Congregation Book Study, Week of September 18-24, 2023, Lesson 58, Always Be Loyal to Jehovah, Answers.

Congregation Book Study, September 18-24, 2023, Lesson 58, Always Be Loyal to Jehovah, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): lff lesson 58.

1. What things might others do to test our loyalty to Jehovah?

Our loyalty to Jehovah will be tested by the lies that apostates will tell against the organization to destroy our faith. The false information about us that religious leaders will spread will cause the most naive to distance themselves from the truth. And there will also be those who will try to debate with us in the interest of stopping us from serving Jehovah.


Hence, Jesus in Matthew 15:14 said that all those who try to weaken our desire to be loyal to Jehovah are only blind guides, headed towards spiritual ruin and death. Therefore, he advised that we leave, since it was not worth debating with them.

Another thing that can test our loyalty is when someone very close to us decides that they no longer want to serve Jehovah, and that situation may force us to choose between them and Jehovah. But if we are obedient to the command at 1 Corinthians 5:11, we will be loyal to Jehovah above all. So we will be willing to stop interacting with these types of people, even if they are our close relatives.

People who have abandoned the truth, what do they do? They are telling lies against Jehovah's organization in order to put an end to our faith and they are the apostates.

There are also religious leaders who spread false information about us so that the naive stay away from the truth.

Yes, there is also another danger of reading things that they themselves write or blogs or internet pages.

It is also possible that we say well, then I am going to defend the name of Jehovah but the study is clear because it says that it is dangerous to even debate with these people and even try to defend Jehovah because the ideas that they say or that they spread can remain deep inside our minds and we can even turn them over.

Apostates can also be presented with videos or pages that are striking, perhaps they make chains, there are videos that we, the organization, or they catch bits of each thing, they put it together and sometimes one naively shares them, so we also have to be careful in that because we have seen that the organization has repeated it repeatedly that all the official information is on the page.

1 Corinthians 5:11 | And refusing to have fellowship with these people who do not obey Jehovah's rules will mean that one will be loyal and obedient to his commands.

He is talking about people who decide on their own to do things that Jehovah says not to do as serious sins and also decide to leave the organization with them we do not have to have any dealings with.

Well, based on what has already been mentioned and what is mentioned in First Corinthians, Jehovah's intention is to protect us and us in relation to our relationship with him so that we do not lose that light. 

2. What personal decisions could test our loyalty to Jehovah?

The decisions that could test our loyalty to Jehovah are those that are related to our work or to organizations to which we belong and that could be influenced or contaminated with false religions. Hence the warning of Revelation 18:2-4, as to why we must leave Babylon in the Great completely, so as not to be complicit in its sins and not to receive part of its plagues.


For example, making the personal decision to have nothing to do with false religions, for example, if our work or an organization to which we belong has something to do with false religion, we must make the firm decision to get out of it as Revelation says.

Quite simply, leaving Babylon means being far from Jehovah's condemnation of false religion.

Of course, because the warning he gives us to get out of it is because the text mentions why that place has become a place of demons. 


Discuss what you can do to ensure that no one weakens your loyalty to Jehovah. Plus, see why staying away from Babylon the Great is a sign of loyalty.

3. Beware of false teachers

How should we react if negative comments about Jehovah's organization reach our ears? 

Well, as we have been seeing, there are ill-intentioned people who spread incomplete information that is false or taken out of context. Even today with Artificial Intelligence, images or videos can be made of people who say or do something that they did not actually do, so if we apply the advice of Proverbs We are going to be cautious if we do not immediately believe what we see, especially in these negative comments, but rather we put it to the test if we first analyze and check if these things are true.

If I really received any news, a message from a brother chain group of supposed information, thank you, but we know that our first source of communication is our website and at the same time our elderly brothers who will give us the corresponding information, so when we have You have to go through these things of having to react on certain comments and here it refers to negative comment about Jehovah's organization.

Read Proverbs 14:15 and talk about the following:

Why should we be cautious and not believe everything we hear?

Proverbs 14:15 encourages us to analyze what people say instead of just blindly accepting everything we hear. Hence, we must measure all our steps well and gather all the facts before acting, to do so with full knowledge of the facts.

