Monday, July 17, 2023

LET'S LOOK FOR HIDDEN PEARLS: Week from July 17 to 23, 2023, Ezra from 9 to 10, Answers.

LET US LOOK FOR HIDDEN PEARLS: July 17-23-2023, Ezra from 9 to 10, Answers.

Let's look for hidden pearls (10 min.)

Ezra 10:44. Why did the children of foreign wives have to leave with their mothers? (w06 1/15 20 par. 2)

Because the chance that those wives who had been fired would return would have been greater if their children had stayed. As a general rule, those small children needed and need the care of their mothers, so these will be extreme measures to deal with an extreme situation, we see that with Jehovah things are not going to be halves they must be and as he establishes, since the bad it is rooted out.


The children of foreign wives left with her because the general custom and normality is that children were raised and needed the care of their mothers, which is why they went with them when they were fired.

In addition, consideration is shown to young children by allowing them to be with their mothers. Children need the care and protection of their mothers, especially at that time, where life was more difficult and dangerous. In this way, the well-being of the children was sought while maintaining the purity of the worship of Jehovah.

It had to be that way because the Worship of Jehovah had priority. And yes, the wives were fired but they left the children, and there was the possibility that they would return. In addition, as a rule young children need the care of their mothers. So they had to stay with them.

The expulsion of the children of foreign wives together with their mothers was intended to prevent the negative influence of foreign practices and beliefs in worshiping Jehovah, as well as to protect young children and ensure their well-being. This text teaches us the importance of discarding everything that hinders our relationship with God and urges us to take radical measures when something threatens our worship and relationship with Jehovah.

What spiritual pearls have you found about Jehovah, the ministry, and other topics in this week's Bible reading?

Ezra 9:1. This text teaches us that we should not play with sin, with what Jehovah hates and at the same time be in the meetings and preaching, we must be separated, away from evil, this is a challenge but with Jehovah's help we can do it achieve.

Ezra 9:15. This text encourages us to turn to Jehovah if we have committed any sin and we can be sure that Jehovah will act justly because he is a God of loving-kindness.

Ezra 9:10. This text helps us that we should never leave Jehovah's commandments, because if we do, we will distance ourselves from God and our relationship with him will be broken.

Ezra 9:3. This reading teaches us that nowadays we can also feel confused, because we live in a world where bad things abound and this can affect us.

Ezra 10:1. We see that Ezra was praying and confessing the sins of the people, and this shows us some of the benefits of prayer, that when we find ourselves afflicted by a bad course we can always resort to Jehovah in prayer, and ask for forgiveness, this will bring us peace and we will feel relieved.

Ezra 9:12. In this text we see that Jehovah always warned them about bad companies and what would be the result of marrying people who did not last Jehovah. And the lesson that we can extract from this text is that what Jehovah tells us is always for our benefit, and we should not think that he is depriving us of something good.

Ezra 9:9. This text describes a beautiful quality of Jehovah that is love, and that even when the Israelites behaved badly he was always aware of them when they were in captivity, and showed them mercy so that they would return. This teaches us that when we commit a sin and turn away from Jehovah, he is always eager for us to return and will show us mercy.

Ezra 9:8. In this text we see the concern that Ezra had for the bad course that the Israelites had, and therefore he did not want to lose the favor of Jehovah. This teaches us what true repentance is like and that is that when one once again has Jehovah's approval, he does not want anything to spoil that relationship because we find that it is better to have Jehovah on our side and not lose his guidance and help.

Ezra 9:3. It is mentioned that it is time to be discouraged by the bad way of acting of the Israelites, and what this text teaches us is that just as the brothers can be a source of encouragement, also our bad way of acting can lead to the brothers who are leading are discouraged.

Ezra 9:2 . It teaches us how much bad companies can influence our way of acting, and the aforementioned text teaches us that the person we choose as a marriage is also a company, so when choosing what we marry, we must see that the person have the same spiritual goals as us.

Ezra 10:12. It shows that the entire congregation answered in a loud voice that they had a duty to act as said. This teaches me that at times, we must be willing to make a public statement and speak loud and firm about our beliefs.

