Friday, October 27, 2023

Watchtower Study, Let us always be patient, Week of October 23 to 29, 2023, Comments and Practical Answers.

Watchtower Study, Let us always be patient, October 23-29, 2023, Comments and Responses.

“Clothe yourselves with […] patience” (COL. 3:12).

1. Why do you like dealing with patient people?

Dealing with patient people allows us to experience respectful treatment when we make mistakes, they make us feel better in difficult times. Furthermore, thanks to patience we learned from Jehovah, and our love for Jehovah is increasingly greater as we see the great patience that he displays to each of his servants.

We like dealing with patient people because we respect their ability to wait without getting frustrated, we appreciate that they are patient with us when we make mistakes, and we appreciate that they help us understand, accept, and put into practice what we learn. Furthermore, it is very gratifying that Jehovah is also patient with us.

2. In what situations might we find it difficult to be patient?

One of the situations may be when we are in the middle of a traffic jam or delays in public transportation, as it can be difficult, especially if we are in a hurry or with little time left.


We may also find it difficult to be patient when we interact with people who irritate us, criticize us, or test us in terms of tolerance. These challenges in personal relationships can test our patience.

In addition, patience is tested when there is waiting in long lines or waiting on the phone for assistance, it can be frustrating and test our patience.

And speaking of impatience, it can also arise when we expect significant changes in our lives or when we want to see the realization of spiritual promises, such as the new world.


3. How does a patient react when they feel provoked?

When a patient feels provoked, he tries his best to remain calm and not repay in kind. He does not get angry easily and seeks to maintain peace in pressure situations.


The patient person strives to remain calm and does not give in to anger or frustration when faced with a provocation or stressful situation. Instead of responding with immediate anger, he looks for more balanced solutions and responses.

Instead of panicking and reacting impulsively, a patient person tends to maintain composure and composure when encountering challenging situations. This allows them to make more rational and effective decisions.

Instead of responding to provocation or conflict with verbal or physical aggression, a patient person seeks to resolve problems peacefully and constructively. She prefers open communication and conflict resolution without resorting to hostility.

Exodus 34:6, describes Jehovah as patient. His quality of being merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and full of loyal love and truth stands out. This description shows that Jehovah reacts patiently in various situations.

4. How does a patient person react when they have to wait?

Someone who is patient has to wait, respond calmly without getting restless or irritated. He maintains serenity even if something takes longer than expected. This attitude of patience allows them to listen attentively to others without interrupting and to have the patience necessary to help students understand Bible teachings and overcome bad habits.


The patient accepts that there are circumstances that may cause delays and does not allow themselves to be disturbed by this.

When someone tells him something, a patient person demonstrates his patience by listening attentively without interrupting. This attitude shows respect for the speaker and reflects her willingness to take the time necessary to understand and respond appropriately. 

5. How else do we show that we are patient?

Another way we demonstrate patience is by avoiding acting impulsively. In important situations, a patient person does not rush to start or finish a task. Instead, he carefully plans what he is going to do and then takes the time to do it properly.


The person who is patient does not rush to begin an important task. Instead he spends time meticulously planning, considering the necessary steps, the resources required and possible obstacles. This meticulous planning contributes to the efficiency and quality of the task.

Patience is reflected in the dedication to completing a task thoroughly and carefully. For example, the patient person does not rush to complete it, but rather takes the time necessary to ensure that it is done well and without errors.

6. How does a patient react to trials or difficulties?

In the face of trials and difficulties, a patient person strives to endure them without complaining. Although it is okay to vent to a trusted friend, a patient person will do his or her best to maintain a positive attitude and continue serving Jehovah joyfully.


Patience is manifested when the person faces difficulties or trials without complaining excessively. Although he may share his feelings with a trusted friend, he does not allow negativity or discouragement to dominate his attitude.

Despite adversity, the patient strives to maintain a positive attitude. This involves seeking solutions, focusing on the lessons that can be learned from difficulties, and finding reasons to move forward with hope and joy.

When one is patient in the midst of trials, this allows the person to continue serving Jehovah and to achieve their goals of service with joy and devotion. Which does not allow difficulties to interfere with our commitment to serve Jehovah.


7. According to James 5:7, 8, why is patience so important? (See also images).

Patience is important because it allows us to trust that God will fulfill his promises in due time, just as a farmer works hard and waits patiently for the harvest to grow. And we as spiritual farmers, if we become impatient we could become tired and distance ourselves from the truth, focusing on immediate satisfactions instead of persevering to the end and obtaining salvation.


