Monday, September 4, 2023

SPIRITUAL GEMS: Week of August 28 to September 3, 2023, Nehemiah 12 to 13, Answers.

SPIRITUAL GEMS: 28-August-3-September-2023, Nehemiah 12 to 13, Answers.

Spiritual Gems (10 min.)

Ne 13:10. If the singers were Levites, why does the Bible mention them separately? (it-2 444 para. 2).

The answer is found in the book Perspicacia Volume 2 Page 444 and Paragraph 2. There he mentions that within the Worship of Jehovah the singing in the temple received considerable importance. One of several proofs that we have that the singers were considered special is that they were freed from common duties that were given to the other Levites and that was done, so that they could dedicate themselves completely to their service in song.


And that way of considering them different was maintained even after leaving Babylon. It seems that due to the authority that Ezra had, he was responsible for establishing a system for the singers according to what each day required. All this makes us understand that although the singers were Levites, when he refers to them he does so in a different way.

The answer has to do with the importance of singing and praise in True Worship. Here we see that the singers are separated free of duties unlike the other Levites, whose purpose we see was that they dedicate themselves completely to this art that was the song to Jehovah. These singers continued as a special group of Levites, since they are recorded separately within the groups that returned from Babylon, so there we have it, it was because of the importance that singing has in the worship of the true God, and this is not from now , in Biblical times it was also something solemn and very transcendental.

Although the singers were Levites by birth, the Bible mentions them separately because of their specialized role and their focus on the temple service of song and music. Their prominent role in worship and their distinction within the larger group of Levites justify the Bible's separation of groups between the Levites and the singers.

The singers were Levites, but the Bible refers to them as a special group and they are mentioned separately because temple singing was given considerable importance. Therefore, the singers were released from the duties common to the other Levites, so that they could dedicate themselves completely to their service. Even King Artaxerxes strengthened them by exempting them from paying taxes, tributes and tolls. And he commanded to establish a system for the singers according to what he required each day.

The Bible mentions the singers separately from the Levites because, although all the singers were Levites, they were considered a special group within the Levites. This is because they were given considerable importance in the temple service, being released from other duties common to the other Levites so that they could devote themselves fully to their service. Furthermore, the singers are recorded separately within the group of those who returned from Babylon, demonstrating their distinction within the Levites.

It is probable that the order to establish a system for the singers was issued by Ezra by virtue of the power delegated to him by the king. Although all the singers have Levites, the Bible mentions them as a special group, "The singers and the Levites." Which shows that for Jehovah this aspect in the service of Jehovah was of the utmost importance.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

Nehemiah 12:24. Here he teaches us how important it is to praise Jehovah and follow instructions, someone might think, and how some people worship God according to them, praise him but in their own way, and skip Jehovah's instructions that are in the Bible. This text teaches us how important it is to praise and adore God in his way instead of ours.

Nehemiah 13:31. In this text we can see Nehemiah's prayer asking Jehovah with all his heart to remember him. This text teaches us that, like Nehemiah, we too must have full assurance that Jehovah will reward our good works.

Nehemiah 13:25-27. In this text we also see that Nehemiah began to censure the deputy rulers telling them why they had allowed the house of the true God to be neglected, with this action he showed himself to be a zealous defender of God's just laws. Like Nehemiah, let us not let other people's unfaithfulness deter us from faithfully serving Jehovah.

Nehemiah 13:25-27. Nehemiah used Solomon as an example to warn Jews married to pagan women about the danger of these marriage alliances. Jehovah has always disapproved of unequal unions with unbelievers, since it endangers our spirituality and our lives.

Nehemiah 13:14. We see that Nehemiah prays to Jehovah telling him to remember him and what he has done. Without a doubt, Jehovah did not forget Nehemiah, since he allowed his prayer to be part of the Holy Scriptures, serving as an example for us of how people who take care of God's house are fully rewarded without fail.

Nehemiah 13:5-7. We read that the high priest Eliashib had given Tobiah a storage room in the house of the true God. Eliashib had set a good example by supporting Nehemiah in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, but he gradually allowed himself to be influenced by Tobiah and others, doing things that displeased Jehovah. The lesson is that we must be careful with the people we associate with, since they can influence us in a positive or negative way.

Nehemiah 12:43. We read that the women and children were also very happy in the assembly. We see that the little ones were not left at home. Likewise today it is necessary that children accompany their parents and attend the meetings of the Christian Congregation.

