Monday, September 11, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 11 to 17, 2023, Answers to the Revisit Video.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  September 11-17, 2023, Responses to the Video of the first conversation.

Video of the return visit (5 mins.): Analysis with the audience. Play the video Revisit: The Kingdom (Mt 14:19, 20). Stop the video at each pause and ask the questions that appear in it.

If the person in the territory does not believe in Jesus, how would you use Psalms 72:16 to tell them about what the Kingdom of God will do for us?

In that case it would show what Jehovah plans to do to fulfill his purpose that people have enough food, since the Psalm talks about what will be the method that will make the mountains produce food in abundance. So in this case we will focus on what the Psalms say and highlight how God plans to bring enough food. And in that way we would avoid talking about Jesus, since the person does not believe in Jesus.


I would tell the person that human governments care about feeding their citizens, but unfortunately their food solutions are not permanent nor do they reach all people. On the other hand, the Kingdom or Government of God does have the power to eradicate malnutrition, food shortages and extreme hunger from around the world. In fact, I would like to show you that promise directly in the Bible is recorded in Psalm 72: 16………..

We could also ask him a question to lead him to reason, we can ask him: Isn't it true that despite man's aggression towards the environment and pollution, we can still appreciate the mountains and enjoy them? And we would encourage you to imagine what the Kingdom of God or government will do in relation to them, then we can show you directly what the Bible mentions about this topic.

I would say that perhaps you agree with me that much of humanity's suffering is due to hunger and food shortages. Now Imagine a government that solves that problem forever. And then we can tell him that this is precisely what the Kingdom of God will do, and after that we can show him the text of Psalms 72:16.

Which teaching kit publication would you offer the person?

Precisely our magazine, the Watchtower, its main theme is the Kingdom of God, but mainly, we will focus on the topic: When will the Kingdom of God rule? Since in the first visits, we have already talked about what the Kingdom of God is. God, and one of the promises of the Kingdom that would be food in abundance. So the next question is, when will he begin to govern? and the magazine precisely answers that question.


I would offer you The Watchtower Number 2 of 2020, titled: Why do we need the Kingdom of God? There he would show the person pages 4 and 6 that correspond to the question: Why do we need the Kingdom.

We could also offer the pamphlet Enjoy Life, and we would show the person point 4 of lesson 2. Which talks about the hope that the Bible offers to live forever in perfect conditions. And where you can also analyze the box of the promises of the Kingdom of God.

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