TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week of October 23 to 29, 2023, “The loyal love of Jehovah protects us from the lies of Satan”, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: October 23-29, 2023, “The loyal love of Jehovah protects us from the lies of Satan,” Prepared Speech. 

“Jehovah's loyal love protects us from Satan's lies” (10 mins.).

In this speech we will reflect on the loyal love of Jehovah, his Loyal love, a love that protects us from the wiles and lies of Satan, in these times when the adversary constantly seeks to undermine our faith and sow doubts in our hearts, It is essential to remember the unwavering love that Jehovah has for us.

Satan, the father of lies, strives to make us believe that Jehovah is to blame for the adversities and difficulties we face in life. As mentioned in Job chapter 8, verse 4, let's look for it in the Bible Job chapter 8, verse 4, the text says:


If your children sinned against him, he let them be punished for their rebellion.

However, this was not true, let us remember the example of Job, who in the midst of suffering, came to believe that God was indifferent to his faithfulness. In his anguish he came to the wrong conclusion that obeying God did not matter. Why? Let's look at what it says in Job chapter 9, verse 20 to 22, the text says: 

LET'S READ JOB 9:20-22.

20 If I were right, my own mouth would condemn me. Even if I am upright,* he will declare me guilty; 21 Even if he is whole, I do not know what will become of me; I reject this life of mine.

22 Everything is the same; That is why I say: 'He destroys the innocent and the wicked alike.'

We know that this is completely false. In the word of God he confirms it, in Psalms 37: 7 to 10 he reminds us that the loyal love of Jehovah is a shield, a refuge in times of distress. David, a faithful servant of God, stated: "You are a hiding place for me, you protect me from anguish, you surround me with joyful cries of deliverance, he who trusts in Jehovah is surrounded by his Loyal Love." His words agree with what Job said in the book of Job in Chapter 10 verse 12.


You have given me life and loyal love; With your care you have kept my spirit.

Just like the walls that protect a city from its enemies, Jehovah's loyal love surrounds us, defending us from any spiritual danger we may face. Jehovah draws us to him with his loyal love, a love that overcomes all difficulties and obstacles. In the midst of trials we can have full confidence that God does not abandon us, that he is always at our side and that his loyal love is a shield that protects us from the insidious tricks of Satan.

Therefore, let us remember at all times that Jehovah's loyal love sustains us, protects us and guides us in our spiritual life. Let us not fall into the traps of Satan's lies that seek to undermine our faith in the loving God who has given us everything. Instead, let us maintain our loyalty to Jehovah by trusting in his unwavering love that surrounds us and strengthens us.

Now when we face moments of adversity, it is easy to fall into despair, for example, and forget this Loyal love that Jehovah constantly surrounds us with. However, I want to remind you that in the midst of these trials God is always present, and his loyal love is manifested in amazing ways. One of the ways in which we can strengthen our faith and remain firm in the midst of the storm is by noticing that Jehovah He shows us his love. These manifestations of love can come through the brothers and sisters of the congregation who, with their hearts full of love and compassion, provide us with support and encouragement in our times of need.

Imagine for a moment, a sister who is going through a difficult situation, may feel overwhelmed and hopeless, but this is where Jehovah's loyal love comes into play, brothers and sisters aware of her situation, come together to help her, as whether through financial help, food or simply being there for them in prayer and emotional support. This is a tangible manifestation of Jehovah's loyal love through his servants.

Furthermore, in our congregations we always find words of encouragement and comfort in the speeches of our brothers. These speeches do not remember the importance of remaining faithful to God. Even in the midst of difficulties they encourage us to trust in Jehovah and remember that he is always at our side holding us with his loyal love. 

So here is the practical advice, when you are going through trials look at these manifestations of Jehovah's loyal love, write them down and read them frequently, this will not only help you maintain a positive outlook in the midst of difficulties but will also remind us that Jehovah It never leaves us.

The apostle Paul encouraged us in Philippians 4:13 by saying, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” With the loyal love of Jehovah and the support of our brothers and sisters, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way. So let us continue to trust in Jehovah's loyal love and find comfort in the manifestations of his love through our beautiful brotherhood.
