Friday, November 3, 2023

The Study Watchtower, "Article 36", Week of October 30 to November 5, 2023, Let's not overcharge, Answers.

The Study Watchtower, «Article 36», 30-October-5-November-2023, Let's not charge more than necessary, Answers. 

“Let us also lay aside every burden […], and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (HEB. 12:1).

1. According to Hebrews 12:1, what must we do to finish the race for life?

First we must make sure we can reach the goal, in this way we will receive the best prize they can give us, "eternal life." However, as we know, the road is not going to be easy. Paul himself in 2 Timothy says that he has fought the noble fight, and has finished the race by maintaining the faith. 

Taking these words into account, we must do everything possible to remove the burdens that can cause us to distract from the path. Since in the text read from Hebrews, we are encouraged to remove all burdens and the sin that easily entangles us, and to run with endurance the race that is set before us.

2. What did Paul mean when he said “let us also take off every burden”?

Paul was referring to the unnecessary burdens that we carry in our lives. And to understand it we can give an example: If we look at a racing car, we see that an attempt is made to manufacture it with the lowest possible weight, thus avoiding making it carry unnecessary weight, but at the same time it must comply with certain standards that allow it to remain in the race. Something similar happens with us.

In 2 Timothy 2:5 Paul reminds us that no one is crowned unless he competes according to the rules. From these words we learn that we must carry as few burdens as possible to advance as quickly as possible in this spiritual race. But we must always comply with Jehovah's standards in order to be worthy of receiving our prize. 

3. a) According to Galatians 6:5, what should each Christian bring?

Each of us must carry our own burden of responsibility. Which means that we must carry the spiritual responsibilities we have before Jehovah and that no one else can carry it for us, so to speak each of us is responsible for his own burden.

3. b) What will we see in this article, and why?

In this article we will look at some things that are included in our “own burden of responsibility” and what will help us carry it. Also, we will talk about some unnecessary burdens that we may carry and what we can do to remove them. Because it is important that we do not carry more than necessary in this race and only carry what is necessary, because if we do so we will be able to cross the finish line and receive life.


4. Why is the promise of dedication not a heavy burden? (See also images).

By dedicating ourselves to Jehovah, we promised to worship him and do his will. Said this way, it may seem like a very heavy and difficult task to take on. However, let us remember what we read in Revelation 4:11 reminds us that Jehovah deserves to receive glory, honor and power because he created all things. With this in mind, let us keep in mind that we have made a promise of dedication to the most powerful being in the universe. 

David reminds us in Psalms 40:8. Doing the will of Jehovah was a pleasure for him. David said: That the law of the Lord was in the depths of his being. For this reason, let us also fulfill Jehovah's desire and come to know and worship him.


A brother is running on a street full of hills and slopes. In one circle he appears praying, in another circle he is leading family worship and in another, asking a brother for forgiveness. These scenes appear in paragraphs 4 to 9. Carrying our own burden of responsibility includes living up to our dedication to Jehovah, fulfilling our family responsibilities, and accepting the consequences of our decisions.

5. What will help you fulfill your dedication? (1 John 5:3).

As we dedicate ourselves to Jehovah, we promise to do his will, but there will be times when doing so will be very difficult. It is in those moments when we must strengthen our love for Jehovah and the more love we feel for him, the less heavy that burden will be.

For this reason we must always remember the things that Jehovah has done for us. As mentioned in Hebrews 5:7. When Jesus was on earth, he offered requests and prayers with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard. The lesson we learn is that Jesus prayed to Jehovah to remain whole, because he knew what the reward was, let us also do the same and stand firm.

6. Why should we fulfill our family responsibilities? (See also images).

In Ephesians 5:33 we are urged to love and protect our spouses, parents, and children. But we must always be very balanced, and fulfill our family responsibilities, but always loving Jehovah more than our family. And thus we will always put Jehovah's standards first.

In Matthew 10:37, We see that if we love our father, mother, son or daughter more than Jehovah, we will not become worthy of him. That said, it does not mean that we neglect our family, rather it tells us that if we want to please God and Jesus, we have to fulfill our role in the family, but without neglecting the most important thing, the interests of Jehovah.

7. What will help you fulfill your role in the family?

In a family each member has a role, whether we are grandparents, parents, or children. However, we must apply what we are told in Proverbs 24:3, This text urges us to be wise, since a wise person builds a house and with discernment makes it firm. So whatever our position in the family, let us put into practice the advice we find in the Bible and in the publications of the faithful slave. Because if we all collaborate, our family will be happier.


The brother is doing family worship with his wife and daughter. (See paragraphs 6 and 7).

8. How can the decisions we make affect us?

Jehovah created us with the quality of being able to make our own decisions. It is up to us whether we make good decisions or bad ones. In Galatians 6:7,8, he reminds us that no one can mock God, because whatever one sows is what he will reap. With this in mind, we learn that everyone is responsible for what they do or say, and we have to accept the consequences.

If at any time, because of our actions, we feel bad or guilty about something, perhaps we should confess what we did, correct our behavior and make an effort not to make the same mistakes.

9. What will help you if you have made a bad decision? (See also images).

The first thing we must assimilate is that what's done is done, and there is no turning back. In Psalms 25:11. It reminds us that Jehovah forgives our mistakes, even if they are great. So let us not fear or be distressed, and let us not blame others, nor justify our actions. On the contrary, let us pray to Jehovah and ask him to forgive us, and if necessary, let us do what James 5:14 says. Is there anyone sick among you? Let's go to the elderly.

