Thursday, August 3, 2023

Watchtower Study, Week of July 31-August 6, 2023, Keep “Jah's Flame” Alive, Underlined Answers.

Watchtower Study, 31-July-6-August-2023, Keep Alive "Jah's Flame", Underlined Answers.

Yellow: Direct Answer.

Dark Yellow: Additional Answer.

Light Blue: Additional Points.

"His [love's] flames are a burning fire, the flame of Jah" (SONG 8:6).

1. How does the Bible describe true love?

THE Bible describes true love in these words: “Its flames are a burning fire, the flame of Jah. Raging waters cannot extinguish love, nor can rivers carry it away with the current” (Song of Songs 8:6, 7).  What a beautiful description! These words show us that the love between husband and wife can be invincible and last a lifetime.

2. What does a married couple have to do so that their love does not fade?

2 Husband and wife have to do their part if they want love to last a lifetime. Let's think about a campfire. So that the fire does not go out, it must be fed. If nothing is done, the fire goes out. The same thing happens with the love between husband and wife: you have to feed it to keep it alive. But sometimes financial difficulties, health problems and the challenges of raising children can cause the flame of love to start to die down. If you are married, what can you do to keep “the flame of Jah” alive? In this article we will look at three things that will help you have a strong and happy marriage. c


3. Why is it necessary for married couples to be friends of Jehovah to keep love alive? (Ecclesiastes 4:12; see also image.)

3 To keep “the flame of Jah” alive, both husband and wife must strive to be good friends with Jehovah. Why do we say it? If both of you value your friendship with Jehovah, you will be willing to follow his advice willingly. This way they will avoid and overcome any problems that could cool their love (read Ecclesiastes 4:12). Furthermore, those who are friends of Jehovah strive to be like him and imitate his qualities. For example, they are kind and patient, and they know how to forgive (Eph. 4:32-5:1). How can there be no love in such a marriage? A sister named Lena, who has been married for more than 25 years, says, “How easy it is to love and respect a spiritual person!”


A married couple hold hands as they pray together. In a circle, Joseph and Mary are seen holding hands as they pray. Like Joseph and Mary, those who are married need to be good friends with Jehovah. (See paragraph 3).

4. Why did Jehovah choose Joseph and Mary to be the parents of the Messiah?

4 Let's look at an example from the Bible. Of all the descendants of David, Jehovah chose Joseph and Mary to be the parents of the Messiah. Why did he choose them? Because they were both very close to him, and he knew that they would always put him first in their marriage. What can José and María learn from those who are married?

5. How can husbands follow the example of Joseph?

5 Joseph did not hesitate to follow Jehovah's guidance , and that made him an excellent husband. On at least three occasions, God gave her instructions related to his family. And he immediately followed them even though it was not easy (Matt. 1:20, 24; 2:13-15, 19-21). Because he obeyed Jehovah, Joseph was able to protect Mary and take care of her. Surely that made Maria love and respect him even more. You husbands can be like Joseph and seek Bible-based advice to help you care for your family. When they put them into practice, even if it means making changes, they show that they love their wives. And, as a result, your marriage will be stronger.A sister from Vanuatu who has been married for more than 20 years says: “When I see my husband seeking and following Jehovah's guidance, I respect him more. He helps me feel safe and trust his decisions ”.

6. What can wives learn from Mary's example?

6 Mary was a friend of Jehovah. Her friendship with him and her faith did not depend on Joseph. She knew the scriptures very well (see study note on Luke 1:46).In addition, he took time to meditate (Luc. 2:19, 51). Since Maria was a spiritual woman, she made an excellent wife. Many Christians today are striving to be like Mary. Let's see the example of Émiko. She recounts: “When I was single, I had my own spiritual routine. But after I got married, my husband prayed for both of us and took care of the spirituality of the family. I realized that my faith depended on what my husband did. I knew he had to do my part. It was my responsibility to strengthen my friendship with Jehovah. So now I take time to be alone so I can pray to Jehovah, read the Scriptures and meditate ′′ (Gal. 6:5). Wives, if you continue to strive to strengthen your friendship with Jehovah, your husbands will have more reason to love and congratulate you (Prov. 31:30).

