Monday, September 11, 2023

Congregation Book Study, Week of September 11-17, 2023, Lesson 57, What would happen if I committed a serious sin? Answers.

Congregation Book Study, September 11-17, 2023, Lesson 57, What would happen if I committed a serious sin?, Answers.

Congregation Bible study (30 mins.): lff lesson 57.

1. What do we have to do so that Jehovah forgives us?

We must repent from the heart. This means deeply regretting the mistake we have made, stopping doing what is wrong, and asking Jehovah to forgive us. Isaiah 55:6,7 teaches us that if we seek Jehovah, pray to him and leave our evil path and evil thoughts, Jehovah will show us mercy and forgive us generously.

2. If we commit a sin, what help does Jehovah give us through the elders?

Jehovah uses the elders of the congregation to help those who sin to restore their friendship with him. The elders are men appointed by holy spirit who love Jehovah and his sheep. Hence James 5:14-15, says that if someone is sick in the congregation, let him call the elders and they will pray for him in the name of Jehovah, and that prayer of faith will heal the sick person and Jehovah will raise him up, and if there were committed a grave sin, he will be forgiven.

The elders, in addition to being appointed by holy spirit, have been trained to help the sinner understand from the Bible why what he is doing or what he has done is wrong. The elders give advice and encouragement to the person so that they do not sin again. But they are also trained to discipline and expel the unrepentant sinner in order to protect the congregation from his evil influence.


Understand and appreciate what Jehovah does to help us if we commit a serious sin.

3. Confessing our sins helps us recover

Any sin we commit directly affects Jehovah, which is why we must confess our offenses to Him. Read Psalm 32:1-5 and talk about the following:

Why is it good for us to confess our sins to Jehovah instead of trying to hide them?

It is good, because confession relieves in an emotional, spiritual and even physical sense. The psalm is clear that hidden sins cause distress. King David was mentally and physically affected by not confessing his sin. He lost his joy and became weak. But by confessing his sin to Jehovah he not only received forgiveness but also the relief he so desperately needed. Today, Jehovah lovingly uses the elders to help someone who has sinned spiritually recover. 

The words of this psalm indicate that David's efforts to suppress his guilty conscience did not lead to him feeling as fatigued as a tree that loses its moisture during a severe drought. But once he confessed his sin, he not only regained a proper relationship with Jehovah, but also the peace or sense of relief that he had lost.

In addition to confessing our sins to Jehovah, we are relieved if we ask the elders to help us. Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: Jehovah disciplines those he loves (3:01)

In order for Canon to return to Jehovah, what help did the elders give him?

Canon went to the elders because he wanted to return to Jehovah. Canon went to the elders because he wanted to return to Jehovah. He understood that elders were like spiritual doctors, trained to use the Bible to help people heal their wounds. The elders treated him with kindness and patience. They also made him see that Jehovah's discipline was for his good and that, although it may have been painful at first, in the end the results would be very good. Thanks to this help, Canon was able to regain his friendship with Jehovah and his place in the congregation.

It is important that we be honest and tell the truth to the elderly, because they are there to help us. Read James 5:16 and discuss the following:

Do you think that if we are honest it will be easier for the elderly to help us? Because?

Yes, undoubtedly. The righteous man mentioned in James 5:16 could be an elder of the congregation. Although the elder cannot absolve anyone of the sins he has committed against God, he is able to correct and discipline the sinner. He is also able to help the sinner recognize the magnitude of his sin and the importance of repenting. Logically, all this becomes much easier if we are totally honest with them.


In the illustration we see how a brother who has committed a serious sin is anguished by the weight of his guilt. But he prays to Jehovah, contacts the elders, sincerely confesses his faults, receives loving discipline from Jehovah through them, and finally with a clear conscience he is back in the congregation.

Series of images: 1. A very distressed brother covering his face with his hands. 2. The brother praying to Jehovah. 3. The brother talking to an old man on the phone. 4. The brother meeting with three elders at the Kingdom Hall. 5. The brother smiling because his conscience has been cleared. Let him confess his sin, be sincere with the elders, and accept Jehovah's loving help.

