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“Three ways to make ourselves wiser” (10 mins.)
On many occasions we sometimes use the word wise to refer to an intelligent person. However, this word does not only have to do with someone intelligent or someone with a high intellectual capacity. Proverbs teaches that wisdom is the ability to make decisions guided by God's definitions of good and evil.
Now, if we compare between a wise person and someone intelligent, when we refer to someone wise, we are not referring to someone who has extensive knowledge of things, but rather has the ability to apply what they have learned.
Without a doubt, true Christians possess the true wisdom that only comes from Jehovah, which is indisputable. However, it is very important to apply it in our lives and that is reflected in our good decisions.
Therefore, why is it important to apply God's wisdom in our lives? In Psalm 111:10, King Solomon mentioned that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom that the wise will listen and absorb more instruction.
So how can we see, if we are wise it will not only help us on a personal level, but it will also help others, since we will be good company. For this reason we will see three necessary steps to be wiser. And in order to find these steps, please see the Biblical Book of Job, Chapter 12.
And to see the first step, please see the book of Job, chapter 12 and verses 7 to 9. And let us remember that these words were inspired by the extraordinary Divine Wisdom that comes from our creator Jehovah. If he found it, please accompany me with the reading, it says like this… ..
But please ask the animals, they will teach you, also the birds of the sky, they will inform you. 8 Or look to the earth, for it will teach you, and the fish of the sea will inform you. 9 Who among them does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this?
Now, according to the text read: What is the first way to make ourselves wiser? The text read said: "Ask the animals and they will teach you." Which indicates that the first way to become wiser is by observing creation.
And now we can ask ourselves: How can we ask the animals? Well, the vast majority of the inventions that human beings have made have been made by asking animals, or so to speak, by observing Jehovah's creation. Although it is obvious that the shape of airplane wings already mimics that of birds, researchers have gone one step further. “Engineers at the University of Florida have built a prototype drone that hovers in the air, dives and soars quickly, just like seagulls do.”
Seagulls perform their amazing aerial acrobatics by bending their wings at the elbow and shoulder joints. Well, actually we could detail many and many inventions thanks to observing creation. What can we say about ourselves? Isn't it true that when we observe how well all of Jehovah's creation is made, are we amazed?
For example, in our activity guide for this week we can see a group of people who are eating outdoors and are observing one of Jehovah's creations, "The Woodpecker." This tiny animal can hit wood 1000 times harder than wood. force of gravity and can do them up to 12,000 times in a day, without suffering damage, the purpose of doing this is to search for food and also make its nest.
How is this made possible? Well, there we can see the wisdom of Jehovah, and we can learn from so many animals, or from creation in general, both the smallest and the largest, such as the galaxies or the universe. Undoubtedly these things indicate how wise our creator is. and how perfect is his wisdom.
The more knowledge we have about Jehovah's wisdom, the more we will speak in our own words about the wonderful wisdom that only Jehovah possesses. Now let's look at the second way to become wiser, to do this let's now look at the Biblical record of Job, Chapter 12, but this time verse 12. Let's read together please, it says the following...
Is there no wisdom among older people? And doesn't long life give understanding?
As we can see, the second way to become wiser is: striving to make friends of faithful brothers. Perhaps you are young and prefer to hang out with those your own age or with those who share your youth. However, why not make it a goal to make friends with older brothers who are faithful to Jehovah?
In order to find more reasons to do so, let us remember the text from Job that we just read: Is there no wisdom among older people? The answer is a resounding yes, and we say this, because the elderly can also learn a lot from the young. As we know, the Bible gives us an example about this, we are referring to David and Jonathan, they were very good friends, regardless of the great age difference they had from each other.
So now the question arises: How can these brothers help us to be wiser? Well, these brothers have a great career in a spiritual sense, their experience can help young people make wise decisions in their lives. In the Bible it is mentioned that our dear brothers in faith can become like parents, brothers and be used to fill our need to have a great family.
And what can we say about participating in our ministry with brothers of long activity? For example: We can find in our congregation special pioneer brothers, traveling superintendents, who are now in our environment or perhaps close to us. If we take advantage of their wisdom we can absorb all that wealth of knowledge and understanding that they have due to their long history in the truth.
If we want to be wise, then we need to hang out with people who display this beautiful quality of wisdom. Let us not forget, dear brothers, that Jehovah, over the course of a long time, has been using these older brothers so that, with his example, they help each of us to achieve the true wisdom that only Jehovah can give us.
Again please see the Illustration of our activity guide. There we can see that at this very pleasant moment two elderly brothers are also sitting, who due to their career can transmit a lot of experience, a lot of practical advice to the young brothers around them. And what can we say about the young people, many of them have also taught our older brothers how to use electronic devices that have been useful for the Ministry or meetings. In conclusion, from both young and old brothers, we can obtain the wisdom that comes from Jehovah.
We see this special moment where a family is gathered, but something interesting is that there are also a couple of older brothers who can transmit a lot of experience, a lot of practical advice to the youth, and also the young people can transmit the same to the older ones. How many older brothers have had to learn from the young people how to use electronic devices that have served them for either the Ministry or the Meetings, and now let's look at the third way to become wiser, in the book of Job chapter 12 verse 16 it says... ….
In him there is strength and practical wisdom; His are the one who goes astray and the one who leads others astray;
According to what you read, what will be the third way to be wise? The text mentioned "Practical Wisdom." We must first know Jehovah's righteous standards and then put them into practice. As we know very well, the wise person is not characterized by knowing more or understanding more, but rather he is characterized by putting into practice all the good things that he has learned in his life.
And how do we achieve it? Well, the best way to do it is to know Jehovah's thoughts, since as we very well know, he is the wisest being in the universe and there is nothing that he cannot understand. And we say this because he has demonstrated it with his actions, since when we do not understand something that is written in the Bible or perhaps we do not know how to put it into practice in some aspect of our life. By deepening his word and the publications of Jehovah's Organization, we understand better and become wiser and we are able to put into practice what we have learned.
In short, dear brothers, he who applies these rules is sure to succeed. Let us then review the three ways to become wise: Observing creation, making friends with faithful brothers, knowing Jehovah's righteous standards and putting them into practice.
In conclusion, in our activity guide we can see a very interesting question that says: How has spending time with faithful brothers made me wiser? The answer to this question will demonstrate whether or not we are seeking the true wisdom that comes from Jehovah. And above all, we want to be a guide for our brothers and for them to have an attractive image so that they are determined to learn more about Jehovah, and to be a motivation for them to be wise, in these critical moments. But above all, let us practice this wisdom eternally with the guidance of an extraordinarily Wise God.
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