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“Let us grow by love in all things” (EPHES. 4:15).
1. What things did you learn in your Bible course?
In the Bible course I have learned that the name of God is Jehovah and I also know that there is no place of eternal torment. and I have learned that our loved ones who have died will come back to life. Which are very important teachings that strengthen my faith and encourage me to continue learning from Jehovah.
2. In addition to learning Bible truths, in what other ways did you show that you were making progress? (Ephesians 5:1, 2).
Personally, I showed that I was making progress by beginning to make better decisions thanks to Biblical principles. And I have also corrected my way of thinking and acting, and the reason is because I want to please God and I want to imitate Him.
3. What questions could we ask ourselves?
We could ask ourselves the following questions: Do I love Jehovah more now than when I was baptized? Is my way of thinking and acting more like Jehovah's, especially when showing love to the brothers in the congregation? Asking ourselves these questions will help us see if we have improved as Christians compared to the day we were baptized.
4. What will we see in this article?
In this article, we will first look at how we can grow our love for Jehovah and our neighbors. And then we'll talk about how we and other people benefit when we do it.
5, 6. a) What challenges did the apostle Paul face in his ministry?
Pablo faced many challenges, he traveled long distances, even though the trips were not easy. When traveling, he sometimes found himself in danger from rivers? and "In danger from thieves." On occasions his enemies mistreated him and to make matters worse his Christian brothers did not always appreciate the efforts he made to help them.
5, 6. b) What prompted you to continue serving Jehovah?
What he learned in the scriptures prompted him to copy Jehovah's personality, since he knew that Jehovah loved him and that is why he felt great love for all the brothers.
7. What will help our love for Jehovah grow?
What will help our love for Jehovah grow is to thoroughly study the word of God and have an intense interest in seeing how Jehovah loves us.
8. How does prayer help develop the love we feel for God?
Prayer is the means by which we can open our hearts to Jehovah, and be able to develop that intimate relationship with him, and we have the example of this Sister who lives in Asia named Khanh. She said: "At first, I loved Jehovah only for what I knew about him. But that love grew when she saw how he answered my prayers, and that awakened in her the desire to do the things that pleased her.
9. What example of love for the brothers did Timothy give?
Timoteo was an exemplary young man, who cared about his brothers, showing that although he was not a great speaker, he felt appreciation for his brothers and that made the brothers appreciate this great gesture of love from Timothy.
10. How did Anna and her husband show love for their siblings?
Sister Anna and her husband after a terrible storm that hit the area. She and her husband visited several witness families and noticed that many roofs of their houses had fallen. She explains what they did, they took the clothes, washed them, and returned them ironed and folded. That gesture was nothing special to them. world. However, thanks to that gesture today they enjoy a beautiful friendship with all their brothers.
11. a) What effect do our displays of love usually have?
When we treat others with love and kindness, we can show that we are imitating Jehovah and that our efforts often do not go unnoticed.
11. b) According to Proverbs 19:17, how does Jehovah react when we show love to our neighbors?
According to the text, Jehovah sees them as a valuable sacrifice and as a debt that he wants to pay off, that is, sooner or later Jehovah will pay us. While it is true that Christians do not act kindly with the intention of receiving benefits from Jehovah, however, knowing that Jehovah is aware of all our kind acts encourages us to strive to show kindness to our brothers in faith.
12. How can baptized men show love to the congregation? (See also images).
You can show love by providing the necessary help, if we are young we can support the congregation by giving edifying comments, supporting preaching. And if we are ministerial servants, we must recognize that we are not beginning, but that we must continue so that our progress is continuous.
And in the image we can notice a brother welcoming the other brothers, then providing edifying comments, supporting in the preaching with a disabled and aging sister and in the last image we see his great love providing encouragement to a sick brother.
Images that show the spiritual progress of a brother. 1. The brother greets those who arrive at the Kingdom Hall. 2. he Comments in a meeting. 3. He preaches with the cart alongside a sister who is in a wheelchair. 4. he Visits an older brother who is sick. When we progress spiritually, we look for ways to help others. (See paragraph 12).
13. What helped Christian become an old man again?
What helped this brother Cristian once he was discharged as an elder was that he did not give up and continued to show love to all the brothers, even though he no longer had the privilege of being an elder. Over time they named him an elder again, thanks to the attitude he showed.
14. What do we learn from what a sister from Georgia said?
This sister we learn that like her at the beginning we can have love for Jehovah, but we must increase our love for our neighbors and be interested in them, and in that way we will have Jehovah's approval.
15, 16. As depicted in the images, what benefits come from showing love to others?
As the images show, a single token of love can benefit many people. And this could be seen during the Covid-19 pandemic, since Paolo and his wife helped many older sisters to use their electronic devices to preach. One of them especially had a hard time using her device, but thanks to the With the help of the brothers he finally learned, and to the surprise of many he managed to invite his relatives to the commemoration. In this way, both her sister and her relatives could benefit from the efforts of this Christian couple.
Series of images: 1. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a couple teaches an older sister how to use her tablet. They are outdoors and wear gloves and masks. 2. On the right are several smaller images showing many of the sister's relatives connected by video conference to the Memorial. A single token of love can benefit many people. (See paragraphs 15 and 16).
17. Who else benefits when we show love?
While it is true that our acts of love and kindness benefit others, it can also benefit ourselves.
In the paragraph we can see how a brother named Jonathan was preaching alone at noon on a hot day. He made the decision to accompany a pioneer on Saturday afternoons. He had no idea that this sacrifice was going to benefit himself, since his intention was to help his brother and benefit him. Since seeing how well the precursor taught and the success he had, his love for the Ministry began to grow. And the brother also says that thanks to that act of kindness he gained a wonderful friend who helped him mature spiritually and not only that, but to enjoy the preaching and strengthen his friendship with Jehovah.
18. What does Jehovah want us to do?
Jehovah wants us all to cultivate love for him and for our neighbors. And in order to develop love for Jehovah we have to read his word, meditate on it and pray to him daily.
How can we grow our love for Jehovah?
It is important to examine ourselves, and ask ourselves why we serve Jehovah, we must see if we have remained stable or feel weakness - And if so, we must take immediate actions to strengthen ourselves spiritually, studying and meditating on the word of God the Bible.
In what ways do we show our love for our brothers?
As one says in John 3:17,18, loving with actions instead of just with nice words, that is, sharing our material blessings with our brothers. Since to better express our love for our brothers, we must look for practical ways to help each other, no matter how small it may be for Jehovah, it is very valuable.
What benefits are obtained from showing love?
The benefits we can obtain by showing love is that we will strengthen ties with Jehovah and with our brothers. And we can also enjoy their friendship for all eternity.
In Acts 20:35 it mentions that there is more happiness in giving than in receiving, eventually this will return to us, seeing it this way, it is better for us to be one of those who give and share.
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