7. What can couples learn from the example of Joseph and Mary?

7 Joseph and Mary also worked as a team to keep their relationship with Jehovah strong. They knew that it was very important to worship Jehovah as a family (Luke 2:22-24, 41; 4:16). Sure it was difficult at times, and even more so when the family started to grow. But they did it. What a good example for married couples! If you also have children, it can be a challenge to go to meetings and find time for family worship. Also, finding times to study and pray together as a couple can be even more difficult. But remember that if you worship Jehovah together, your friendship with him will strengthen and you will feel closer to each other. So put your worship of Jehovah first.

8. What can a troubled marriage do to benefit from family worship?

8 What can you do if you have problems in your marriage? Perhaps family worship is the last thing you want to do. If that's the case for you, why don't you start by discussing something short and sweet, something that you both agree with? This can be the first step in strengthening your marriage and encouraging you to do spiritual activities together.


9. Why should a husband and wife spend time together?

9 Those who are married can keep their love alive by spending time together. That will help them to be very aware of what the other thinks and feels (Gen. 2:24). Let's look at what Lilia and Ruslán discovered shortly after getting married, more than 15 years ago. She explains: “We realized that we weren't going to be able to spend as much time together as we had thought. We were very busy with work, housework... and then the children arrived. We understood that if we didn't make time to be together, we would end up growing apart."

10. How can those who are married apply what Ephesians 5:15, 16 says?

10 To spend time together, husband and wife may need to plan well; it is best not to leave it to chance (read Ephesians 5:15, 16). A brother from Nigeria named Uzondu says: “When I make my schedule, I include the time I am going to spend with my wife. For me that time is sacred ′′ (Phil. 1:10). Consider the example of Anastasia, the wife of a circuit overseer in Moldova. She explains how she makes the most of her time: “I do my own thing while my husband attends to his responsibilities. So we can spend time together afterwards.” Now, what if you have a tight schedule and find it difficult to find moments to be together?

11. What activities did Aquila and Priscilla do together?

11 Those who are married can learn much from the example of Aquila and Priscilla, a beloved first-century couple (Rom. 16:3, 4). Although the Bible does not give many details of their marriage, it does say that they worked together, preached together, and helped others together (Acts 18:2, 3, 24-26). In fact, whenever the Bible mentions Aquila and Priscilla, they were together.

12. What can married people do to spend more time together? (See also image).

12 How can those who are married imitate the example of Aquila and Priscilla? Think of all the activities each of you has to do. Could you attend to some of these tasks together, instead of doing them separately ? For example, Aquila and Priscilla preached together. Do you have the habit of doing the same? Áquila and Priscilla also worked together. Sure, you and your husband or wife may not have the same job. But what if they do housework together ? (Eccl. 4:9). If you help each other, you'll feel like a team and have a chance to talk.Robert and Linda have been married for over 50 years. He says: “The truth is that we don't have much free time. But when I am washing the dishes and my wife is drying them or when I am working in the garden and she comes to give me a hand, I feel very happy. Doing things together brings us together, and our love continues to grow."


A husband and wife enjoy gardening together. In a circle, Aquila and Priscilla are seen happily sewing the fabric of a tent together. What can a husband and wife do together? (See paragraphs 11 and 12).

13. What do a husband and wife have to do if they really want to be together?

13 Don't forget this: being together is not always the same as being together. A married sister from Brazil says: “With so many distractions it is easy to think that because we are living under the same roof, we are already spending time together. But I've realized that being together is only half the road. The other half is giving my husband the attention he needs." Look at what Bruno and his wife, Tays, have done to keep an eye on each other . He explains, “To enjoy our time together, we put our phones away.”

14. What can married couples do when they don't like spending time together?

14 But what if you don't like spending time together? Maybe they like different things or sometimes they feel like they're getting on each other's nerves. What can they do if that is your case? Think about the campfire we mentioned earlier. When it is turned on, it is small; there is only one flame. In order for it to grow and burn strongly, you have to add larger and larger pieces of firewood little by little. Similarly, try to spend a few moments together each day. Find something you both like to do that won't cause problems (James 3:18). If you start small, you can rekindle the flame of your love.