Nehemiah 12:27. The work of rebuilding the walls was completed in 52 days, this was a reason for joy, because despite all the obstacles that arose they were able to meet their goal. And for that reason the inauguration was a cause of joy and celebration with music and songs. They demonstrated the joy of having fulfilled Jehovah through song. Giving an application in our days, both in the Assemblies and in the Meetings in the Kingdom Hall, happiness and gratitude to Jehovah for being part of his people is expressed with songs, that is why we must take advantage of the occasion to sing with voice strong to Jehovah to show him the joy of being part of his organization. It doesn't matter if we have an ugly voice when we sing, but Jehovah appreciates our emotions and our hearts overflowing with gratitude. 

Nehemiah 13:25. This reading shows us the consequences that the Israelites had for marrying foreign women. So if a young man is in the process of getting married, he must do it only in the Lord so as not to have disastrous consequences sooner or later. So if we want things to go well, we must obey Jehovah in this important aspect of marriage.

Nehemiah 13:14. In the text we observe how Nehemiah asked Jehovah not to forget what he had done for his name, and Jehovah blessed him. Like Nehemiah, we can be sure that if we remain loyal to Jehovah, he will always remember us.

Nehemiah 13:7-8. As we could see, Nehemiah was outraged because they were using Jehovah's place as a business, so all of us must have that attitude towards our place of Worship, since we should not use it to do business or a commercial deal with our brothers, in that way In this way we will always show loyalty to Jehovah.

Nehemiah 12:43. This text makes us see that if we want to be friends of God, we must do. For example, we can use our time and energy to pray, read the Bible, worship God as a family, go to Meetings and preach, all these sacrifices are highly valued by Jehovah.

Nehemiah 12:42. This account teaches us that the Israelites had a great sense of commitment when it came to singing to Jehovah, since they sang with force. In the same way, we must sing our songs with force, even if we do not have a melodious voice, it is important to do it with all our fervor, so that Jehovah feels happy with us.

Nehemiah 12:27. This reading teaches us the importance that we must give to our adoration in what has to do with our places of Worship, when we dedicate it we must feel great joy and great love, for said centers of Worship, which will serve to adore our creator.

Nehemiah 13:10. The verse shows us that when the Levites and the singers were not receiving their fair share, they were forced to go to their own fields. This resulted in a disruption in spiritual service and worship life. Similarly, when we fulfill our responsibilities and commitments in the congregation there can be a negative impact on its functioning and on the worship experience of other members.

Nehemiah 12:43. Jehovah established the principle in Israel that parents should spend time together with their children to instruct them in the law. In Nehemiah's account, children again appear as listeners and participants in the joy of praising and adoring Jehovah. This made them have an inclination towards true worship from a very young age. This text teaches parents that they should train their children in the way they should go, and they can do it by spending time with them teaching them to be imitators of God and their beloved child, if they do it, it is likely that succeed as parents. That is why it is essential that children also pay attention during Meetings.

Nehemiah 12:24. This text teaches us the importance of gratitude, if we want to please Jehovah it is important to always show love and gratitude for Jehovah and also for all people, regardless of nationality and race.

Nehemiah 13:3. Apparently those who made up the group of foreigners were the Moabites and the Ammonites and the children of the Israelites who had married foreigners. Once again the Jews had taken foreign wives, and therefore there was a need to include said women and their children from the community, from the nation itself, and thus the privilege of worshiping with Jehovah's people. This text teaches us that we must be vigilant and on our guard against falling into materialism, corruption, and apostasy. We want to be careful with our friendships, since if they do not serve Jehovah they could affect our friendship with God and distance us from his Biblical laws and principles.

Nehemiah 12:43. The joy that the inhabitants of Jerusalem experienced in their worship is a reminder that the worship of God should not be a burden, but a source of joy. By connecting with God through worship and prayer we find satisfaction and deep joy in our relationship with Jehovah.

Nehemiah 12:31. As in the case of the Adoration in the temple of Nehemiah, the preparation in our religious activities demonstrates a deep respect for God and his work. By spending time and effort preparing for meetings, we show that we value our time with God and want to make the most of it.

Nehemiah 12:24. It shows us how the leaders stood before the people, setting the example in worship and celebration. Similarly, as parents and adults, we can shape behaviors and attitudes that we want to see in our children and those around us. Our practical example can be a powerful lesson on how to live by the values ​​and principles we uphold.

Nehemiah 13:24. We see a call for parents to take decisive action to ensure that their children acquire a strong Christian identity. In a world full of distractions and pressures, it is vital that parents guide and mold their children to follow Jehovah's values ​​and principles.

Nehemiah 13:4. This text reinforces the idea that the people we surround ourselves with can affect our behavior and attitudes. And as the text illustrates, even someone who initially acted correctly and set a good example can be negatively influenced by people who do not follow the same principles. The lesson here is that we need to be aware of the influences around us and be careful in choosing our friendships and associations.