Important when things start to get complicated when we may be going through the great tribulation because here we do not have to go looking for information nor believe what others are saying that is not correct but it could happen that maybe at some point moment on television, which is something that is for all audiences, false information about the organization begins to be told and that information may reach our ears without us looking for it, so we also have to be careful there.

Read 2 John 10 and discuss the following:

What relationship should we have with apostates?

Proverbs 14:15 encourages us to analyze what people say instead of just blindly accepting everything we hear. Hence, we must measure all our steps well and gather all the facts before acting, to do so with full knowledge of the facts.

Because in fact the text is clear, it says that he does not even greet him, so when one does not have a relationship with someone he does not even greet him, that is how the relationship with apostates must be.

We may not have direct contact with apostates; But still, how could their ideas influence us?

Their ideas could influence us and sow doubts, if we visit their pages on the Internet, if we watch their videos or if we read their books or their blogs, since this would weaken our desire to continue telling them.


Today it is very common to have social networks. So these comments that apostates often say as a lie about Jehovah's organization can lead a brother who, due to his zeal to defend the truth, begins to comment on this publication, then there will be quite a few problems because this person does not want to learn from Jehovah or teach about him, he only wants to leave him in a bad light, so since talking to a wall will never amount to anything, it is better to ignore that information and block that person.

And these apostates, as already seen, have only one objective, which is to sow doubt in us and finally end up abandoning Jehovah. We should not expose ourselves or relax because it is not something face to face, we always have to raise the alert more than ever. 

If we were to pay attention to negative comments about Jehovah or his organization, how do you think he would feel?

Jehovah has feelings, the behavior of his servants can cause joy or deep sadness. Hence, if we pay attention to negative comments about him or his organization, it would be disloyal on our part. So Jehovah would feel wounded in his heart.

We would not be gladdening Jehovah's heart because when Paul gave this exhortation not to greet us and associate with people because he knew that these apostates were going to directly attack the faith of the Christian brothers, then if we pay attention it would be a form of power that at some point we have a place that could weaken our faith and Jehovah clearly would not be happy. 

4. Be loyal to God when a brother commits a sin

If we learn that someone in the congregation has committed a serious sin, what responsibility do we have? Discuss a principle we find in the Law that God gave to ancient Israel. Read Leviticus 5:1.

As indicated in this verse, if we find out that a person has committed a serious sin, we should tell the essays what we know, but first we should talk to the person and tell him that he needs to approach an elder if he does not consider it there. We would have to talk to the elders.

We have to do it because otherwise we would also be complicit in what the brother or sister would be doing, so we also have to help them approach the elders to talk to tell what they are doing and in this way we are also being loyal and faithful to them. Jehovah.

As indicated in this verse, if we learn that a person has committed a serious sin, we should tell the elders what we know. Of course, before doing that, the kindest thing would be to encourage the person who committed the sin to talk to the elders and confess what he did. But if he does not do it, then we, out of loyalty to Jehovah, will tell the elders. Why are these steps a gesture of love and loyalty towards…


Jehovah expects us to show that loyalty.

They are a gesture of love and loyalty to Jehovah, because they demand obedience on our part to biblical principles and his righteous standards.

Well, because we love Jehovah and his organization, we want the congregation to stay clean.

…the person who has sinned?

They are a gesture of love and loyalty to people who have sinned, because in this way we encourage them to correct their behavior and seek the help of the elders so that they can be reconciled with Jehovah and obtain his forgiveness.

Because in this way we encourage them to correct their behavior and seek the help of the elders so that they can be reconciled to Jehovah and obtain his forgiveness. 

…the rest of the congregation?

They are a gesture of love and loyalty to the congregation, because we want to do everything we can to keep it clean, holy and without any blemish. And because we also do not want the congregation to be a participant in the sins of others or responsible for the wrong conduct of the sinner.


That when one becomes part of the Christian congregation one makes a vow of loyalty and love to keep the congregation clean both for what one can do or for helping others stay clean.

And one notices the spirit of Jehovah, the idea is that when these things happen, the spirituality of the congregation is also kept clean and one as a brother as part of the congregation also feels it, sees how things flow as the spirit of Jehovah is also in the congregation. when things are good.


