Monday, September 4, 2023

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: Week of September 4 to 10, 2023, Video Transcript: Achievements of the organization for the month of September.

LIVING AS CHRISTIANS: 4-10-September-2023, Transcript of the Video: Achievements of the organization for the month of September.


Organizational Achievements (10 min.): Play the Organizational Achievements video for the month of September.

We value everyone who volunteers.

Jehovah is very happy when he sees that his servants are willing to help, he values ​​it very much. For example, think about what happened during the construction of the Tabernacle in 1512 BC. What was the attitude of the nation of Israel? Although the tabernacle was somewhat impressive. The Watchtower of December 15, 2014, said that what pleased Jehovah the most was not the value of the offerings, but the generosity of those who gave them to support Pure Worship.

Exodus 36:2, Shows that Bezalel, Oholiab and other skilled men were in charge of the construction of the Tabernacle, but many others volunteered. The Bible says that all those who felt motivated by their hearts could work, all these volunteers did that Jehovah would be very happy.

Today Jehovah's organization is also accomplishing impressive things all over the earth, and those who volunteer to work at Bethel or on a construction project also make Jehovah very happy, the personnel committee prepared this report so that we can get to know more about some of our dear brothers and sisters who work so hard on construction projects. What work do they do? How is your life in your day to day? Young man, did you know that offering yourself from now on will open many doors for you in the future? And how can we all show that we value the work and effort of these brothers? Well, what do you think if we listen to some brothers who work in construction, they have a lot to tell us. 


Construction has something special, sometimes you travel to the other side of the world, and there you meet a construction group and there is someone who doesn't know what tells you that they are your family and that we are going to have a great time together.

As a child it was wonderful to experience the world of construction up close. In fact our parents collaborated in the same Assembly Hall, the truth is that they all told us that they had a lot of fun building and thinking about serving full time and having fun at the same time did not sound great.


What I like the most about my assignment is knowing what I can do as a useful tool in Jehovah's hands, and where he sees it necessary and there to help. My mother's example helped me later make decisions to serve more full-time, and when it came to serving Jehovah more, she taught us to make service to Jehovah our way of life. 


In the team we are very different, different ages, different experiences, but we had a lot of fun and well that is important because, although we have to take the job seriously, Jehovah is the happy God and he wants us to enjoy our assignment. I remember, I remember, that in an assembly there was a speech about the goals, and the truth is that that speech made me think. I said let's see, let's see, let's see, what goals do I have, what do I want to do to better serve Jehovah, have I done something to show him that I really want to put my life in his hands? And at that moment everything changed, I said to myself: "I'm ready, let Jehovah decide for me." 


The routine as a construction servant begins in Bethel with what is morning prayer. We love morning worship, it's like having a mini assembly, it gives you a little push that lasts all day. Normally we work from 8 to 5 at noon we take a break and eat all the construction brothers with some Betelitas, for all of us taking care of our relationship with Jehovah is very important, that's why we take advantage of quiet places to study without distractions. In each project we always realize that when we go out to preach on the weekends the following week everything goes much better for us. 


Another thing that I enjoy being here is my routine, it is sharing time with friends, it is not only work that one does, but also Jehovah allows us to enjoy.


The truth is that I didn't know anything about construction, nothing at all, so everything I've been able to do here has been because the brothers trusted me and gave me the opportunity to learn. Of course, in a project as big as this you have to do all kinds of work, of course it is necessary that there are brothers who know how to build, who have a trade, who have some specific skills. But it is also true that there is a lot of work that is done from the offices. 


We did not have any special skills, we had simple jobs, what Jehovah helps us to do always surprises us, seriously because we do jobs that we would never have imagined in life. Every time we are assigned a job, we feel that we are not going to be able to, that we are incapable. But I have seen that when you leave your comfort zone, it is when Jehovah gives you what you need the most and in the end the result is always blessings, so many blessings that far outweigh the challenges.

The Brothers we work with are a great help when it comes to overcoming obstacles. They are always there when you need them, they give you a word of encouragement, a hug and they always help you overcome any problem that arises.


I think the biggest challenge that I have gone through and I continue to go through is the fear of the new, the fear of filling out an application and sending it, a job where I don't know how I'm going to do it and if I'm qualified, if I have to go elsewhere and I do not know how to get there. Despite the challenges that one goes through in Jehovah's service, one always received help and on one occasion traveling to my new assignment I had some logistical problems, which arose due to the pandemic. In my specific case, the branch of all the things or decisions that I had to make, because the papers that I had to do for the trip were always there supporting me.


One of the stories in the Bible that I like the most is that of David and Jonathan, because they actually knew us for a long time, but they became very good friends. And this is exactly how I feel with the brothers here, and when you arrive at a congregation, even if you haven't been there for a long time, you think Wow, they are going to be part of my family, they are going to be my friends forever, when you are in a project You are usually far from your family, from your lifelong friends, which is why you need that support so much.


So there is no job that one does or assignment that one has that is not really giving back a little bit of everything that Jehovah has given us. 


When I look back, there is only one thing that I regret, not having filled out the application sooner. Since I put my life in Jehovah's hands, everything I have experienced has been incredible, I would not change a thing.


Working daily with your brothers and sisters is an honor, you don't have to be in contact with this world of Satan, everyone around you Has the same goals as you. Living in this system is not easy, but when you are in full-time service, when you give your best to Jehovah, he gives you much, much more. There is no better life to be serving Jehovah surrounded by wonderful people and having a lot of fun, who says no to something like that. 

How much we value and love the brothers who offer themselves, as volunteers to give more to Jehovah and we know that you feel the same way about them, and we want to thank all of you because you strive to care for and maintain the places of worship. We also want to congratulate those like David, Jazmine, Jonathan and Carolina who volunteered since they were young.

We are sure that you, the younger ones, will set goals like these and be happy working for Jehovah, there is nothing like it, and we also want to thank the thousands of special full-time servants and volunteers who work on the projects of construction all over the world, your work does not go unnoticed, we value it very much. We know that they work tirelessly to build, remodel, and maintain the places of Worship. And we all enjoy thanks to that, what they do in favor of the Kingdom is very important and above all it makes our heavenly father, Jehovah, very happy. 

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