Friday, September 1, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday, October 1, 2023, Happy is he who does not stumble because of me (Matt. 11:6)

DAILY TEXT, From today Sunday, October 1, 2023, Happy is he who does not stumble because of me (Matt. 11:6).

Let us examine the scriptures every day 2023

Sunday October 1

Happy is he who does not stumble because of me (Matt. 11:6)

Our teachings and beliefs are based on the Word of God. Despite this, many people today stumble because they think our way of worshiping God is too simple and because what we teach does not fit what they want to hear. What will help you not stumble? The apostle Paul told the Christians in Rome: “Faith follows the message that is heard, and the message that is heard comes through the word about Christ” (Rom. 10:17). Strong faith is not achieved by participating in unbiblical religious ceremonies, no matter how beautiful or impressive they may seem, but by studying the Scriptures. Your faith must be solid and based on accurate knowledge, because “without faith it is impossible to please God” (Heb. 11:1, 6). So, to convince yourself that you have found the truth, you don't need spectacular signs from heaven. A careful study of biblical teachings is enough to strengthen faith and remove any doubts. w21.05 4, 5 paras. 11, 12.

Why did some people think that Jesus couldn't be the promised Messiah?

Many people were stumbled by the origin of Jesus. They recognized that he was an extraordinary teacher and that he worked miracles, but for them he was nothing more than the son of a humble carpenter. Furthermore, he was from Nazareth, a city that some may have considered insignificant. Even Nathanael, who became a disciple of Jesus, at first said, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46). Because he said that? Maybe it was because it seemed to him that the city where Jesus lived was no big deal. Or he may have been thinking of the prophecy of Micah 5:2, where it was predicted that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, not Nazareth.

What should those who rejected Jesus as the Messiah have done?

What does the Bible say? The prophet Isaiah predicted that the enemies of Jesus would not be interested “in the details of his generation,” that is, the life of the Messiah (Is. 53:8; note). Many of those details were in the prophecies. If they had bothered to check the facts, they would have known that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and was a descendant of King David (Luke 2:4-7). So Jesus' birthplace did fit what the prophecy of Micah 5:2 said. So what was the problem? That, since they did not have all the data, they came to hasty conclusions. They stumbled and rejected Jesus.

Why do many reject Jehovah's people?

Is the same thing happening today? Yes. In general, Jehovah's servants have a humble origin. Many see us as “common and uneducated” people (Acts 4:13). They believe that we cannot teach from the Bible because we have not attended renowned theological schools. Others claim that we are an American religion, although the reality is that only about 1 in 7 Jehovah's Witnesses live in the United States. Others have been told that we Witnesses do not believe in Jesus. And, over the years, we have been called “communists,” “American spies,” and “extremists.” Those who hear these stories and do not have the facts—or do not accept them—stumble and reject Jehovah's people.

According to Acts 17:11, what should you do if you want to be sure who God's servants are today?

What will help you not stumble? Investigate the facts well. That's what he strove to do Lucas. When he was going to write his Gospel, he set out to investigate “everything accurately from the beginning.” He wanted his readers to have “full assurance” of the things they had heard about Jesus (Luke 1:1-4). The same can be said of the Jews of the ancient city of Berea. When they first heard the good news about Jesus, they examined the Hebrew Scriptures to confirm that what they were told was true (read Acts 17:11). Similarly, you need to check the facts. Compare what Jehovah's Witnesses teach you with what the Bible says. You should also study the modern history of Jehovah's Witnesses. If we investigate well, we will not be carried away by prejudice or gossip.

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