15. Why is respect vital in marriage?

15 Respect is vital in marriage. It is like oxygen, which keeps the fire alive. Without oxygen, the fire goes out quickly. In the same way, if there is no respect in a marriage, love will end up cooling off in a very short time. Instead, if the husband and wife treat each other with respect, they will keep the flame of love alive. But remember that what counts is not whether you think you are respectful, but whether the other person feels respected. Penny and Aret have been married for over 25 years. She comments: “Since we both respect each other, the home breathes love. We express with total freedom what we think and feel because we know that each one values ​​the opinion of the other”. And what can you do to make your husband or his wife feel respected? Let's see what Abraham and Sarah did.

16. What can husbands learn from Abraham's example? (1 Peter 3:7; see also image.)

16 Abraham treated Sarah with respect. He listened to her opinions and took her feelings into account. On one occasion when Sarah was in great distress, she took out her frustration on Abraham and even blamed him for her. But he didn't get mad at her or say anything rude. He knew her well, and he knew that Sara respected her authority and supported her decisions. What he did was listen to her and try to solve the problem (Gen. 16: 5, 6). What is the lesson?The husband has the authority to make decisions in the family (1 Cor. 11:3). But, since he loves his wife, he takes into account her opinion, and even more so if the decision will affect her (1 Cor. 13: 4, 5). There may also be times when his wife feels stressed and needs to vent. Do you treat her with respect and consideration by listening carefully? (Read 1 Peter 3:7.) Angela and Dimitri have been married for almost 30 years. She tells what her husband does to make her feel respected: “Dimitri always listens to me when I'm having a bad day or just want to talk. He is patient with me, even when I am upset or sensitive.”


A husband listens carefully as his wife tells him what she is feeling. In a circle Abraham is seen listening intently as Sarah tells him what he feels. The Christian husband treats his wife with respect and consideration by listening attentively. (See paragraph 16).

17. What can wives learn from Sarah's example? (1 Peter 3:5, 6).

17 Sarah showed that she respected Abraham because he supported his decisions (Gen. 12:5). On one occasion, Abraham decided to be hospitable to some men who arrived without warning. So he asked Sarah to prepare lots of loaves even though she was busy doing other things (Gen. 18:6). Sarah acted immediately and supported Abraham's decision. Wives, you can be like Sarah and support her husband's decisions. If they do, their marriage will become stronger (read 1 Peter 3:5, 6).Dimitri, who we talked about in the previous paragraph, explains what his wife does to make him feel respected: “I know that when I make a decision, I have my wife's support, even if we don't agree. When things don't go well, she doesn't hold it against me. How grateful I am that Angela is like that!" How easy it is to love someone who respects you!

18. What will be the result if you strive to keep love alive?

18 Satan wants to put out the flame of love that exists in Christian marriages. He knows that if the husband and wife stop loving each other, they may also begin to drift away from Jehovah. But there is nothing that can turn off true love! Therefore, that the love they have is like the one described in The Song of Songs. Put Jehovah first in your marriage, find time together, and show respect for each other by considering each other's feelings and needs. If they do, their marriage will honor Jehovah—from whom true love comes—and their love will be like a well-kept campfire—burning brightly forever.


Why is it necessary to be a friend of Jehovah to have a happy marriage?

If both of you value your friendship with Jehovah, you will be willing to follow his advice willingly. This way they will avoid and overcome any problem that could cool their love. Also, those who are friends of Jehovah strive to be like him and imitate his qualities. For example, they are kind and patient, and they know how to forgive.

What can married people do to spend more time together?

In order to spend time together, the husband and wife have to plan well, it is best not to leave it to chance.

A brother from Nigeria named uzondu says: When I make my schedule, I include the time that I am going to spend with my wife. For me that time is sacred.

Activities like preaching together, going out together, cleaning the house together, exercising together.

What can a husband and wife do to show that they respect each other?

Listen to each other with respect, without judging, The husband has the authority to make decisions in the family. But, since he loves his wife, he takes her opinion into account, and even more so if the decision will affect her.

Supporting the husband's decisions, even if they were last minute, avoid throwing things or mistakes in the face.

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