Monday, November 13, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of November 13 to 19, 2023, Bible Course, Review of section 1 questions 6-10, Lesson 8, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: November 13-19, 2023, Bible Course, Review of section 1 questions 6-10, Lesson 8, Prepared Assignment.

Bible course (5 mins.): lff review of section 1 questions 6-10 (th lesson 8).

Publisher: Very good Andrea, Let's continue with the review of what we have seen so far, to answer question 6 we will quickly read Psalms 62:8, Please read it.

Student: Yes, of course, it says like this…

Publisher: Very good Andrea Thank you for your reading. According to what you have read, the question is the following: What things have you prayed to Jehovah about and what else could you pray to him about?

Student: Well, as the text mentions, Jehovah wants us to pour our hearts out to him, so I pray to him for health, for life, for food. And about more things, for example: when I have to make an important decision in my life, I ask Jehovah to help me make the right decision.

Publisher: Excellent Andrea, How would you say that Jehovah answers our prayers?

Student: He does it in different ways, even in ways that we do not imagine, he can do it through our family or people close to us, he can use them to answer our prayers.

Publisher: Very good Andrea, Question number 7, Why is it good for me to attend the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses? And you can take the text of Acts 10:24,25 as a reference. 

Student: Yes, of course, as the text mentions, meeting with the Brothers in the congregation is very beneficial because it strengthens us and encourages us to continue doing good things.

Publisher: Excellent Andrea, very good, and do you think it is worth making the effort to attend those meetings? 

Student: Yes, of course, yes, since in the meetings we learn more about Jehovah and cultivate love between the brothers, and above all it is very beneficial for us. 

Publisher: Very good. Now let's move on to question 8: Why is it good to read the Bible daily and what program do you follow to read it every day?

Student: Reading the Bible daily is good because it helps us stay active in a spiritual sense, and helps us remember our Christian responsibilities. It also helps us to be better people every day. Personally, I have a program, in the evenings I have established myself to read and analyze a daily chapter of the Bible. 

Publisher: That's excellent Andrea. I encourage you to continue maintaining this study program. Now let's move on to question 9: What has she liked most about this Bible course so far?

Student: Well so far I have liked learning new things about God, as well as knowing that he does listen to us and that he answers us, as long as our prayers are according to his will. 

Publisher: Very good Andrea, what else have you liked about the course so far?

Student: Well, I would say, knowing that God has many purposes for us and that he helps us achieve them.

Publisher: That's great Andrea, now we are going to answer the last question number 10: Since you started studying the Bible, have you faced any obstacles? And if so, what will help you move forward?

Student: Well so far I'm alone at school, sometimes I start reading my Bible and my classmates make fun of me, but I know that Jehovah will help me move forward, despite some obstacles that may arise.

Publisher: It's good that you keep in mind that Jehovah can help you Andrea. I would like to talk more about this topic, because it is not something new nor something that has no solution.

Student: Yes, of course, I would appreciate it.

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