Like faithful servants of the past, Christians must wait patiently for God to fulfill his promises of salvation. Patience is essential to maintain faith and dedication to God over time, trusting that, in due time, God will fulfill his promises of redemption and salvation.

James compares Christians to a farmer who works hard to cultivate his land, but what is interesting about this illustration is that this farmer does not know exactly when he will harvest the fruits. In the same way, Christians work for Jehovah and fulfill his responsibilities, without knowing when the final fulfillment of divine promises will come. Patience is essential in this process of work and constant dedication.

If we are impatient we may stop waiting with confidence in the promises that God has made to us. This will cause us to move away from the truth and focus on immediate things or worldly interests or errands. So patience allows us to remain firm in our faith and wait for Jehovah's promises.


In the Enlightenment, Christians are compared to farmers in the sense that the farmer waits patiently, convinced that he will reap fruit when the time comes, and we wait patiently, convinced that Jehovah will fulfill all that he has promised in due time. .

Series of images: 1. A farmer sows many seeds in a field. 2. The farmer tries to see if any seeds have germinated. 3. The farmer looks happy and is standing in the middle of the crop while it rains. Just as the farmer waits patiently, convinced that he will reap fruit when the time comes, we also wait patiently, convinced that Jehovah will fulfill all that he has promised in his own time. (See paragraph 7).

8. How does patience help us get along with others? (Colossians 3:12, 13).

Patience is a quality that helps us get along with others, listen carefully when they speak, and promote peace. We also avoid reacting impulsively or saying something hurtful under pressure. If someone offends us, we do not get angry easily or respond in kind, but rather we tolerate and forgive each other generously.


Being patient allows us to pay attention to what others say. When we listen patiently, we show interest and respect for the opinions and feelings of others. Patience helps us avoid impulsive reactions in conflictive situations. Instead of responding aggressively, we can remain calm and seek peaceful solutions to disagreements.

The text of Colossians 3:12,13 shows us that patience helps us get along with others by bearing with each other and forgiving each other generously. So regardless of any reason we may have to complain about someone, we must remember that Jehovah generously forgave us, so we must do the same for others. Therefore, by practicing patience, we show compassion, kindness, humility and mildness, which contributes to maintaining harmony and love in the congregation and also with other people. 

Patience prevents us from saying harmful hurtful things when we are under pressure or angry. Instead, we can communicate more constructively and compassionately and not get angry easily. This allows us to maintain more harmonious relationships and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

When someone wrongs us, patience allows us to forgive generously instead of holding a grudge or seeking revenge. This strengthens relationships and promotes an environment of forgiveness and reconciliation.

9. How does patience help us when making decisions? (Proverbs 21:5).

Patience helps us make better decisions by taking the time to educate ourselves and evaluate all available options. Instead of acting rashly or without thinking, patience allows us to carefully consider the consequences and impact our decisions may have on our family life, our relationship with Jehovah, our attendance at meetings, and our ministry. Hence, by being patient we avoid making bad decisions and make sure we choose the option that is best for us in all aspects.


This quality also allows us to spend time obtaining all the necessary information before making a decision. This involves researching, analyzing the options and considering the implications of each of them. By being patient, we avoid acting hastily or without carefully thinking about the consequences.

Proverbios 21:5, nos enseña que la paciencia nos ayuda a tomar decisiones acertadas y a tener buenos resultados en nuestros planes. Si somos trabajadores y pacientes tendremos éxito en lo que emprendamos. Por otro lado, si nos precipitamos sin pensar, podríamos enfrentarnos a la pobreza. Por lo tanto, la paciencia nos permite evaluar cuidadosamente nuestras decisiones y tomar las mejores acciones, evitando situaciones adversas en el futuro.

La paciencia nos brinda la capacidad de evaluar cuidadosamente las opciones disponibles y  sopesar sus ventajas y desventajas. Al no apresurarnos, podemos tomar decisiones más  fundamentadas y alineadas con nuestros objetivos y valores a largo plazo.

Al ser pacientes, tenemos la oportunidad de pensar en las posibles repercusiones de nuestras decisiones en diferentes aspectos de nuestra vida, como la familia, la espiritualidad y nuestras responsabilidades. Esto nos permite tomar decisiones más equilibradas y en línea con nuestros objetivos y prioridades.


