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“Be ready” (MAT. 24:44).
1. Why is it good to prepare before a disaster strikes?
PREPARATION saves lives . For example, when a disaster strikes, people who are well prepared are more likely to survive and help others. As one humanitarian organization in Europe said, “good preparation can make a big difference.”
2. Why should we prepare for the great tribulation? (Matthew 24:44).
2 The “great tribulation” will begin suddenly (Matt. 24:21). But unlike many other disasters, it won't take everyone by surprise. About 2,000 years ago, Jesus told his followers to be prepared for that day (read Matthew 24:44). If we follow this advice, it will be easier for us to survive this difficult period and help other people to do so (Luke 21:36).
3. Why do we need endurance, compassion, and love to be prepared for the great tribulation?
3 To be prepared for the great tribulation we need to cultivate three qualities. What will be our reaction if we are asked to carry a harsh message of condemnation and other people turn against us? (Rev. 16:21). There we will need endurance to obey Jehovah and trust that he will protect us. What will we do if our brothers lose part of their possessions or are left with nothing? (Hab. 3:17, 18). There we will need compassion to help them and meet their needs. And how will we act when we are attacked by a coalition of nations and perhaps have to live in a small space with our brothers for a while? (Ezek. 38:10-12). There we will need a very deep love for our spiritual family.
4. What indicates that we should strive for more endurance, compassion, and love?
4 The Word of God encourages us to have more endurance, compassion and love. Luke 21:19 states, “By their endurance they will save their lives.” Colossians 3:12 advises: “Clothe yourselves with tender compassion.” And 1 Thessalonians 4:9, 10 says, “God himself is teaching them to love one another. […] But we encourage you, brothers, to continue doing it even more.” All of these words were directed at people who were already demonstrating endurance, compassion, and love. But they had to continue cultivating these qualities. And we have to do the same. What will help us achieve it? In this article we will see how the first Christians cultivated these qualities and how we can imitate them, and thus be prepared for the great tribulation.
5. What did the first Christians do to endure?
5 The early Christians needed to endure (Heb. 10:36). In addition to the normal problems of life, they faced other difficulties because of their faith. Many suffered persecution from Jewish religious leaders and Roman authorities, as well as opposition from their own families (Matt. 10:21). At times they had to fight against the influence of apostates, who tried to divide the congregation with their false teachings (Acts 20:29, 30). Despite everything, those Christians endured (Rev. 2:3). How did they achieve it? Meditating on examples of endurance from the Hebrew Scriptures, such as Job (James 5:10, 11). Praying to Jehovah for strength (Acts 4:29-31). And keeping in mind that he would reward them for their endurance (Acts 5:41).
6. What can we learn from what Merita did to withstand the opposition?
6 We too can endure if we have the habit of meditating on the examples of endurance that we find in the Bible and in our publications. That's what helped a sister from Albania named Merita keep going despite violent opposition from her family. She says: “When I studied the story of Job in the Bible, it touched my heart. This man suffered a lot..., and he did not know who was the cause of his problems. Despite everything, as Job 27:5 says, he stated 'Until he dies, I will not give up my integrity!' This made me think that my evidence is much smaller than theirs and that I do know who is behind them.”
7. Even if you are not going through a difficult test right now, what is good for you to learn now?
7 Another thing that will give us more endurance is to vent to Jehovah frequently (Philipp. 4:6; 1 Thes. 5:17). You may not be going through a difficult trial right now. But what do you do when you feel upset, confused or overwhelmed? Do you seek guidance from Jehovah ? If you make a habit of turning to Jehovah to deal with everyday problems, you will also do so in the future when things get worse. You will be convinced that He knows exactly when and how to help you (Ps. 27:1, 3).
8. How does Mira's example demonstrate that holding on in the present will help us hold on in the future? (James 1:2-4; see also image).
