Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Watchtower Study, Week September 25 to October 1, 2023, “Stand firm, immovable,” Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, September 25-October 1, 2023, “Stand firm, immovable,” Underlined Responses.

Yellow: Direct Response.

Dark Yellow: Additional Response.

Light Blue: Additional Points.

“My dear brothers, stand firm, immovable” (1 COR. 15:58).

1, 2. In what sense are Christians similar to a certain skyscraper in Tokyo? (1 Corinthians 15:58).

IN THE LATE 1970s, construction began on a 60-story skyscraper in Tokyo, Japan. As they passed by, people wondered if it would be able to withstand the frequent earthquakes. But what did the engineers do to make it stay standing? They designed it to be solid yet flexible, allowing it to cushion shocks. Christians are like that skyscraper. In what sense?

2 A person who serves Jehovah must maintain a balance between firmness and flexibility. On the one hand, he must be firm and immovable when it comes to supporting Jehovah's standards and laws. (Read 1 Corinthians 15:58.) He must be “ready to obey” God and never violate his principles. On the other hand, he has to be “reasonable,” that is, flexible, whenever possible or even necessary (James 3:17). If we have this balanced point of view, we will not go to extremes; We will neither be too rigid nor permissive. In this article we will see in which fields we must be firm and immovable. We'll also talk about five tactics Satan tries to weaken our resolve and how to deal with it.


3. What laws does Jehovah give us in Acts 15:28, 29?

3 Jehovah is the supreme Lawgiver, the highest law-giving authority, and he has always given his people very clear rules (Isa. 33:22). For example, the governing body of the first century pointed out three areas in which Christians must stand firm. He indicated that we should 1) reject idolatry and worship Jehovah alone, 2) respect blood as sacred, and 3) faithfully adhere to the high standards of sexual morality found in the Bible (read Acts 15:28, 29). How can we maintain a firm stance in these three fields today?

4. What does it mean to give exclusive devotion to Jehovah? (Revelation 4:11).

4 We reject idolatry and worship Jehovah alone. He commanded the Israelites to give him exclusive devotion (Deut. 5:6-10). And, when Jesus was tempted by the Devil, he made it clear that we should worship Jehovah alone (Matt. 4:8-10). Therefore, we do not venerate religious images. Nor do we idolize any human being; We do not treat religious leaders, politicians, or sports and entertainment stars as if they were gods. Rather, we take sides with Jehovah, the Creator of all things, and worship him alone. (Read Revelation 4:11.)

5. Why do we respect life and blood as something sacred?

5 We respect life and blood as something sacred. Because? Because Jehovah says that blood represents life, and life is a precious gift from him (Lev. 17:14). When Jehovah first authorized humans to eat the flesh of animals, he forbade them to eat blood (Gen. 9:4). He later repeated this prohibition when he gave the Mosaic Law to Israel (Lev. 17:10). And, in the first century, he had the governing body give all Christians a mandate to abstain from blood (Acts 15:28, 29). We firmly follow this mandate when we have to make decisions about medical matters. 

6. What measures will help us obey Jehovah’s high moral standards?

6 We strive to faithfully live up to Jehovah’s high standards of sexual morality (Heb. 13:4). The apostle Paul gives us this advice: “Put to death the members of his body.” With this powerful phrase he encourages us to act firmly to eliminate our bad desires. For example, we avoid looking at or doing anything that could lead to sexual immorality (Col. 3:5; Job 31:1). And, when we are faced with temptation, we immediately reject any thought or action that could harm our friendship with God.

7. What should we be determined to do, and why?

7 Jehovah wants us to be “obedient from the heart” (Rom. 6:17). His rules and laws are always for our good and are not negotiable (Isa. 48:17, 18; 1 Cor. 6:9, 10). We want to do everything we can to please Jehovah and have the same attitude as the psalmist who said:I am determined to obey your rules all the time, to the end ” (Ps. 119:112). Of course, we know that Satan will try to weaken our resolve to stand firm. What tactics does he use?


8. For what purpose does Satan use persecution?

8 The chase. To weaken our resolve , Satan attacks us physically and emotionally. His goal is to devour us, that is, to destroy our friendship with Jehovah (1 Pet. 5:8). First-century Christians were threatened, beaten, and killed because they were determined to stand their ground (Acts 5:27, 28, 40; 7:54-60). In our day, Satan also uses persecution. An example of this is the cruel treatment that our brothers in Russia and other places receive. Additionally, many of our brothers face other types of opposition.