10. ¿Qué podemos hacer para seguir cultivando la paciencia?

Podemos pedirle a Jehová que nos ayude a tener más paciencia y a cultivar las cualidades que produce el Espíritu Santo. Así que si estamos pasando por una situación difícil, podemos seguir pidiendo a Jehová espíritu santo y que nos ayude a ver las cosas como él las ve. También podemos orar y hacer todo lo que esté en nuestras manos para ser pacientes en nuestro día a día. Y si nos esforzamos al máximo, veremos cómo poco a poco nos volvemos más pacientes.


Pedir a Jehová que nos ayude a desarrollar y fortalecer la paciencia en la vida, nos ayudará a seguir cultivando la paciencia. La paciencia es parte del fruto del espíritu, por lo que podemos orar para recibir el espíritu santo y las cualidades que este produce incluyendo la paciencia.

Pedirle a Jehová que nos ayude a ver las situaciones desde su perspectiva. Esto puede ayudarnos a comprender mejor las razones detrás de las demoras o dificultades, y a mantener una actitud más paciente.

Por último podemos reflexionar sobre las situaciones en las que nos falta paciencia y buscar maneras de mejorar en esas áreas específicas. La autorreflexión y la autocorrección son herramientas valiosas en el proceso de desarrollo de la paciencia en nuestra persona.

11, 12. ¿Cómo ha demostrado Jehová que es paciente?

Jehová ha demostrado paciencia al no destruir inmediatamente a Satanás cuando este manchó su nombre en el jardín de Edén. En lugar de eso, Jehová demostró autocontrol y paciencia, sabiendo que se necesitaba tiempo para demostrar que su forma de gobernar es la mejor. 


Aunque su nombre sigue siendo manchado, Él espera con aguante. De esta manera, su paciencia ha permitido que millones de personas lleguen a conocerlo y tengan la oportunidad de vivir para siempre. De allí que meditar en la paciencia de Jehová, nos más fácil esperar el momento que él ha establecido para traer el fin.

Cómo se menciona en 2 Pedro 3:9, Jehová es paciente y no desea que nadie perezca, sino que todos tengan la oportunidad de arrepentirse. A lo largo de la historia, la humanidad ha cometido pecados y se ha alejado de los caminos de dios, pero Jehová ha mostrado paciencia al darles tiempo para corregir sus caminos y volver a él.

A pesar de la rebelión de Adán y Eva y la influencia de Satanás, Jehová no destruyó de inmediato a quienes desobedecieron. En lugar de eso, mostró paciencia y autocontrol. Entendió que se necesitaría tiempo para demostrar que su forma de gobernar es justa y amorosa. Esta paciencia ha permitido que innumerables personas tengan la oportunidad de conocer a Dios y vivir para siempre.

13. ¿Cómo imitó Jesús a la perfección la paciencia de su Padre cuando estuvo en la Tierra? (Vea también la imagen).

Jesús imitó la paciencia de su padre, al no enojarse fácilmente y al no responder con malas palabras a los insultos y provocaciones de sus enemigos. En especial, a los escribas y fariseos. También mostró paciencia al aguantar las pruebas sin quejarse.


A pesar de que Jesús a menudo tenía conflictos con los escribas y fariseos, quienes a menudo mostraban hipocresía y hostilidad hacia él. Él no se dejó llevar por la ira o el enojo. En cambio, mantuvo la calma y respondió a menudo con sabiduría y amor.

Con su ejemplo, Jesús nos enseña que podemos aguantar con paciencia cualquier prueba que enfrentemos si contamos con la ayuda de Jehová. Por ejemplo, cuando nos tratan mal, insultan u ofenden en la predicación de casa en casa, debemos ser pacientes y no enojarnos con facilidad y mucho menos responder de la misma manera. Al contrario, debemos aguantar con paciencia.

No respondió con malas palabras, Jesús no respondió a los insultos y provocaciones con palabras hirientes. En lugar de eso, respondió con enseñanzas que reflejaban su compasión y deseo de guiar a las personas hacia la verdad.


En la Ilustración vemos como un matrimonio está predicando de casa en casa y le responden con calma a un señor que está enojado. Este ejemplo nos muestra cómo la paciencia nos ayuda a no enojarnos con facilidad aunque nos provoquen.

