Sunday, October 15, 2023

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week of October 16 to 22, 2023, “What if he can't take it anymore?”, Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD:, October 16-22, 2023, “What if he can't take it anymore?”, Prepared Speech. 

“What if he can't take it anymore?” (10 mins.).

This week we will again address a deep and moving topic. Since in the Treasures of the Bible section with the title What if he can't take it anymore? We'll see, what we can do when life feels like hard labor, full of anguish and we are overwhelmed by despair at all times, and this despair seems to be our only companion. 

To reflect on this topic, I want us to go to a passage in the Bible that offers us a valuable perspective on suffering and how to cope and we find this passage in the book of Job there we find a man who experienced such an intense trial that he came to feeling that his life was like forced labor in Job 7:1 tells us like this...


”Is not the life of mortal man on earth like forced labor, and are not his days like those of a hired laborer?

Let's imagine for a moment feeling that each day is an overwhelming burden, that life itself has become an arduous and exhausting task. We see that Job was going through such deep suffering that he needed to let off steam and he did so in Job 7:11 it tells us….


So I won't put a stop to my mouth. I will speak with all the anguish of my spirit! I will complain with all the bitterness of my soul!

How can we see that he even expressed that he wanted to die as we can see in Job 7:16 there it says like this...


I feel disgusted with my life, I don't want to continue living. Leave me alone, because my days are like a breath.

So it is important to note that these feelings of despair and desire to die are something that has affected many people throughout history, including some servants of Jehovah. We see that Job was not alone in his suffering, and his experience has been shared in the Bible to comfort and teach us when we face times of deep anguish and despair.

It is natural for us to feel overwhelmed, life can be short and full of problems as mentioned in Job 14:1. However, history allowed the perspective that the Bible offers us to teach us valuable lessons about how to deal with these trials. The first lesson we can draw from Job's experience is the importance of expressing our feelings and letting off steam. Job did not repress his anguish; on the contrary, he shared it with God and with other people. If he feels that he can't take it anymore, he should not be afraid to talk to Jehovah and share his emotions with mature and trusted friends. .

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 17:17 a true companion loves at all times and is a brother born for when there is distress. In the midst of his affliction Job vented to others and this allowed him to release some of the intensity of his emotions and gain a different perspective. 

Another important lesson is the importance of prayer. Some may think that prayer is just a kind of psychological support, but the Bible shows us that it is much more than that. In Psalm 65:2 Jehovah is called the hearer of prayer and in 1 Peter 5:7 he assures us that he cares for us, he cares for you. 

The scriptures emphasize trust in God and communication with him. For this reason, Proverbs 3:5 and 6 tells us: Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways take him into account and make your paths right. So if he feels overwhelmed, do not hesitate to pour out your heart before God through prayer, he listens to you, he listens to us and helps us in every time of need.

In the midst of distress it can also be useful to seek professional help; some have found support by calling a suicide prevention center or mental health centers. So there is no shame in seeking help when we face overwhelming challenges. Jehovah has provided resources and trained people to help us in times of crisis.

Finally, we must also remember that we are not alone in this struggle. The Bible tells us in Romans 8:22 that all creation continues to groan together and be in pain. And we all face difficulties in life and although at a given moment we may feel that there is no solution to our problems, let us remember that things tend to improve over time, but we must maintain hope in faith, have faith in Jehovah, trust that he will strengthen us, that he will guide us through all trials.

So the story of Job teaches us that it is natural to feel overwhelmed in times of suffering, but it also shows us the importance of expressing our feelings, praying to Jehovah, seeking professional support if necessary, and maintaining hope in the midst of trials. . So if at any point he feels like he can't take it anymore. Remember that Jehovah is there to listen to you and to help you and you are not alone in his struggle, others have faced similar challenges and have found strength and faith in Jehovah. 

1 comment:

  1. Good evening please I was wondering if you could help me with
    TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Integrity Does Not Require Perfection
    December 11-17