And in verse 15 of this same text, it says that prayer made in faith will make the sick person recover, and Jehovah will raise him up. For this reason, let us be sure that Jehovah loves us and will treat us with mercy if we repent, regardless of the mistakes we make.


The brother asks for forgiveness from a brother. (See paragraphs 8 and 9).


10. Why are unrealistic expectations a heavy burden? (Galatians 6:4).

Galatians 5:26, Encourages us not to be self-centered or encourage competition among ourselves. If we apply this advice, we will be able to complete our race at our own pace. Because if we set expectations that are too far from our capacity, we will never be able to achieve it. Which could take away our energy and cause us to slow down in our Christian career.

We must be very clear about what our expectations are, and let's make sure that these expectations are realistic, because we must take into account that each one is different and with different capabilities, and it is not good to compare ourselves with anyone, since when we try to do the same as others, Otherwise, we may demand more from ourselves than we can actually give.

In Proverbs 13:12, he encourages us to be realistic, since expectations that take time to be fulfilled make the heart sick. Therefore we must be realistic with the expectations we set for ourselves.

11. What will help you avoid having unrealistic expectations?

What will help us is to keep in mind that Jehovah will never ask more of us than we can give him. Jehovah values ​​what we do, if we do it from the heart. For this reason in 2 Corinthians 8:12, we see the importance of giving based on what we have, and not what we do not have. Therefore, let's be realistic and honest with our expectations.

Perhaps we should be modest and recognize that due to age or health, we will no longer be able to assume certain responsibilities. In that case, let's do like Moses, delegate tasks to others, since they will be very happy to accept them.

12. Are we responsible for the bad decisions that others make?

Of course not, and we say this because in Romans 14:12, we clearly see that each person will give an account of himself to God. For this reason, no matter how much the bad decision the other person makes affects us, we should not feel responsible. To do that would be to carry a weight that will make us slow in our career.

13. What can a parent do if their child makes a bad decision?

If this is our case, what we can do is pray to Jehovah, hoping that our son will change his mind and return to Jehovah's people. But let's never feel guilty for the bad decisions our children make.

As a parent we always tend to think what we could have done things better. However, Jehovah gave us freedom of choice, therefore each person decides what decisions to make in his life. But without a doubt, Jehovah wants us to be good parents. But if our child decides to stop serving Jehovah, it is easy for us to feel bad about that decision based on our imperfection. 

14. Why should we remove the burden of excess guilt?

We must do it, because feeling excessively guilty about something we did a long time ago is not good, because if we let sadness crush us, we will most likely give up, and that guilt will not allow us to reach the goal.

In Acts 3:19, He urges us to repent and turn around so that our sins may be erased, and thus Jehovah himself will bring times of relief. With these words in mind, let's do everything we can to rid ourselves of excess guilt.

15. What will help you if you feel excessive guilt? (1 John 3:19, 20; see also photos).

If at any time we are tormented by excess guilt, we must take into account Psalm 130:4 that true forgiveness comes from Jehovah. For this reason, if we feel excessive guilt, what will help us is to be clear that if we have already repented from the heart, Jehovah leaves our sins in the past.

In Jeremiah 31:34 we see that when one repents from the heart, Jehovah fulfills this promise: “He does not remember our sin.” For this reason we must keep in mind that although our sin may bring us consequences, for example: We may lose responsibilities in the congregation, but Jehovah has forgiven us, and this is what should really matter to us, because as we have read the text of John 3:20 even if our heart condemns us, because God is greater than our heart. Since the most important thing of all is that our heart feels safe before God.


Series of images: 1. A sister tells three elderly people how she feels. 2. Afterwards, she looks happy preaching with a sister. Once you repent from your heart, Jehovah leaves your sins behind you. Why doesn't he do the same? (See paragraph 15).


16. As runners, what should we be clear about?

As runners in a race for life, we must be clear about what we are interested in taking with us and what we are not. Hence, the importance of being aware and sincere of what it is really necessary to take with us, with the aim of achieving at the end of our career successfully.

In Luke 21:34 we are encouraged to watch ourselves, so that our hearts never become overwhelmed. So let's be clear about the purpose of our career and let's leave everything that prevents us from arriving successfully. 

17. Why are we sure that we will win the race for life?

Security is given to us by Jehovah himself, since he is there to give us his support. He will help us carry our burdens and help us take away what we do not need. In Isaiah 40 29, we are reminded that Jehovah strengthens the weary and strengthens the weak.

And Psalm 68:19 continues to remind us that Jehovah does not carry our burdens day after day. Therefore, this is our security, Jehovah accompanies us on our path, and he will help us reach the goal.


What burdens should we carry?

One of the necessary burdens we must carry is to fulfill the promise we made to Jehovah when we dedicated ourselves. Since we promised to worship him and do his will. We must also fulfill our family responsibilities and the consequences of our decisions.

We must also love and protect our spouse, parents and children, but always putting Jehovah first, while fulfilling our role within the family.

What burdens must we take off?

One of the burdens that we must remove are unrealistic expectations, and we do so when we do not compare ourselves with anyone, taking into account what we are capable of doing and what we are not, since we must be careful not to become egocentric by encouraging competitions and envy in each other. 

Let's meditate on how the decisions made by others affect us and not feel guilty, let's get rid of excess guilt, whether for our sins or those of someone else.

What will help us run to win?

Jehovah himself is the one who will help us reach the end of the race, sometimes helping us to bear our burdens and sometimes helping us get rid of them.

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