9. Explain with an example why we should be on guard against more subtle pressures.

9 The most subtle pressures. Satan not only attacks us directly, but he also uses “crafty snares” (Eph. 6:11). Let's look at the example of Bob, who was hospitalized because he was going to undergo major surgery. He told the doctors that under no circumstances would he accept a blood transfusion. The surgeon promised to respect his decision. But, the night before the operation, just after the family left, the anesthetist came to see Bob. He told her that they probably wouldn't give her blood, but that they would have it on hand just in case.Maybe he thought Bob would change his mind since his family wasn't with him. But Bob stood his ground and said that he would not accept blood no matter what.

10. Why is the thinking of those who do not serve Jehovah dangerous? (1 Corinthians 3:19, 20).

10 The human way of thinking. If we begin to think like the people of the world, we might turn our backs on Jehovah and ignore his standards. (Read 1 Corinthians 3:19, 20.) Typically, “the wisdom of this world” pushes us to satisfy our selfish desires. Let's see what happened in the congregations of Pergamum and Thyatira. Some Christians were influenced by the people around them who were immoral and worshiped idols. Jesus strongly counseled these two congregations for tolerating sexual immorality (Rev. 2:14, 20). Today people around us may try to influence us to accept their way of thinking. Perhaps some family members or acquaintances encourage us to follow our hearts and ignore Jehovah's rules.They may claim that there is nothing wrong with being guided by desires and that the standards of the Bible are out of date.

11. What should we avoid?

11 At times, we may think that certain instructions Jehovah gives us should be more detailed. We may even be tempted to go “beyond the things that are written” (1 Cor. 4:6). In Jesus' day, religious leaders fell into that sin. They added to the Law rules that they themselves invented, and that was a heavy burden for the people (Matt. 23:4). But Jehovah gives us clear instructions through his Word and organization. We don't need to add anything (Prov. 3:5-7). That is why we do not go beyond what is written in the Bible or invent rules on personal matters to impose them on others.

12. How does Satan promote false reasoning?

12 False reasoning. Satan uses “false and empty reasoning” and “the elementary things of the world” to deceive and divide people (Col. 2:8). For example, in the first century he used philosophies and other human ideas, Jewish teachings that were not based on the Bible, and the belief that Christians had to follow the Mosaic Law. They were false reasonings because they caused people not to pay attention to the true source of wisdom, Jehovah. Today, Satan uses the media and social networks to spread conspiracy theories and fake news promoted by political leaders.During the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of false information circulated. c Jehovah's Witnesses who followed the organization's instructions avoided the problems and stress experienced by those who heeded information of this type (Matt. 24:45).

13. Why should we not allow anything to distract us?

13 Distractions. We must not lose sight of “what things are most important” (Phil. 1:9, 10). Distractions rob us of time and attention that we could invest in more profitable things. Day-to-day activities such as eating, drinking, having fun, and working can distract us if we let them become the center of our lives (Luke 21:34, 35). Furthermore, social and political debates have become daily bread. We must not allow these issues to distract us. Otherwise, we risk taking sides, even if only within ourselves. Satan uses these five tactics to weaken our resolve to do what is right. Let's see what will help us cope and stand firm.


14. What can help us stand firm at Jehovah's side?

14 Let us think about why we dedicate ourselves and baptize. We took these steps because we wanted to take Jehovah's side. Remember what helped you convince yourself that this is the truth. He came to know Jehovah, to see him as his heavenly Father, and to respect and love him. His faith grew and motivated him to repent of his sins. You stopped doing the things that Jehovah hates and started doing what he likes. He was greatly relieved to see that God forgave him (Ps. 32:1, 2). He decided to go to the meetings and talk to others about the wonderful teachings he was learning. Now that he is a dedicated and baptized Christian, he is walking the path that leads to life and is determined not to abandon it (Matt. 7:13, 14).


Series of images: 1. A very tall building is built on a firm and solid foundation. 2. A brother fills out his blood refusal card. Next to him he has his tablet with lesson 39 of the book “Enjoy life”. To remain firm, let us think about why we dedicate ourselves and baptize, let us study the Word of God and meditate on it, have a firm heart and trust in Jehovah. (See paragraphs 14 to 18).