Ezra 10:13,14. It shows that due to climatic circumstances and the number of people involved, all those who were married to foreign women would have to come accompanied by the elders and judges of each city on certain dates, until the burning anger of Jehovah caused by that event abated. sin. This teaches me that in congregations not all issues are going to be resolved as quickly as we want. However, we must be sure that Jehovah will take care of them in due time. We just have to be patient.

Ezra 10:10,11. He shows that these tell the Israelites that they have been unfaithful. Therefore they must confess their sin to Jehovah, obey him and separate from his foreign wives. This teaches me that it is not enough to repent, confess our sins to Jehovah and to the elders, if we do not get down to work to root out everything that has led us to sin.

Ezra 10:21. It shows how Secanías exhorts the guilty to do the right thing. This is a significant fact, because although Cercanías was not guilty of marrying foreign women, his father and his uncle were. This teaches me that our obedience to Jehovah must be above all else.

Ezra 10:3. These verses show how the matter of intermarriage was investigated and it was discovered that some of the sons of the priests had married foreign women. So they promised to fire them and offer sacrifices for their guilt. This teaches me that no matter how long it takes or who the sinner is, sooner or later Jehovah brings lurking sins to light and the guilty are held accountable for their actions. 

Ezra 10:3. It shows Sechaniah saying: “Let's send all those wives and their children away. Thus we will follow the guidance of Jehovah and of those who deeply respect the commandment of our God. This teaches me that sometimes children can suffer the consequences of their parents' bad actions, either within the congregation or outside of it. So before making important decisions, we should ask for Jehovah's guidance and consider how these decisions will affect those around us now and in the future.

Ezra 10:5. It shows that Extra got up and made the chiefs, the priests, the Levites, and all Israel swear to do what was said. And they swore. This teaches me that when we promise Jehovah that we will make changes we must really commit and be responsible in order for those changes to be genuine. Furthermore, if we make a vow we must keep it because our seriousness in this matter shows that our repentance is real.

Ezra 10:4. Show how Secanias tells Ezra “This matter is your responsibility. We are with you. Be strong and act." This teaches me that those who take the lead in the congregation can also become discouraged. So we must be attentive and ready to offer them our support, encouragement and company whenever necessary.

Ezra 10:2,3. This text also shows that cercanías proposed to send away all the foreign women and their children according to the will of Jehovah. This teaches me that obeying Jehovah can sometimes mean making difficult decisions and concrete actions that could even be drastic. But if we really want to settle matters with Jehovah, we must do whatever we have to do, whatever the cost.

Ezra 10:2,3. It shows that Shechaniah recognized that they had been unfaithful to Jehovah by marrying foreign women. But he was convinced that there was still Hope for Israel if they made a pact with Jehovah and if they also sent away all foreign wives and their children. This teaches me that having the humility to recognize sins and mistakes is the first step to settle matters with Jehovah, and on the other hand it also teaches me that we should never lose hope that Jehovah will show us his mercy if we repent with all our hearts for the sins committed.

Ezra 9:13-15. In these verses, Estras acknowledges that what has happened to his people is due to his bad actions. He also recognizes that the punishment received is deserved for his mistakes. On this occasion, Esdras does not appeal to the good deeds of the past or excuse himself in the difficult conditions of the environment. And although he himself has not committed these sins, he prays for his brothers without making excuses or making requests. This teaches me that we should sincerely pray to Jehovah on behalf of our brothers who have grown weak in faith. 

Ezra 9:1-4. He shows that there were Israelites who were also horrified by the sin of their brothers, so they joined Ezra because they feared Jehovah. This teaches me that even in the congregation we must be selective when it comes to becoming intimate. As in this example, we should only do it with those who are really showing that they honor and obey Jehovah.

Ezra 9:9,10. It shows how Ezra recognizes that Jehovah did not abandon them during his slavery. On the contrary, he showed them loyal love, granted them the favor of the king of Persia, restored their spirits, and gave them a stone wall in Judah and Jerusalem. Today, Jehovah also bestows similar blessings on all of us who obey him and stay within the protective walls of his organization.

Ezra 9:8,9. These verses say that Jehovah allowed some Israelites to escape. And to these, he gave a secure position in a Holy place. Today, Jehovah is also helping many people to escape from slavery to the detestable practices of this world through the preaching and teaching of the Bible. Likewise, he is also offering them a safe place within his town. Hence, we must make an effort in preaching so that every day more people can take advantage of Jehovah's undeserved kindness.

