Monday, November 13, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of November 13-19, 2023, Revisit, Tell the person about our Bible courses and give them a contact card for our Bible classes, Lesson 11 Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: November 13-19, 2023, Revisit, Lesson 11, Assignment Prepared.

Revisit (3 mins.): Use the topic of ideas to discuss. Then tell the person about our Bible courses and give them a contact card for our Bible classes (th lec. 11).

Publisher: Hello, good morning, how are you?

Assistant: Hello, good morning, well, thank you. 

Publisher: My name is Carla, I visited you two days ago and I agreed to return to answer with you the question, Why can you trust the Bible?

Assistant: Yes, of course, I remember, to be honest, the truth is that I didn't have time to think about the question.

Publisher: I appreciate your sincerity, don't worry, today we will see if we have any reason to trust the Bible, as you know the Bible is a very old book, and since this is a very old book, it should have some information which should make us trust him, right?

Assistant: Sure, because being very old it should contain valuable information. 

Publisher: Of course, Carla, to mention one, what would you say if I told you that the Bible agrees with science, but that it has provided information many years in advance, and that humanity discovered it many years later? .

Assistant: The truth is that if that is what you tell me, it would be something very surprising.

Publisher: The truth is that when I learned about this topic I was also surprised. Let's think about what many years ago was said about the Earth, that it was supported by large mythological animals, but today we know that this is not true. It is true, but what did the Bible say about this topic, Long before it was discovered. Please read with me the text of Job 26:7……………………………. Did you notice, what did the Bible say many years in advance? 

Assistant: Yes, there it said that the earth hangs above nothing.

Publisher: Exactly, and today we know that that is not true, right? 

Assistant: Yes, of course, how interesting and surprising at the same time.

Publisher: Of course yes, but let us remember that the Bible is the word inspired by God, and it should not surprise us, rather tests like these should make us confirm even more in the word of God.

Assistant: The truth is that what you mention to me is an extraordinary piece of information that I did not know.

Publisher: This is just one of the many tests that help us trust the word of God the Bible, look at us Jehovah's Witnesses, we offer free Bible courses, in them you can learn more about the Bible and you will be surprised to learn more evidence that is still valid today.

Assistant: Sounds interesting.

Publisher: I am glad that you are interested, and speaking of the Bible courses, they are free and according to the time you have, I encourage you to meditate and think about it. It is good that all good-hearted people like you know more about God.

Helper: Thank you very much. 

Publisher: Before I leave I want to offer you a contact card, it shows the name of our website, and a QR code, which you can scan and it will directly take you to a link where you can write to us, when I made the decision to take a Bible course.

Assistant: Well, as soon as I make the decision, I will write to them at the link you are giving me.

Publisher: It seems very good to me. What is your name?

Assistant: My name is Andrea.

Publisher: Well, Andrea, I'll leave it for you, and on our page you can find many topics, like the one we talked about today, so brief. I hope you can enter and analyze our page, in two days I will be returning to know his opinion.

Assistant: Thank you very much, I will be waiting for you, take care.

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