8 We are more likely to endure the great tribulation if we endure the trials we have now (Rom. 5:3). Why can we say this? Many brothers feel that, with each trial they endure, they become stronger to face the next. When they endure a trial with Jehovah’s help, their faith that he wants to help them increases. And, thanks to that faith, they are able to endure the next test (read James 1:2-4). This is how a pioneer from Albania named Mira thinks . This sister confesses that sometimes it seems to her that no one has as many problems as she does. In those moments, she thinks about how much Jehovah has supported her over the past 20 years and she tells herself: “Be faithful. “Do not throw away all those years of service and all those battles won with the help of Jehovah.” You, too, can stop and think about all that Jehovah has done to help you endure. Have complete confidence that every time he endures a trial he sees it and will reward you for it (Matt. 5:10-12). Then, when the great tribulation breaks out, you will already know how to hold on and you will be determined to continue holding on.
A sister in a hospital bed with the Bible open in her lap.
ENDURANCE: With each test we endure we become stronger to face the next one. (See paragraph 8).
9. How did the congregation at Antioch in Syria show compassion?
9 Let's think about what happened when the Christians of Judea suffered a time of great famine. When the brothers in Antioch in Syria heard about it, they felt compassion for them. And they showed what they felt with their actions: “They decided to send help, each according to his ability, to the brothers who lived in Judea” (Acts 11:27-30). Although the brothers who were in need lived far away, the Christians in Antioch were determined to help them (1 John 3:17, 18).
10. In what ways can we show our compassion when our brothers are in an emergency situation? (See also the image).
10 We too can show our compassion when we learn that our brothers are going through an emergency situation. We could act quickly in the following ways: making ourselves available to the elderly, donating to the world work, and praying for those who are suffering (Prov. 17:17). In 2020, for example, more than 950 Relief Committees were formed around the world to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We greatly appreciate the work of everyone participating in relief efforts. Their compassion for their brothers and sisters has motivated them to bring them humanitarian aid, give them spiritual comfort, and, in some cases, repair or rebuild homes and meeting places (compare 2 Corinthians 8:1-4).
A brother who is working on a construction project.
COMPASSION: When disaster strikes, we can demonstrate our compassion. (See paragraph 10).
11. How do we honor our heavenly Father when we show compassion?
11 Everything we do to show compassion after a disaster draws other people's attention. Let's look at a case. In 2019, Hurricane Dorian destroyed a Kingdom Hall in the Bahamas. When the hall was being rebuilt, the brothers asked a contractor to give them an estimate for some work that needed to be done. He told them: “I want to do something for your organization. I would like to provide the machinery, labor and materials. “I am very impressed to see how you treat your friends.” Most people do not know Jehovah, but many pay attention to what we, his Witnesses, do. It is a great honor to know that our acts of compassion can encourage others to know “God, who is rich in mercy” (Eph. 2:4).
12. Why does showing compassion now prepare us for the great tribulation? (Revelation 13:16, 17).
12 Why will we need to be compassionate during the great tribulation? Because the Bible indicates that those who do not support governments will have problems, both now and during the Great Tribulation. (Read Revelation 13:16, 17.) Maybe our brothers need help to meet their basic needs. Don't we hope that when our King, Jesus Christ, comes to judge people, he will find us showing compassion and tell us: “Inherit the Kingdom”? (Matt. 25:34-40).
13. What did the first Christians do to love each other even more? (Romans 15:7).
13 In the first century, everyone knew that Christians loved each other. But was it easy for them to show each other that love? Let's think about the congregation in Rome, which was made up of very different Christians. Some were Jews, who had been raised following the Law of Moses. But there were also brothers from other nations, with very different cultural backgrounds. Some were probably slaves and others were free men, and some may have owned slaves. What would help you overcome those differences and love each other more and more? The apostle Paul gave them this advice: “Welcome one another gladly” (read Romans 15:7). What he wanted to say?The word here translated “welcome with pleasure” conveys the idea of receiving someone with kindness or hospitality, as when a person welcomes someone into their home or includes them in their circle of friends. For example, Paul told Philemon how he had to receive a slave named Onesimus who had run away from his house. He said to him, “Receive him kindly” (Philem. 17). Priscilla and Aquila knew much more about Christianity than Apollos, but they welcomed it and took it with them (Acts 18:26). Although all of these Christians were very different, they did not let those differences divide them. On the contrary, they surpassed them and were welcomed with pleasure.