Nehemiah 13:1. Actions can affect our relationship with God. The history of the Ammonites and Moabites is an example of how the nations that acted against God's people had to pay the consequences for their actions. In this case, God denied them the privilege of being part of his assembly or people. And that awaits the people who, at the conclusion of the system of things, rise up against Jehovah's people, since he will show a strong hand against them.

Nehemiah 13:23-25. It shows the disturbance Nehemiah felt when he learned that the sons of the repatriated Jews had married foreign women who could not speak Hebrew. His concern was because he knew the importance of understanding the scriptures and the unifying power of speaking one language. This teaches me that not understanding the Bible in the language of the congregation can endanger our spiritual health AND lead us to lose our identity as Jehovah's servants, as was happening to these Jews in ancient times.

Nehemiah 13:7-9. It shows that Nehemiah was so indignant when he realized that the high priest provided him with a storage room in the courtyard of God's house to please Tobias. So he threw all his things out of the storage room. This teaches me that loyalty to Jehovah must be above anything else and that a Christian cannot have agreements with Jehovah's enemies.

Nehemiah 13:4-9. He shows that the high priest reserved a dining room for him at the entrance to Tobiah the Ammonite's compound, even though that was prohibited. Maybe he did it because of the existing ties they had. This teaches me that we must avoid the bad company of anyone who does not love Jehovah, because it is not easy to remain pure in the midst of bad influences.

Nehemiah 13:7-9. It shows Nehemiah's indignation at Tobiah's installation in a storage room in the courtyard of the house of the true God. This teaches us the importance of maintaining the integrity and purity of our places of worship, and tells us that any act that desecrates this purity must be immediately corrected by those who lead us.

Nehemiah 13:1. He says that that day the book of Moses was read to the people and they saw that it said that neither Ammonites nor Moabites should ever be admitted into the congregation of the true God. This teaches us the importance of accepting Jehovah's guidance through the Bible and obeying his commandments in order to keep our congregations clean.

Nehemiah 12:31-43. He shows that the joy of Jerusalem was heard from afar, which means that this celebration became a public witness for a public witness for people who perceived the songs and joy of the women, men, and children of Jerusalem. This encourages us to sing in our Gathering places not only loudly, but also joyfully and cheerfully.

Nehemiah 12:30. He shows that the gates and walls of Jerusalem were cleansed before offering songs of praise to Jehovah. This teaches us the importance we should give to cleaning and maintaining our Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, and other Meeting places, as well as our own homes and all our belongings.

Nehemiah 12:30. He shows that the priests first purified themselves and then purified the people, the gates and the walls of Jerusalem. This teaches us that those who lead us must be physically and spiritually clean. But it also teaches us that Jehovah will only accept our praise if we have a condition of physical and spiritual purity that he approves.

Nehemiah 12:31. It shows that since ancient times, Jehovah has commanded men, women, and children to assemble together. In this text, we see that the children were present at the celebration of the inauguration of the walls of Jerusalem. This teaches us Christian parents that our children should accompany us to congregation meetings, assemblies and preaching from a very young age. In order for them to associate with the brothers, listen to them and learn from the scriptures and become God fearing people.

Nehemiah 12:27. This text also wonderfully shows Jehovah's power to accomplish his purposes. The unveiling of the walls of Jerusalem was a victory against Satan, a humiliation for opponents of pure worship, and a clear spiritual strengthening for the faithful Jewish remnant in Jerusalem.

Nehemiah 12:31. It shows us a story about two great choirs of thanksgiving and their important role in the inauguration of the walls of Jerusalem. This teaches us that in addition to prayers, we can also use songs to thank Jehovah for his undeserved kindness.

Nehemiah 12:43. We can also use this text in the Ministry to teach that one way to access the true and inexhaustible source of joy and joy that the Bible mentions is by serving Jehovah with all our hearts.

Nehemiah 12:30. This text is useful to me in the Ministry to teach why Jehovah does not accept the worship of people who are contaminated with traits of false religion, even though they do many good works for others. Jehovah only accepts those who have purified themselves physically and spiritually to practice pure worship.

Nehemiah 12:27. He says that for the inauguration of the walls of Jerusalem, they went to look for the Levites in all the places where they lived to bring them to the city to celebrate with songs of thanks and musical instruments. This shows that the Levites had a responsibility to lead the people in songs of praise, and teaches us the importance of worshiping Jehovah with song. Therefore, we should make the most of the opportunity to praise Jehovah with songs at Congregation Meetings and Assemblies.

Nehemiah 12:43. He says that on that day many sacrifices were offered and everyone was very happy, for the true god filled them with great joy. This text is useful to me in the Ministry to teach that Jehovah is the source of true happiness and not money, success or anything else.

