Thursday, October 5, 2023

The Watchtower Study, "Article 32", Week of October 2 to 8, 2023, Let us be reasonable as Jehovah, Answers.

The Watchtower Study, “Article 32”, 2-8-October-2023, Let us be reasonable like Jehovah, Answers. 

“Let everyone know that you are reasonable people” (PHILIP. 4:5)

1. In what sense should Christians be like some trees? (See also the image).

Some trees have the characteristic of being flexible. This allows them to remain standing even if the wind blows strongly. Similarly, we spiritually must be willing to bend, so to speak. That is, being flexible and reasonable, which will allow us to adapt when our circumstances change and respect the opinions and decisions of others.


There are two trees in the middle of a wind storm. One is flexible and still stands, while the other breaks in half because it is too rigid. What kind of tree do you prefer to be? (See paragraph 1).

2. What qualities will help us adapt to changes, and what will we see in this article?

You must be reasonable, humble and compassionate to serve Jehovah. These qualities will help us adapt to changes. And in this article, we are going to see how some Christians successfully faced the changes thanks to these mentioned qualities, and how we can imitate these Christians and do the same. But before that we are going to analyze the example of Jehovah and Jesus since they are the most reasonable people who exist.


3. How do we know that Jehovah is reasonable?

We know this from his way of acting, and his principles demonstrate that Jehovah is a firm and reasonable God. And since we were made in his image and likeness, we have the ability to adapt to changes and imitate Jehovah by being reasonable.

4. Give an example that shows that Jehovah is reasonable (Leviticus 5:7, 11).

Jehovah proved to be reasonable toward the Israelites. And he demonstrated it when a poor Israelite did not have enough to offer a sheep, God gladly accepted something that was within his reach, for example two Turtle Doves or two pigeons, something that was more accessible. With this action Jehovah demonstrated that he was reasonable, since he did not demand the same from everyone, but rather he understood the circumstances of each of his servants.

5. Give one example of Jehovah's humility and another of his compassion.

Jehovah demonstrated humility when he allowed Lot and his family to take refuge in his Zoar, a city that he was going to destroy along with Sodom, because Lot begged Jehovah to allow him to take refuge there. And he also showed compassion when he did not destroy the Ninevites because they repented of their wickedness.

6. What examples show that Jesus is reasonable like Jehovah?

As we can see in the paragraph, Jesus helped and healed the daughter of a non-Israelite woman who had a demon. And some time later when Peter denied him three times, Jesus did not reject him, because he saw that Peter was repentant.

7. According to Philippians 4:5, what reputation do we want to earn?

Philippians 4:5 encourages us to be reasonable, that is, we should not be strict, inflexible or stubborn. Since the more reasonable we are, we will be imitating Jehovah and Jesus, and the more we will resemble them.


8. What can help us be reasonable when our circumstances change? (See also note).

What will help us adapt to new circumstances is to follow these four recommendations. For example: First we must accept reality. Second, the paragraph encourages us to look to the future. Third, we must focus on the positive. And finally, fourth, we must strive to do things for others. And according to the note, something that will help us is to cultivate resilience, which means that we must cultivate the ability to adapt to changes and overcome adversities.

9. What did a missionary couple do to face difficulties they did not expect?

Something interesting that the paragraph mentions is that Emanuele and Francesca were very encouraged by watching a video in which a brother talked about how, the quicker we accept new circumstances, the quicker we will be happy again and the easier it will be to take advantage of those new circumstances. circumstances. These words greatly encouraged this marriage, since Francesca's mother died suddenly and she wanted with all her might to be with her family, but due to the pandemic she could not travel.

Emmanuel and Francesca were missionaries and were sent abroad, and as soon as they arrived at their assignment, they began to learn the language and get to know the brothers. But due to the pandemic they could no longer do so. So, they accepted the reality and prayed to Jehovah. Jehovah responded by giving them through his organization exactly what they needed at the right time, and so, they decided to start preaching by telephone and even began a Bible course, and finally they decided to accept the support of the brothers.

