard his prayer and restored his extraordinary strength, with this support, as he said at the end of the story, he killed more Philistines on that occasion than during his entire life, and they were very important people as we saw in the story. .


And in the image that we see here, is the situation of how Jehovah gave Samson strength to carry out his sentence against the Philistines. Without a doubt I need that spirit of Jehovah to achieve something that seemed impossible.

Samson pushes two columns with all his strength, and the building collapses. Jehovah gave Samson strength to carry out his sentence against the Philistines. (See paragraph 15).

16. What do we learn from Samson?

We learn from Samson that, although he made a grave mistake, he did not stop striving to fulfill Jehovah's will. Despite the consequences of his mistake, Samson continued to fight against the Philistines and asked Jehovah for help to fulfill his mission. Therefore, we too must move forward and not give up if we make a mistake or need correction. We must strive to fulfill God's will and trust in him at all times.


The story of Samson teaches us that, despite our mistakes and weaknesses, we can continue to be useful to Jehovah if we trust in him, recognize our limitations, and seek correction and continue to persevere in his service. Jehovah does not see us as hopeless cases and he is willing to help us overcome our weaknesses and mistakes.

As we very well know, Samson had to suffer the consequences of his serious mistake, but he still strove to fulfill the will of Jehovah. In the same way, if we receive correction or lose some responsibility in the organization, we do very well to remember that Jehovah does not see us as a hopeless case, or so to speak, he does not leave us aside. Otherwise, if we make the necessary adjustments, we will be very useful to Jehovah just as Samson was.

17, 18. Why are you encouraged by Michael's example? (See also images).

Michael's example encourages me because it shows that even if we make mistakes, we can regain friendship with Jehovah and return to serving him with a clear conscience. As mentioned in the paragraph, Michael lost his responsibilities in the congregation due to a mistake, but he did not give up and focused on growing closer to Jehovah. He eventually regained his responsibilities and is now an elder and regular pioneer.


His story highlights the importance of genuine repentance, congregational support, and perseverance in serving God.

He also acknowledges that he received help from the elders of the congregation, where he felt that Jehovah showed the affection he had for him, of course he serves now with a good conscience. And that teaches us that even if we have made a mistake, we will be useful to Jehovah if we make the necessary corrective measures and we will of course receive blessings later as long as we do everything necessary to correct our behavior.

His experience teaches us that Jehovah can forgive anyone who is repentant, and that we can always be useful to him if we do our best to correct our behavior and continue to rely on him.

I am also inspired to know that, despite our faults and weaknesses, Jehovah is willing to forgive and restore those who sincerely seek and correct their ways and rely on him. This is a reminder of Jehovah's mercy and love toward his servants, and that we can continue to be useful in his service despite our mistakes.


And we see in the images a sequence of what happened, a very active brother received correction. And of course after making the adjustments again, now participating in serving his brothers also under the protection and care of Jehovah.

Series of images: 1. A very sad brother with the Bible open at his side. 2. The brother talks to two old men. 3. He meditates on what he is reading on his tablet. 4. Listen carefully at a Kingdom Hall meeting. 5. Give a speech at a meeting. Samson probably felt very bad because of his mistake, but he did not give up. We should not give up either. (See paragraphs 17 and 18).

19. How has Samson's example strengthened you?

We can say that although he was imperfect and made a mistake with Delilah, he did not stop serving Jehovah; mentioned as a man of great faith in the letter to the Hebrews. And knowing that Jehovah loves us and gives us strength when we go through problems or need his help is of great encouragement to each of us.


Samson's example has strengthened me by reminding me that, despite our imperfections and mistakes, Jehovah still desires to use us and give us strength to do his will. Although Samson made serious mistakes, he did not give up and continued serving Jehovah. The fact that Jehovah saw him as a man of great faith and included him in the list of faithful servants in Hebrews 11 is a reminder of the love and mercy of our Heavenly Father.

His example encourages and strengthens us a lot, why is it not taught that, even if we make mistakes, we can move forward and trust in Jehovah to correct our behavior and fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to us, the important thing is not to throw in the towel.

The story of Samson encourages us to seek Jehovah's help in times of difficulty and to remember that, despite our weaknesses, God is willing to strengthen us and use us in his service. Samson's prayer is a reminder that we can turn to Jehovah for strength in our trials and difficulties, trusting in his love and care.


How do we show that we trust in Jehovah, just as Samson did?

Samson demonstrated his trust in Jehovah by asking him for help in times of need and by recognizing that his strength came from God. He also trusted Jehovah as he continued forward in his mission, despite the difficulties and obstacles he faced. Likewise, we can demonstrate our trust in Jehovah by asking him for help in prayer, by studying his word, and by continuing in our service despite the difficulties we face, for by trusting in Jehovah and his power, we can overcome any obstacle. and fulfill the mission that God has entrusted to us.


Just as Samson recognized his weakness and dependence on God, we must be humble and aware of our human limitations. This helps us depend on God rather than on our own strength.

If we trust in Jehovah we can carry out any task that his organization assigns to us, since he will help us fulfill his will. Therefore, we want to support new arrangements or decisions that are made at the organizational level, and thus we will realize that Jehovah supports it.

What help did Jehovah give Samson to continue fighting against the Philistines?

Jehovah gave Samson strength to carry out his sentence against the Philistines, for example, in Judges 15:14-16, it is related how Jehovah made him eliminate 1000 Philistines with a donkey's jawbone. Thus this story shows us how Jehovah can help us in times of need and give us the strength and support we need to fulfill his will.


From his youth, Jehovah granted him supernatural strength that allowed him to perform extraordinary physical feats. This strength helped him defeat the Philistines on numerous occasions.

He made water flow in a miraculous way, and this allowed him to have the necessary strength and continue fulfilling his will.

What do we learn from what Samson did after making a mistake?

That if we lean on Jehovah, He will help us fulfill his will and give us strength to fulfill any responsibility his organization assigns to us, even if it seems like an impossible task.


And after his mistake with Delilah, Samson repented and sought help from Jehovah. This teaches us that repentance is essential when we make mistakes or sin. Since we must recognize our faults and seek God's correction.

Samson demonstrated that even in his weakness, he could turn to Jehovah for strength and direction. This reminds us that no matter how weak or vulnerable we feel, we can seek Jehovah in prayer and depend on his power.

Despite Samson's mistakes, Jehovah forgave him and restored him, allowing him to fulfill his mission of fighting the Philistines. This lesson teaches us that Jehovah is willing to forgive those who sincerely seek his mercy and are willing to correct his behavior.

Although Samson suffered the consequences of his mistake, he did not stop striving to fulfill Jehovah's will. We too must remember that Jehovah does not see us as a lost cause. Despite our mistakes, we can be very useful to him in organizing him.

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