 4. Expulsion is for the good of all

If someone who has committed a serious sin refuses to obey Jehovah's standards, he or she cannot remain a part of the congregation. So he is expelled. So we stopped hanging out with him, we even stopped talking to him. Read 1 Corinthians 5:6, 11 and 2 John 9-11, and discuss the following:

Considering that yeast ferments all bread dough, do you think it would affect the congregation if we were to associate with an unrepentant sinner? Because?

I do believe so, because just as a little yeast ferments the entire bread dough, one unrepentant sinner can corrupt the entire congregation. Although some of those who make up the congregation have committed sins before, they have already been cleansed. Hence 1 Corinthians 5:6-11, says if someone in the congregation commits a serious sin and does not repent, he must be cast out so that the entire congregation appears clean, and 2 John 9:11, warns that we should not receive him in our houses and not even greet him.

Many who were expelled have returned to the congregation, for what reason? Because, although the discipline was painful, it helped them reconsider (Psalm 141:5). Watch the VIDEO and talk about the following:

VIDEO: Let us loyally support Jehovah's justice (9:28)

How did being expelled help Sonia?

The expulsion helped Sonia to see clearly the consequences of her actions and bad decisions. She also gave him the opportunity to reflect on her behavior. Furthermore, being separated from the congregation and her parents led her to experience a deep sense of loss and longing for Jehovah's forgiveness, as well as the desire to return to the congregation.

How do you achieve expulsion…

…honor the name of Jehovah?

He honors her because he protects both his reputation and the reputation of his people by maintaining the spiritual purity of the congregation.

…show that Jehovah is just and loves us?

The expulsion of the unrepentant sinner shows that Jehovah is just and loves us, because it seeks the well-being of both the sinner and the entire congregation. The expulsion sinner will be given the opportunity to repent and return to Jehovah, who will show him love and mercy. For its part, the congregation will be kept clean and protected from the evil influences of an unrepentant sinner.

5. Jehovah forgives us if we repent

Jesus told a parable that helps us understand how Jehovah feels when someone repents. Read Luke 15:1-7 and talk about the following:

What does this parable teach us about Jehovah?

This parable teaches us the comparison and love of Jehovah towards repentant sinners. In this story Jesus compares a lost sheep with a sinner who has turned away from God. He also emphasizes that Jehovah cares about every person and is willing to seek and rescue those who have been lost spiritually.

On the other hand, this parable teaches us that there is more joy in heaven over 1 sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who do not need to repent. In this way, Jesus illustrates Jehovah's love and mercy and his desire that no one should perish, but rather return to him in repentance.

Read Ezekiel 33:11 and discuss the following:

What important step must be taken to show that we are repentant?

The most important measure is to abandon the bad path and change course. Which means abandoning the bad actions and attitudes that led us to distance ourselves from Jehovah and demonstrating a firm will to live in accordance with his principles and just standards.


A shepherd tenderly bandaging a wounded sheep. Jehovah is like a shepherd: he cares a lot about his sheep.

WHAT SOME SAY: “I'm afraid to talk to the elderly. “If I tell them what I did, they will expel me.”

What would you say to someone who thinks that?

I would tell him that it is normal to feel afraid, but he should remember that the elders are there to help us reconcile with Jehovah. On the other hand, talking to the elders does not automatically mean that the person will be disfellowshipped, since the elders are trained to deal with these matters with love and Justice and Jehovah is understanding and merciful to the sinner who confesses repentance and desires to return to him. So he should not be afraid to talk to the elders, on the contrary talking to them will be an important step to receive God's forgiveness and regain peace and spiritual health from Him.


If we commit a serious sin but truly repent and are determined not to repeat it, Jehovah will forgive us.


Why is it good for us to confess our sins to Jehovah?

It's good because that will help us recover spiritually, and because we will feel relieved. But above all, because confessing is an important step for Jehovah to forgive us. 

What do we have to do so that Jehovah forgives our sins?

We must repent from the heart, deeply regret the mistake we have made, stop doing what is wrong, and ask Jehovah to forgive us.

If we commit a serious sin, why should we ask the elders for help?

We should ask the elders for help, because they have been appointed by holy spirit, because they love Jehovah and his sheep, and because they are qualified to help us restore our friendship with Jehovah.

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