Nehemiah 12:30. He shows that the priests and the Levites purified themselves and then purified the people, the gates, and the walls of Jerusalem. This teaches us the importance that Jehovah has always given to physical and spiritual cleanliness. Hence, we must strive to keep ourselves clean or pure in every way in order to have his approval and blessing.

Nehemiah 12:24. This text also teaches us the importance of making a space, a moment in our day to day to praise and thank Jehovah in prayer for our lives for his goodness. It is very important to pause in our busy schedule to praise God and give thanks.

Nehemiah 12:25. It teaches us the importance of security, since despite the fact that it was the temple of the house of Jehovah, we see that there were porters who watched over security, people who guarded the entrances. In modern times there are more reasons to do so, it is no exception even though we are people of peace, we follow the instructions related to security in our Kingdom Halls and of course in all our Meetings.

Nehemiah 12:26. It teaches us about carrying out our service to Jehovah, this service can cover decades of faithful service and time passes and in the end only memories remain, there are people who today have lost their lives, their youth has passed, and they lament the way in which they used their life in the world. But we give thanks to Jehovah, since as the text says, our service to Jehovah has given us so much joy, so much experience, so much learning, without a doubt the best memories of how Jehovah has taken care of us in these times.

Nehemiah 12:27. It teaches us that we can serve God with joy, with joy, sometimes this can be very difficult for us, because there are personal problems, personal struggles, perhaps in the family and everyone has their own battles, but without a doubt, we realize being aware we are doing the best for Jehovah, it will give us personal satisfaction.

Nehemiah 12:31. Singing praise to Jehovah is an excellent way to praise him and express our gratitude, that is why we must sing with fervor in Christian Meetings, but without forgetting what the Ministry of the Kingdom once said, not so loud and that it is strident or annoying or that the ears of the other brothers rumble, but neither so low that what we are singing is not heard.

Nehemiah 12:43. We can ask Jehovah in prayer to give us joy, joy and despite our problems or circumstances that he already knows, beg him to allow us to enjoy our Christian meetings, preaching and service with joy, something like leaving our problems at the entrance of the Hall of the Kingdom and at that moment focus on the fact that we are in the house of Jehovah to receive instruction, and leave those problems outside and of course, this is not therapy, this is asking him in prayer to cheer our hearts in moments of Adoration.

Nehemiah 12:44. It teaches us that we should rejoice to see our brothers serving Jehovah in the congregation. Why? Because here we can see in the text how it mentions it, that day managers were appointed and it says there everyone was happy because of the priests and the Levites who served. Without a doubt, seeing the progress of the young people, of the sisters of the brothers, seeing the assets in the congregation, helping is something that fills us with joy, without a doubt it is something for which we can also thank Jehovah. Just like in the old days, we want to rejoice and give thanks that there are brothers and sisters helping out in the congregation.

Nehemiah 13:2. It teaches us that being stingy, envious has short and long-term consequences, they are like that, that Jehovah took drastic measures for those who had acted like this towards his people, seeing it like this, it is convenient for us to be generous and share things with others, as well as Avoid envy and jealousy.

Nehemiah 12:43. In addition, this text is useful to us in the Ministry to show people that attending our Christian meetings benefit us spiritually. But also, they can become a source of joy and inexhaustible joy.

Nehemiah 13:2. This text also makes us think and appreciate our Almighty God Jehovah, why? The text says: God turned that curse into a blessing. Let's think about that, Jehovah takes care of us and blesses us individually despite the fact that there are people who wish you the worst, wish us evil, want to see us bad, finished, in ruins. However, Jehovah takes care of us and blesses us and he sends his angels to take care of us. So we should not be afraid of those people who want to see us badly, we should not also get tired of thanking Jehovah for how he has taken care of us, sometimes we have no idea how many times God has taken care of us from a false step, or of some imminent danger, that is why we do not get tired of thanking him and asking for his protection.

Nehemiah 13:4-31. We have to be on our guard to prevent materialism, corruption and apostasy from beginning to affect us. That is why we have to be very careful with this trap of Satan.

Nehemiah 13:22. He knew very well that he had to give an account to Jehovah. If we keep in mind that one day we will give an account to Jehovah for our actions, well, this will help us, this will be a brake to avoid hurting others, seeing it like this, this brake will help us take care of each step we take.

Nehemiah 12:43. In this text it is mentioned that the women and children were very happy, and that the joy that was in Jerusalem was so great that it could be heard from afar. As a result, those who attend our meetings are not only glad and rejoicing, but are also able to spread that joy and joy to those around them.

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