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Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023
Friday October 27
Be careful to do what is right in front of people so that they will see you (Matt. 6:1).
Jesus spoke of those who gave alms to the poor but made sure others knew what they were doing. These apparent good works did not impress Jehovah (Matt. 6:2-4). We can only be truly good if we do good things thinking about others and not out of selfishness. We should ask ourselves: “Can I say that I not only know what is right, but that I do it? Why do I do good things?” Jehovah is a God of action, and his spirit is an active force (Gen. 1:2). This means that each of the qualities of the fruit of the spirit can and should motivate us to act. For example, the disciple James wrote: “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). And the same can be said of the other qualities that the spirit of God produces. Every time we manifest them, we demonstrate that the spirit of God is acting in us. w22.03 11 paras. 14-16.
How can we show love, following the example of Jesus?
If we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah and were baptized, it was because we loved our heavenly Father. So, like Jesus, we should show that love when treating people. The apostle John wrote: “He who does not love his brother, whom he sees, cannot love God, whom he does not see” (1 John 4:20). Let's ask ourselves: “Do I feel a deep love for others? Am I compassionate in treating others, even when they are unpleasant to me? Do I dedicate my time and resources to telling others about Jehovah out of love? Do I do it even when most people don't value it, or even when they oppose me? Could you spend more time preaching?” (Eph. 5:15, 16).
What did Jesus do to promote peace?
Jesus was peaceful. He did not return evil for evil. But he did something else. He took the initiative to be at peace with people and encouraged others to resolve their disputes. For example, he taught them that they must make peace with his brother if they wanted Jehovah to accept his worship (Matt. 5:9, 23, 24). And time after time he encouraged his apostles to stop arguing about which of them was the greatest (Luke 9:46-48; 22:24-27).
How can we foster peace?
To foster peace, we not only have to avoid causing conflict. We need to take the initiative to make peace with others and to encourage our brothers to resolve their differences. (Philipp. 4:2, 3; James 3:17, 18.) We might ask ourselves: “How far am I willing to give up to make peace with others? Do I hold a grudge if a brother hurts my feelings? Do I expect the other person to take the first step to resolve things? Or do I give it, even though he thinks she is to blame? If appropriate, do I encourage those who have problems with each other to make peace?”
How did Jesus show that he was kind?
Jesus was kind (Matt. 11:28-30). He was caring and reasonable, even in difficult circumstances. For example, when a Phoenician woman begged him to cure her daughter, he at first did not do what she asked. But he was kind to her and healed the girl when he saw her great faith (Matt. 15:22-28). Now, he did not allow himself to be carried away by sentimentality. Sometimes kindness required him to be firm with those he loved. For example, when Peter tried to influence Jesus not to do Jehovah's will, he rebuked him in front of the other disciples (Mark 8:32, 33). He did not do it to humiliate Peter, but to teach him and to warn the other disciples that they should support him and not prevent him from doing the will of God. Without a doubt, Pedro felt a little embarrassed, but it was for his own good.
What do we sometimes have to do to be truly kind?
To be truly kind to those we love, sometimes we have to speak frankly. When we do, let us imitate Jesus and base our advice on the principles of God's Word. Let's be affectionate. Let us expect the best from them, trusting that those who love Jehovah and love us will accept the advice we give them with affection. Let's ask ourselves: “Do I dare to speak up when I see that someone I love is doing something bad? And how I do it? Kindly, or am I harsh? And why do I give you the advice? Is it because I'm angry with the person, or because I want the best for them?
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