Sunday, July 2, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Wednesday August 2, 2023, How many times have your feelings been hurt (Ps. 78:40).

DAILY TEXT, From today Wednesday August 2, 2023, How many times have your feelings been hurt (Ps. 78:40).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Wednesday August 2

How many times did they hurt their feelings (Ps. 78:40).

When a person is expelled from the congregation, their family members may be heartbroken. Let's think about how much it must have hurt Jehovah when many angels, who were part of his family, turned their backs on him (Jude 6). And can we imagine how hurt he felt when he saw his beloved people, the Israelites, rebel against him over and over again? (Ps. 78:41). If someone you love leaves Jehovah, he can be sure that our loving heavenly Father hurts too. He understands what you are going through and will show compassion by giving him the encouragement and support he needs. When a beloved child leaves Jehovah, many parents wonder what else they could have done to help him continue in the truth. One brother said: “I thought it was my fault. I even had nightmares." A sister who was in the same situation kept thinking: “What did I fail as a mother? She felt that she had not done enough to instill the truth in my son." w21.09 26 pars. 1, 2, 4.

How do many parents feel when a child leaves Jehovah?

When a beloved child leaves Jehovah, many parents wonder what else they could have done to help him continue in the truth. After his son was expelled, a brother named Luke admitted: “I thought it was my fault. I even had nightmares. Sometimes I cried and my heart ached." A sister named Elizabeth, who was in the same situation, kept thinking: “What did I fail as a mother? She felt that she had not done enough to instill the truth in my son." 

If a person leaves Jehovah, who is responsible?

We must remember that Jehovah has given all of us the freedom to make our own decisions. So each one can choose if he will obey him or not. Some young people were not raised in ideal circumstances, but they decided to serve Jehovah and have remained faithful. Others had parents who tried their best to raise them according to Bible principles, but when they grew up they left Jehovah. Ultimately, each one must decide if he will serve Jehovah or not (Joshua 24:15). So parents, if your child leaves Jehovah, resist the tendency to blame yourself.

How can a young person feel when one of his parents leaves God?

Sometimes it is the father or mother who abandons the truth and perhaps even the family (Ps. 27:10). This can be devastating for children who look up to their parents as role models. Esther recounts what she felt when her father was expelled from her: “I often cried because I realized that it was not that I had drifted little by little from the truth, but that I had made a conscious decision to leave Jehovah. I love my father very much. That's why, when he was expelled, I spent all my time worrying about his well-being. I even had panic attacks."

How does Jehovah feel about young people who have disfellowshipped parents?

Young people, if one of your parents has been expelled, we share your pain. And don't doubt that Jehovah is also very aware of how you feel. He loves them and is happy that they continue to serve him loyally. And we—his brothers and his sisters—feel the same way. Also remember that you are not responsible for your parents' decisions. As we have already seen, Jehovah has given us the freedom to decide whether we will serve him. And every dedicated and baptized servant of God will “bear his own burden of responsibility” (Gal. 6:5).

What can faithful family members do while they wait for their loved one to return to Jehovah? (See also the box “Jehovah Wants You Back.”)

When someone you love leaves the truth, it is natural for you to cling to the hope that one day they will return to Jehovah. What can you do in the meantime? Keep taking care of your own spiritual health. In this way, you will set a good example for other members of your family and perhaps even for the disfellowshipped. Also, that will give you the necessary strength to bear the pain and sadness. Let's look at some things you can do to stay spiritually strong.

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