Thursday, July 6, 2023

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday July 6, 2023, In this way everyone will know that you are my disciples: if you have love for one another (John 13:35).

DAILY TEXT, From today Thursday-6-July-2023, In this way everyone will know that you are my disciples: if you have love for one another (John 13:35).

Let's Examine the Scriptures Every Day 2023

Thursday July 6

In this way everyone will know that you are my disciples: if you have love for one another (John 13:35).

We must all contribute to peace and love in the congregation. So no one will feel totally alone. What we do and say can make a difference. What can we do so that those who are alone in the truth feel part of the congregation? Let us take the initiative and offer our friendship. We can start by lovingly welcoming those who are new to the congregation (Rom. 15:7). But we must go beyond a friendly greeting. We want to make good friends over time. To do this, let's be kind and show sincere interest in the new ones. Let's try to understand the problems they have without intruding on their life. Since some may find it difficult to say how they feel, let's be careful not to make them feel compelled to speak up. Rather, let us lovingly ask prudent questions and listen patiently. For example, we can ask them how they came to know Jehovah. w21.06 11 pars. 13, 14.

How can mature Christians help others in the congregation?

When mature Christians, especially the elderly, take an interest in others, the congregation is spiritually strengthened. Melissa, who was raised in the truth by her mother, says, “Words are not enough to thank me that over the years there have been siblings willing to be parents to me. Whenever I need to talk, there is someone who listens to me. Let's see what Mauricio, a young brother who felt abandoned when his former Bible teacher became inactive, recounted: “One of the things that helped me the most was the personal interest of the elders. They made time to talk to me regularly, joined me in the preaching work, told me about a gem they had found in their personal Bible study, and even played sports with me.”

In what practical ways could we help some brothers?

Give practical help (Gal. 6:10). A missionary named Leo, who serves away from his family, says: “Often all you need is a simple act of kindness at the right time. I remember what happened one day when I had an accident with my vehicle. When I finally got home, my nerves were on edge. But then a couple invited me to their house to eat something simple. I don't remember what they gave me, but the affection with which they listened to me stuck with me. In the end, I felt much better."

We all enjoy being at our special meetings, such as assemblies, partly because we are with the brothers and we talk about the program. But let's see what Carol, quoted above, explains: “Assemblies are especially difficult times for me, because although I am surrounded by hundreds or even thousands of brothers, most of them are with their families. The feeling of loneliness is very strong”. It is very hard for some to go to an assembly for the first time after the death of their husband or his wife. Do you know someone who is in a similar situation? Could we invite you to be with our family at the next special gathering?

How can we show hospitality according to 2 Corinthians 6:11-13?

Let's spend time together. Let's try to include different brothers and sisters in our social activities, especially those who might feel lonely. We want to “open wide our hearts,” especially with them (read 2 Corinthians 6:11-13). Melissa, quoted in paragraph 15, recalls: "We loved when some families invited us to come to their house or to go on trips with them." Is there someone in our congregation with whom we could be hospitable?

When is it very important that we are close to some brothers?

There are certain times of the year when some brothers would appreciate having us around. For example, those with non-Witness family members may find the holidays difficult. For others, there are certain dates that are very painful, such as the anniversary of the death of a loved one. When we spend time with these brothers, we show them that we sincerely care about them (Phil. 2:20).

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