Ezra 9:1-3. He shows that the subordinate princes and rulers were the first to be unfaithful to Jehovah by mixing with the pagan peoples. This greatly afflicted Ezra, who perhaps wondered why they were exposing themselves again to the same sins that he had carried them into exile. This teaches me that the fact of not being ignorant does not exempt anyone from the danger of falling into sin and even repeating it. Therefore, we must take great care of ourselves regardless of whether we have many years in the truth, privilege or responsibilities in the congregation.

Ezra 9:12. We can give this text another application, since it shows that the problem was not only the intermarriage between Israelites and pagans, but the fact that the Israelites absorbed the detestable practices of these people. And worst of all, those who were to take the lead in keeping Jehovah's laws were the first to break them. From this we learn that we must be vigilant and remember that those who take the lead in Jehovah's organization are still imperfect human beings who can make mistakes.

Ezra 9:7,8. In these two verses we see reflected the justification, goodness and generosity of Jehovah. Many died for not obeying but others were saved. This teaches us that personally we must live justly in the eyes of Jehovah, and try to help others to do the same. However, if this is not possible, Jehovah sees our efforts and he will be just and kind to each of us according to our actions.

Ezra 9:15. We could come to think that there are so many mistakes we make every day that we are not fair enough to stand before Jehovah. However, once again, the Bible teaches us through this story, that first, he perfectly knows our sinful tendency, and second, that his love is so great and pure that he will forgive us of any sin as long as we humble ourselves and we look for him, even if we stumble again with the same stone.

Ezra 10:4. This verse teaches us, especially the brothers with serious responsibilities in the congregation, that we must always be there for the brothers and sisters who need our help through God. Each one of us has our personal life, family and concerns, but if we have a responsibility in God's people, it is with Jehovah and we have to be there whenever our brothers and sisters need us, even when it is more complicated.

Ezra 10:13. “This matter will not take a day or two.” This verse is a very great teaching for when we make mistakes, or are showing behavior that is not very Christian. And it is that perhaps, the damage of our actions cannot be cured overnight, or we cannot make changes from one day to the next in our personality. This verse teaches us to be patient, trust in Jehovah, and pray for him to help us change. Likewise, it also applies to those expelled or separated who have repented and wish to return to the congregation, depending on the seriousness of their acts, they cannot return in a day or two, but it may take time for reflection, meditation, repentance and humiliation before to return to the people of God.

Ezra 9:12. This verse shows us the wisdom of Jehovah and the mandate to marry within the Lord. For no other reason than what this verse says, sharing a life with a person who does not want and love Jehovah can cause us to distance ourselves from him and lose the eternal promises he makes to us. Our relationship with Jehovah is the most important thing, and it is in the first place, ahead of our family. 

Ezra 9:9. Jehovah never abandoned them, even though they were slaves. It shows us that Jehovah, regardless of our social status, if we obey him and seek him at all times of our lives and are true to his holy Word, he will never abandon us, because his love for all his children is pure and loyal 

Ezra 9:5. We see that Ezra humbled himself for acts that he did not do himself but his people. This teaches us humility and the great involvement that he has with the Word of God. It may be that many times we have to humiliate ourselves for actions that we have not done ourselves but our loved ones or our family, we will be humble people if we humble ourselves, ask forgiveness for the actions of others, ask Jehovah for help to guide them and do everything in our power to redirect the situation.

Ezra 9:7. In the text we note how Ezra offered a public prayer, in which he expressed the terrible meaning this disobedience could have. This should encourage us to show loyalty and obedience to Jehovah with all our hearts so that Jehovah will show us his favor.

Ezra 9:12. It shows that Jehovah warned the Israelites not to give their daughters and sons in marriages to the people of the nations. And if they obeyed, he would make them strong, give them good food and land as an everlasting inheritance. This teaches me that although we are no longer under the Mosaic Law, the principles that underpin this mandate are still in force, indicating that Jehovah's will regarding marriage has not changed. So we must be obedient if we want to have his blessings.

