Monday, August 7, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of August 7-13, 2023, Return Visits, Offer the Enjoy Life Handout, Lesson 6, Assignment Prepared.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY:  August 7-13-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 6, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Then offer the booklet Enjoy Life (th lesson 6).

Publisher: Good afternoon Ishmael. I hope you are well and thank you very much for receiving me again.

Assistant: Good afternoon Alberto. The other day the conversation was pleasant and brief and I liked it. I am, thank you. What are we going to talk about today?

Publisher: I'm glad, well look, last week we left a pending question that is very interesting, and it is... why do we suffer? What do you think?

Helper: Well, I wouldn't know how to give you a specific answer and I don't know if there will be... it depends on what makes us suffer... there will be things that will be a consequence of our actions and others we will not have an explanation because we are not at fault...

Publisher: And as we saw last week in James 1:13, God is not to blame either, so… Is there anyone who is? We are going to see it again through the Bible... In this case, in the first of John 5:19 and I would like you to read it...

Helper: Perfect Alberto... let's see what he says... "We know that we come from God, but the whole world is under the power of the Evil One."

Publisher: Have you noticed? He says that the world as we know it today is in the hands of someone... that is, there is a being that dominates over all the others... who says that he is he?

Helper: The Evil One… a very bad person? But what sense does he have and who is he?

Publisher: I know there are a lot of questions, and one leads to another and so on. Just as God exists, there are angels, who are usually good and support God's work... but, just as we see today when a person we love betrays us... an angel rebelled against God, the Evil One, at that we also call as the Devil... and as you can see in this treaty that I bring with me, the whole world is in his hand and he likes to see us suffer...

Helper: But, why does he punish us? what have we done to him?

Publisher: In the first part of the verse we read, it says… “we know that we are from God”. We are the perfect creation of God and he wants to see us joyful and happy serving in his good government... but the Devil does not...

Helper: I understand... although I still have many questions...

Publisher: And it's normal, that's why I'd like to leave you this brochure: "Enjoy life forever" and if you have time, you could take a look at it... as you've seen on these two occasions that we've talked about, we justify everything through the Bible... and this booklet is a very useful tool to understand what God wants to convey to us through his Word the Bible...

Helper: Wow, it looks interesting... I see that it has interesting topics and it seems nice with images and illustrations...

Publisher: I hope you enjoy reading it, it is a way of reading the Bible, of studying it in a practical way since it makes you reflect on what it says and how it applies to you particularly in your private life... this brochure will help us for the next conversation in which we are going to advance in that accumulation of doubts and questions that arise like: what does God feel when he sees us suffer? Do you think he likes to see how the world is?

Helper: No, well, I don't think so...

Publisher: He doesn't like it, and next week we are going to see it through the Bible, and what it does and will do for us to remedy this situation of suffering that we are experiencing...

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