10. What did a sister do to adapt to totally new circumstances?

Our sister Christina was disappointed when the English-speaking congregation she belonged to disbanded. However, instead of sitting idly by, she focused on working hard in a Japanese-speaking congregation. since a former co-worker of hers helped her improve her Japanese, and over time her former co-worker wanted to learn from the Bible. This example teaches us that if we look to the future and are positive, unforeseen changes can bring us many blessings that we did not expect.

11. What did a couple do to face their financial problems?

This couple lost their usual source of income when the country's economy collapsed. To adapt, they strove to lead a simpler life and focused on devoting more time to preaching. This helped him focus on doing God's will and not on his problems.

12. How can Paul's example help us to be flexible in preaching?

Paul was flexible and adaptable, and this was demonstrated by dedicating himself to Jews, Greeks, intellectuals, peasants, high officials and Kings, since when transmitting the message to them, he took into account their culture and beliefs. We will do better in the Ministry if we do the same.


13. What danger do we avoid if we respect the opinions of others? (1 Corinthians 8:9).

If we believe that our opinion is always the best and try to convince others to do the same as us, we could trip up others and cause divisions in the congregation. For this reason, Paul first warned us in the Corinthians that we should not be a cause of stumbling to others.


The same flexible tree bends before the wind storm. In a circle appears a brother who looks with a disagreeable face at another brother who is holding a glass of beer. If we are reasonable, we will respect the opinions of others. (See paragraph 13).

14. What biblical principles should influence our way of dressing and grooming?

Jehovah has given us principles to guide us. For example, 1Timothy 2:9 encourages us to dress modestly and with good judgment. And the apostle Peter recommended in 1 Peter 3:3 that instead of living obsessed with personal grooming, our best adornment should be the secret person of the heart. Therefore, we should avoid letting our clothes be the center of attention.


The same flexible tree bends before the wind storm. In a circle, brothers from many cultures appear posing together for a photo at an assembly. They wear very different styles of clothing, but they are all appropriate for a Christian. If we are reasonable, we will respect the opinions of others. (See paragraph 14).

15. What biblical laws and principles guide us when making health-related decisions? (Romans 14:5).

Some Christians only turn to conventional medicine, and others prefer alternative medicine. Although our opinions on these issues are very strong, we must respect the right of our brothers and sisters to make their own health care decisions.


The same flexible tree bends before the wind storm. In a circle there is a palm of a hand with traditional medicines and another palm with medicinal herbs and a homeopathic bottle. If we are reasonable, we will respect the opinions of others. (See paragraph 15).

16. How can elders be reasonable to their peers? (See also images).

An elder does not expect that his opinion will always be accepted just because he is older than others. And if no biblical principle is violated, reasonable elders gladly support the majority's decision, even if they see things differently.


The same flexible tree bends before the wind storm. Several elderly people appear gathered together in a circle. A young old man speaks while the others listen. If we are reasonable, we will respect the opinions of others. (See paragraph 16).


17. What blessings do we receive if we are reasonable?

If we are reasonable we will get along better with the brothers and there will be peace in the congregation. And we strive to do so, because we feel that the variety of personalities and customs that exist within Jehovah's people enriches us. And the most important thing is that we are happy because we know that we are imitating Jehovah.


What do Jehovah and Jesus teach us about what it means to be reasonable?

It teaches us that Jehovah also expects us to be reasonable. For this reason we must strive to imitate them and be reasonable in every field of our life.

Why is it important to be reasonable when circumstances change?

It is important because that way we can adapt to changes, and we will not become anchored in the past. Because the faster we accept our new circumstances, the quicker we will become happy again and thus it will be easier for us to take advantage of those new circumstances.

How does a reasonable person contribute to the peace of the congregation?

When we are reasonable we contribute to the peace and unity of the Congregation, because we accept that Jehovah's people have a great variety of personalities and customs, and this is important to take into account in order to imitate Jehovah.

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