APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of September 18 to 24, 2023, Revisit, Invite the person to a meeting. Then present and analyze the video What are our meetings like?, Lesson 12, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: September 18-24, 2023, Revisit, Lesson 12, Assignment Prepared.

Revisit (4 mins.): Use the topic of ideas to discuss. Invite the person to a meeting. Then present and analyze the video What are our meetings like?, but do not play it (th lesson 12).

Publisher: Hello, good morning. 

Assistant: Good morning.

Publisher: I am glad to find you at home, I came because the previous time we were talking about what the Kingdom of God is. 

Assistant: It's true, I do remember. 

Publisher: And today we agree to answer what the Kingdom of God will do when it comes. 

Assistant: Yes, I would be interested in knowing the answer. 

Publisher: Well, one of the things that we can see in the Bible is that the Kingdom of God already has a king, Jesus Christ. Also in the following text we are going to see one of the things that the kingdom of God can do. 

Helper: Okay.

Publisher: Let's read what the text of Matthew chapter 14 verses 19 to 20 says, I would like you to read it.

Helper: Okay, the text says the following………. 

Publisher: As I was mentioning, this is only a small test of what the Kingdom of God can do, but you can see what this test was. 

Helper: It says that when Jesus was here on earth, he fed many people. 

Publisher: Yes, that is true, it is that when the Kingdom of God comes and is here on earth, people will not have to suffer for food, since there will be plenty. What do you think of this promise? 

Helper: Yes, it would be the best for all human beings since food is one of the main things needed here on earth. Plus that will make everyone very happy. 

Publisher: Yes it is true, but you have asked yourself then: When will the Kingdom of God rule the earth? 

Assistant: I guess there's a lot left.

Publisher: What do you think, next time we talk about this topic. 

Helper: Okay

Publisher: Before I retire I would like to invite you to one of our meetings coming up this weekend. A very important speech, have you ever attended?

Helper: I haven't, but I would like to attend. 

Publisher: Okay then I would like to show you a video of what our meetings are like.

Assistant: Yes, okay, I would like to see it.

Publisher: What did you think of the video of what our meetings are like?

Assistant: It seems very happy, you can see the camaraderie, and I also liked that it takes place everywhere and in different countries. 

Publisher: Yes, that is true and as you mentioned in the video, well, in all the meetings you go to, the same thing will always be analyzed.

Helper: I can't believe that would be amazing.

Publisher: Yes, that's why what is analyzed in other countries is also analyzed in this meeting, so I would like you to be able to go. And as you can see, there are no collections, so there is no commitment since you can attend even if you are not Jehovah's Witnesses.

Assistant: Well, I think I'll make arrangements to attend.