Images of a brother helping another who did something bad: 1. The brother scandalized by the images he is seeing on his phone. 2. The brother showing the phone to the other brother. He rejects the advice he gives him. 3. The brother showing the phone to two elderly people and talking to them.

If a brother has gotten into trouble, help him!

 5. Stay away from Babylon the Great

Watch the video.

VIDEO: Get out of Babylon the Great! (5:06)

A scene from the video 'Get Out of Babylon the Great!'. A Bible student walking away from a priest after he quit her job at a church.

Read Luke 4:8 and Revelation 18:4, 5, and discuss these questions:

Does my name still appear in the records of any false religion?

No, because by making my dedication and being baptized as a Jehovah's Witness, I made a covenant with Jehovah and a public declaration promising that I would live according to the principles and his righteous standards, which has meant cutting off all ties with false religion.

Do I belong to any organization that is related to another religion?

No, because that would be like participating in their sins. Hence, I do not belong to any organization related to another religion, nor to any organization that is in any way influenced by Babylon the Great.

Does my job in any way support false religions?

No, although it is true that we must support ourselves and provide for the sustenance of the family, nothing justifies on my part having a job that in any way supports false religions.

Do I have to separate myself from false religions in any other aspect of my life?

No. Because, I worship and serve Jehovah alone, and therefore I am firmly determined to keep myself free from all traces of false religion.

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” what changes should I make?

In this case, I should do what Revelation 18:4,5 commands, and leave Babylon the great. That is, separate myself completely and definitively from any organization and employment that is related to or contaminated with Babylon the great. Likewise, you should abandon any traditions or customs that are related to false religions or that promote their practices.


A sister leaving a supermarket with her child. They pass a woman who is asking for donations for a religious charity. What would you do if someone asked you to help a charity linked to a religion?

WHAT SOME SAY: “But if I don't know what the apostates say about Jehovah's Witnesses, how can I defend the truth?”

Would that be wise? Because?

It would not be wise, because that would mean that we are dealing with apostasy. Furthermore, it would cause us serious damage. Today, thanks to Jehovah, we can protect ourselves from Satan's lies. So we must reject apostasy and avoid at all costs its deceptions and its attempts to sow doubts. On the other hand, to defend the truth, one must not know what the apostates say, but rather preach and obey Jehovah.

As we have seen in this study, it is not prudent to attend to these people because they can sow doubts in our minds, in our hearts. What is prudent is that we make an effort to study the truth and by studying the truth, the lies will emerge.


If we want to be loyal to Jehovah, we must avoid the company of those who turn their backs on him. Furthermore, we have to completely separate ourselves from false religions.


Why shouldn't we see, read or hear what apostates say?

We shouldn't do it because it is very dangerous. Doing these things can weaken our desire to be loyal to Jehovah.

Well, because they are people who seek to sow doubts about Jehovah and his organization and they are going to try to make us stop serving Jehovah, which is why we should not listen. 

What relationship should we have with those who no longer want to continue being Jehovah's Witnesses?

We cannot have any relationship with them or greet them as the text says.

According to 2 John 10, we should not have any type of relationship, nor greet them with a simple good morning, because by simply greeting them we would be becoming complicit in their actions.

We must keep in mind that when a person no longer wants to continue being a Jehovah's Witness it means that they are rejecting Jehovah therefore if we understand that they are rejecting Jehovah they will not do anything that Jehovah asks therefore they cannot be our company. 

What must we do to obey the command to completely separate ourselves from false religions?

To obey the command to separate completely, our name must not be registered linked to any false religion. We should also not belong to or support any organization that is related to other religions. Likewise, we should not have a job that supports Babylon the great. We must also completely separate ourselves from celebrations and traditions influenced by false religions.

Well, how did it look? No, we don't have to be careful with jobs that are related to the false religion, because our name does not have any record that belongs to the false region, and also how it looked there in a photo, be careful being with the money that you They ask for one because they can also be for the false region. 

propose this

If you have anything to do with any false religion, take steps to distance yourself from it.

More objectives:

One goal might be to examine whether I am participating in any way in celebrations or family traditions that are related to or influenced by false religions. If so, I will have to permanently break up with them, even if this causes disagreements with my family.