Ezra 9:3. This verse illustrates many situations that we can currently live in, that due to complexity or severity we can find ourselves at a time when we do not know what to do and we are confused, and we even reach thoughts contrary to the Bible such as that our life has no worth. In these moments more than any other we have to raise our hands to Jehovah as verse 5 says and seek his guidance.

Ezra 9:10-12. He shows that Jehovah had commanded the Israelites not to marry people from the nations and neither should his descendants. This teaches me that Christian parents need to teach our children the seriousness of disobeying Jehovah's marriage laws.

Ezra 9:1,2. He shows that some Israelites married women who worshiped idols, when what they had to do was guard the worship of Jehovah until the arrival of the Messiah. This teaches me the importance of Jehovah's servants marrying only in the Lord, as marriage alliances with people who do not worship Jehovah can eventually lead to idolatry and pagan practices of this world.

Ezra 9:1. We can give this same text another application, for example today many people consider themselves worshipers of God and Followers of Jesus, but they do not live separated from the world and its bad practices, for example pagan festivals, since there are those who consider that adultery and fornication is a private matter. We cannot worship God in our own way by breaking his commandments.

Ezra 9:1,2. We see that the restored nation was to guard the duration of Jehovah until the arrival of the Messiah. Marrying with other inhabitants of the country posed a serious threat to the true religion. The marriage alliances that some Jews had formed with idolaters could have led, in time, to the entire nation being absorbed by pagan nations, who consecrated or dedicated their children to demons, pure worship might have disappeared from the land and no one would have received the Messiah.

Ezra 9:3. In the text we can see Ezra's reaction, which was deep anguish, and even though he was not personally guilty. This teaches us that if we commit a sin we must have the same humble reaction as Ezra, if we do it, Jehovah will greatly value our sincere repentance.

Ezra 9:2. This text teaches an important lesson to single Christians, that they should not start dating people of the opposite sex who do not love Jehovah, avoiding such a relationship can be difficult, even painful, but it is the best course of action to ensure constant blessing. of God.

Ezra 9:1. Something that we must be separated from and take care of all of us in Jehovah's people, especially those who have privileges, and everyone in general, is the immoral content that abounds on the internet, it is a hidden sin that has millions of people captive or enslaved from all over the world, all ages and religions, without a doubt, it is a plague that we must take care of ourselves and be separated from. 

Ezra 9:5. We see that Ezra's conscience made him feel guilty for the sins of the people, likewise he did not feel worthy of praying to Jehovah, perhaps he thought that the worst thing was the trip and encouraging others to accompany him, but now there were other challenges. This is our life in this system, challenges will come every day, and with sincere prayer Jehovah we will be able to overcome them.

Ezra 9:8. When we worship Jehovah in spirit and in truth, with our brothers, and we keep apart from the world, Jehovah is giving us a secure position in his Holy place, it is vital that we appreciate and value our place in the congregation, we do not miss anything good of this world

Ezra 9:14,15. This text teaches us that bad company can cause us to lose favor with Jehovah.

Ezra 9:5-15. We see the heartfelt prayer of Ezra, an interesting detail is that he recognized their sin as a people, and the evil they had acted, as well as the consequences of their sin, He also highlighted the goodness and mercy of Jehovah towards them, but in At no time did he ask for forgiveness for the people, because the people themselves had to repent and straighten matters, when they saw their sin they had to decide, we can pray for our brothers but we must take care of our words when praying on behalf of others.

Ezra 10:1-3. That someone who is truly sorry, does not limit himself to simply saying sorry, but rather, with his actions tries to remedy the damage caused and takes steps to fix things, instead, someone could cry, say they are sorry, and still thus, to do the wrong thing again, we must take care of that bad tendency.

Ezra 10:4. It motivates us to fulfill our responsibilities and assignments, sometimes we will not feel motivated, perhaps we will not be in the mood, but remembering this will encourage us. Sure, there are exceptional circumstances like illness or an emergency that are understandable.

Ezra 10:6. An interesting point is that he was mourning the sins of the people, he no longer ate or drank water, nowadays when someone sins and fails Jehovah it could affect us a lot, to the point of developing a type of depression and feeling down, especially If the person involved is a close friend, a relative or someone we appreciate very much, and seeing how a bad decision is losing everything, it is something that can affect us, when one sins, it affects not only himself but others as well.

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