Un matrimonio está predicando de casa en casa y le hablan con calma a un señor que está enojado. La paciencia nos ayudará a no enojarnos con facilidad cuando nos sentimos provocados. (Vea el párrafo 13).

14. ¿Qué aprendemos de la paciencia de Abrahán? (Hebreos 6:15; vea también las imágenes).

Aprendemos que aunque no podamos ver el cumplimiento de todas las promesas de Jehová en nuestros días, si somos pacientes como Abrahán, podemos estar seguros de que Jehová nos bendecirá ahora y muchísimo más en el nuevo mundo.


Abraham had to wait a long time for God's promises to be fulfilled. This patience is a valuable lesson for us, as sometimes God's blessings can be slow to manifest. Patience is a virtue that allows us to persevere in faith and trust in God despite difficulties and delays.

Although Abraham did not see the complete fulfillment of the promises in his life, he still enjoyed a close relationship with God. His faith and patience were rewarded with the blessing of offspring and a special relationship with his Creator. This teaches us that obeying God and trusting in his promises has significant spiritual rewards, even if we do not see all the promises fulfilled in this life.


The image shows an older brother imagining how Abraham observes the starry sky after Jehovah promised him that his descendants would become a great nation that would inherit the promised land. Meditating on this account will surely help this elderly brother to be patient and be convinced that although he does not see the fulfillment of Jehovah's promises now, he will see it in the new world where his blessings will be very great.

An older brother meditates on the story of when Abraham observed the starry sky. If we are patient like Abraham, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us now and even more in the new world. (See paragraph 14).

15. What could we analyze in our personal study?

We could analyze the stories of people mentioned in the Bible who were patient, such as David, Simeon and Anna, and in that way we can learn from their example, AND ask ourselves what helped them to be patient and what positive results they obtained by demonstrating this quality. We could also learn from those who were impatient, as in the case of Saul, and ask ourselves what led them to lack patience and what negative results they obtained for not demonstrating this quality.


We can analyze in our personal study the story of David and how he had to wait for many years before taking the throne as King of Israel. And ask ourselves what qualities or circumstances helped David to be patient in that long wait.

As we study the story of Simeon and Anna who faithfully served Jehovah while awaiting the coming of the promised messiah, we might ask: What enabled them to remain patient during that time? What were the positive results of your patience in your relationship with God and in the realization of your hopes? And finally, what lessons can we draw from their experiences to apply patience in everyday situations?

16. Mention some benefits of being patient.

Being patient benefits us because it helps us be happier and calmer. It also improves our physical and mental health. It helps us prevent a situation from getting worse if someone is angry, helps us get along better with others, and helps us maintain unity in the congregation. But above all, by being patient we imitate Jehovah and draw closer to him.


Patience contributes to a more serene and happy state of mind, as it allows you to deal with stressful situations in a calmer way. It is also linked to stress reduction, which can have a positive impact on physical and mental health. Lowers blood pressure and contributes to general well-being.

This quality also makes it easier for us to coexist in our interpersonal relationships. Since not getting angry easily, a more harmonious and respectful environment is promoted. It also strengthens unity within the congregation, as it reduces conflict and produces tolerance and mutual understanding.

17. What should we be determined to do?

We must be determined to continue clothing ourselves with patience.

Although it may be difficult to demonstrate patience in different situations, we are encouraged to persevere and trust that Jehovah will help us in the process. Furthermore, as we patiently wait for the arrival of the promised new world, we can be sure that Jehovah is attentive to those who fear him and hope in his real Love. The exhortation, then, is that we must all commit to making a conscious effort to develop and maintain a patient attitude in our lives.


What does it mean to be patient?

Being patient means staying calm in stressful situations, making rational decisions, resolving conflicts peacefully, accepting delays calmly, and showing respect by listening to others without interrupting.

Why is patience so important?

Patience is crucial to maintaining faith and dedication to God over time, trusting that he will fulfill his promises of salvation. Which allows Christians to persevere in their constant work for God, despite the uncertainty about when divine promises will be fulfilled. Impatience could lead to distraction and drift away from spiritual truth, focusing on short-term worldly interests. In short, patience strengthens faith and waiting for divine promises.

What will help us be more patient?

What will help us be more patient is to pray to Jehovah to receive the holy spirit and his qualities, including patience. See situations from God's perspective to better understand the reasons behind delays or difficulties. And reflect on the areas where we lack patience and work on improving them through self-reflection and self-correction.

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