A couple and a young man visit an older brother, and they all have a very pleasant time together.
LOVE: We need the love of all brothers. (See paragraph 15).
14. How did Anna and her husband express their love?
14 We can also express our love for our brothers by welcoming them, including them in our circle of friends. This will usually cause them to treat us kindly, too (2 Cor. 6:11-13). Let's see what happened to Anna and her husband, who were missionaries in West Africa. Shortly after being sent to another country in the region, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, and they could no longer meet in person with the brothers of the congregation. What did this couple do to express their love for them?They contacted them by video conference to tell them that they were looking forward to getting to know them better. This gesture touched the hearts of the brothers, and they began calling Anna and her husband on the phone and sending them messages. Why did these missionaries strive to integrate into the congregation? Anna explains it like this: “I carry in my heart all the love that the brothers showed to my family and me in the good times and the bad times. Thinking about that drives me to show my love.”
15. What does Vanessa's example teach you about love for siblings? (See also the image).
15 Many congregations are made up of brothers and sisters with very different personalities and backgrounds. What will help us love them all more? Focus on your good qualities. A sister named Vanessa who lives in New Zealand had a hard time getting along with some brothers in her congregation because their personalities irritated her. Instead of putting them aside, she decided to spend more time with them. Through that, she discovered the things that Jehovah likes about those people. She says: “Since my husband was appointed circuit overseer, we got together with many more brothers, and each one has his personality. But now it's easier for me to get along with others. I love the variety.And it is clear that Jehovah loves it too, because he himself brings very different people to his people.” So how can we show that we love our brothers? Making the effort to see them as Jehovah sees them (2 Cor. 8:24).
16. Why will love be essential during the great tribulation? (See also the image).
16 During the great tribulation, it will be essential that we love our brothers. How will Jehovah protect us when the great tribulation begins? Let us think about the instructions that Jehovah gave to his people to survive the attack that ancient Babylon would suffer: “Go, my people, enter your inner rooms and close the doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment until the fury has passed” (Isa. 26:20). We may also have to follow these instructions during the great tribulation. The expression “inner rooms” may refer to congregations. If during this period we remain united with our brothers, Jehovah will protect us, just as he has promised.Therefore, it is not enough to endure our brothers; We must truly love them. It is likely that without that love we cannot survive.
Series of images: 1. The brothers in the three previous photographs meet with more Witnesses in a basement during the great tribulation. 2. Later, the brothers who were in the basement come out of the great tribulation. If we remain united with our brothers during the great tribulation, Jehovah will protect us, just as he has promised. (See paragraph 16).
17. What can we do during the great tribulation if we prepare now?
17 “The great day of the Lord” will be a very distressing period for all humanity (Zeph. 1:14, 15). The servants of Jehovah will also have difficulties. But if we prepare now, we can stay calm and help others. With endurance, we will face any challenge that arises. With compassion, we will be willing to do everything in our power to help our brothers and meet their needs. And, with the love that we will already feel for them, we will manage to stay united. Jehovah will reward us with eternal life in a world where disasters and tribulations will be forgotten (Isa. 65:17).
What can you do to have more endurance?
To have endurance we have to cultivate it, studying and meditating on specific examples like Job's, seeing details that strengthen our faith.
It is important to turn to Jehovah to deal with day-to-day problems, even if we are not going through a big problem, since Jehovah will help us in the future when things get worse.
In what ways can you show compassion to others?
As 1 John 13:17, 18 says, Loving with actions instead of just nice words, that is, sharing our material blessings with our brothers, instead of thinking that according to the book organized it is not our responsibility to help them, but rather , from the immediate family, or from the elderly or from someone else. If we learn to be empathetic with others, instead of being insensitive, we will surely be valuable assets during the great tribulation.
What can you do to love your siblings more?
Accept them as they are, do not try to change them, since everyone is different, and has a different personality, perhaps we have more affinity with others, but it does not mean that we include others, but rather that we want to see ourselves as Jehovah sees us, and if it is in our possibility of helping them, even if they are from another congregation we will gladly do so.
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