DAILY TEXT, Today Wednesday, October 18, 2023, Stop judging (Matt. 7:1).

DAILY TEXT, From  Wednesday, October 18, 2023,  Stop judging (Matt. 7:1).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Wednesday October 18

Stop judging (Matt. 7:1).

King David fell into serious errors. For example, he committed adultery with Bath-Sheba and even had her husband killed (2 Sam. 11:2-4, 14, 15, 24). As a result, he not only harmed himself, but he also harmed his family, including his other wives (2 Sam. 12:10, 11). On another occasion, he did not show complete trust in Jehovah when he ordered an illegal census of Israel's army. Which it was the result? That 70,000 Israelites died from an epidemic (2 Sam. 24:1-4, 10-15). Would we judge David and say that he did not deserve God to show him mercy? Jehovah did not think like that. Rather, he focused on David's lifelong faithfulness and heartfelt repentance. That's why he forgave his grave sins. He knew that David loved him very much and that he wanted to do the right thing. Aren't we grateful that God notices our good things? (1 Kings 9:4; 1 Chron. 29:10, 17). w21.12 19 paras. 11-13.14. 

What has helped some brothers stop judging others?

If Jehovah is understanding with imperfect human beings, we can also be understanding with others and see the good in them. It is very easy to see the flaws in others and become critical. But the person who imitates Jehovah gets along well with others even though he knows their defects. A rough diamond may look ugly, but the wise person looks beyond appearances and knows what it will be worth when it is cut and polished. Like Jehovah and Jesus, we must see beyond appearances and notice the good qualities in people.

Why will thinking about the circumstances of others help us not judge them harshly?

In addition to focusing on the good qualities of others, what will help us not judge them harshly? Try to imagine what your life is like. Let's look at an example of this. One day, while Jesus was in the temple, he saw a poor widow who put two coins of little value into one of the treasury chests. He didn't ask why she hadn't put in more. Instead of focusing on how many coins she had given, he took into account her motives and circumstances, and praised her for doing all she could (Luke 21:1-4).

What does Veronica's experience teach you?

Verónica's experience shows us the importance of imagining what the lives of others are like. In her congregation, there was a mother alone with her son. Verónica acknowledges: “It seemed to me that they were not very active in the congregation, and that is why I did not have a good opinion of them. But then I went out one day to preach with the mother. She told me all the problems she had because her son was autistic. She went out of her way to care for her physical and spiritual needs. Sometimes, due to the health of her son, she had to attend meetings of another congregation.” Verónica concludes by saying: “I never imagined that her life was so hard. Now I value her and respect her very much for everything she does to serve Jehovah.”

What command does James 2:8 give us, and how can we obey it?

What should we do if we realize that we have been judging a brother? Let us remember that we have to love our brothers (read James 2:8). Additionally, we should pray to Jehovah and ask him to help us stop judging. And we can act in harmony with our prayers by taking the initiative to talk to that brother. Maybe that will give us a chance to meet him. We can also invite him to preach or to eat. As we get to know our brother better, we can try to follow the example of Jehovah and Jesus by seeking the good in him. In this way we will demonstrate that we heed the excellent pastor's command to stop judging others.

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