APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 18 to 24, 2023, Speech: Let's be good teachers like Santiago. Let's teach simply, Lesson 17, Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 18-24, 2023, Speech, Lesson 17, Assignment Prepared. 

Speech (5 mins.): w22.01 10, 11 paras. 8-10. Title: Let's be good teachers like Santiago. Let's teach in a simple way (th lec. 17).

Today I want to talk to you about the importance of being good teachers, taking as an example the humility and simplicity of James, one of the Apostles of Jesus. Despite his limited academic training Santiago became an exceptional teacher, and we can learn several lessons from his approach in our own teaching.

In the book of Acts of the Apostles, we are told that the religious leaders of his time considered James, like Peter and John, as Acts 4:13 says, as common men, with little education, but that did not stopped, James understood, then, that true wisdom does not reside in academic erudition, but in the understanding and application of the word of God.

One of Santiago's most notable lessons is his ability to teach in a simple and accessible way; he did not use complicated words or difficult reasoning. Instead he focused on transmitting the fundamental principles of the faith in a clear and understandable way for everyone. 

An excellent example of this is, for example, when he taught us the importance of suffering injustice without holding a grudge. And he also taught us the words recorded in James 5:11 that we are going to read, Please accompany me with the reading, it says like this:


Look, we consider happy those who have endured. You have heard of Job's endurance and seen what Jehovah* ultimately did for him, so you know that Jehovah is very loving and merciful.

Here we see that James used the word of God as the primary authority for teaching. He wanted people to understand that Jehovah always rewards those who are loyal to him, as he did with Job, he did it in a simple and uncomplicated way, and his focus was not on highlighting himself, but on highlighting Jehovah.

So what is the lesson we can extract from the teaching of James? We must learn to teach in a simple way and based on the word of God. Our goal as a teacher should not be to show how much we know, but to show how much Jehovah knows and how much he cares about each of us. As we are told in Romans 11:33 that we are going to read, he says:


Oh, how deep are the riches, wisdom and knowledge of God! How inexplicable are his judgments and unexplorable are his ways!

To achieve this goal, rather than imposing our personal opinions or experiences, we must help our students reason from Biblical examples and understand how Jehovah thinks and feels. In this way, we will motivate them to apply what they learn not to please us, but because of their sincere desire to please Jehovah.

In summary, let us follow the example of James by being humble and simple teachers based on the word of God to guide others on their path to faith. Let us remember that our goal is to bring people closer to Jehovah and help them understand his love and mercy. Just as good teachers we will honor God and strengthen our congregation.