15. How does studying the Word of God and meditating on it help us?

15 Let us study the Word of God and meditate on it. A tree needs to have deep roots to stay strong. In the same way, we need to have a faith rooted in the Word of God to stand firm. As a tree grows, its roots do too, and they grip more tightly to the earth. When we study and meditate our faith is strengthened, and we become more convinced that God's teachings are the best (Col. 2:6, 7). Let us consider how Jehovah's servants in the past benefited from his instructions, counsel, and protection.For example, Ezekiel very carefully observed the angel who was taking measurements of the temple he saw in a vision. This vision not only strengthened Ezekiel’s faith, but also teaches us practical lessons on how to respect Jehovah’s standards for pure worship.​—Ezek. 40:1-4; 43:10-12. It also helps us a lot to take time to study the deep things of the Word of God and meditate on them.

16. How did having a strong heart help Bob? (Psalm 112:7).

16 Let us have a firm heart. In a song, King David said that he would never stop loving Jehovah. He put it this way: “My heart is steadfast, O God” (Ps. 57:7). We too can have a heart that is firm, trusting Jehovah completely (read Psalm 112:7). Let's go back to the example of Bob, who we talked about in paragraph 9. How did having a strong heart help him? When they told him they would have blood available just in case, he replied that if there was even the slightest chance of blood being given, he would leave immediately. Bob says: “I didn't doubt it for a second, and I wasn't worried about what might happen.”

17. What do we learn from Bob's experience? (See also images).

17 Bob didn't wait until he was in the hospital to make the decision to stand firm. He had already taken it long before. First, he wanted with all his heart to make Jehovah happy. Second, he studied what the Bible and our publications say about the sanctity of life and blood. Lastly, he was convinced that Jehovah would reward him if he followed his standards. Like Bob, we can have a firm heart in the face of any trial that comes our way.


Series of images: 1. The building is still standing. Instead, those around them collapsed due to a natural disaster. 2. The brother, who is now hospitalized, talks to a doctor late at night. If we develop strong faith, we can stand firm in the face of any trial that comes our way. (See paragraph 17).

18. What does Barak's example teach us? (See cover drawing).

18 Let us trust in Jehovah. Let's think about Judge Barak and how well he did for following Jehovah's instructions without hesitation. At that time, the Israelites were not prepared to go into battle. They had neither a shield nor a spear. Despite everything, Jehovah told Barak to go fight against Sisera and his Canaanite army, who were armed to the teeth (Judges 5:8). The prophetess Deborah told Barak to go down from Mount Tabor to the plain to confront Sisera and his 900 chariots. Although on level ground the chariots would have an advantage, Barak obeyed. While the soldiers were coming down from the mountain, Jehovah sent a heavy downpour. The chariots got stuck in the mud, and Jehovah gave Barak the victory (Judges 4:1-7, 10, 13-16). The same can be said about us:Jehovah will give us victory if we trust in him and follow the instructions he gives us through his organization (Deut. 31:6).


In the middle of a downpour, Barak and his men quickly go down the mountain. They are determined to fight Sisera's army, whose chariots are stuck in the mud. Barak and his men bravely pursue Sisera's army. (See paragraph 18).


19. Why do you want to remain firm?

19 As long as this system lasts, we will have to continue fighting to hold firm (1 Tim. 6:11, 12; 2 Pet. 3:17). For nothing in the world should we let persecution, subtler pressures, human thinking, false reasoning, and distractions shake us (Eph. 4:14). Let us remain firm and immovable, and always be determined to love Jehovah and obey his rules. At the same time, we have to be reasonable. In the next article we will see that Jehovah and Jesus are the most reasonable people who exist and how to imitate them.


In what areas should we firmly obey Jehovah's laws and regulations?

Acts 15:28, 29 indicates that we should reject idolatry and worship Jehovah alone, respect blood as sacred, and faithfully adhere to the high standards of sexual morality found in the Bible.

What tactics does Satan use to try to weaken our resolve to stand firm?

The tactic that Satan uses is persecution, the most subtle pressures, and the human way of thinking.

Other tactics are: False reasoning and distractions. 

What four things will help us stay strong?

The things that will help us remain firm are: Thinking about why we Dedicate ourselves and Baptize, study the Word of God and meditate on it, have a firm heart and trust in Jehovah.