Monday, July 17, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Week of July 17 to 23, 2023, First Conversation, Lesson 13, Prepared Assignment.

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: July 17-23-2023, First conversation, Lesson 13, Assignment Prepared.

First Conversation (3 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Start the conversation using the tract Will We Ever Stop Suffering? (th lec. 13).

Publisher: Good afternoon, my name is Alberto, can you help me for a moment? I'll be quick.

Helper: If it's brief, yes, he's a Jehovah's Witness, right?

Publisher: Yes, that's right, and thanks for serving us. Look, I bring with me this interesting treatise that asks a curious question… “Will we stop suffering some day? What do you think?

Helper I see it as difficult because he will always do something new that makes us suffer if we have overcome the problems we already have...

Publisher: On some occasions we do not overcome the problems we already have and new ones are generated that cause us more pain... so what you say is totally consistent... Do you think the Bible says the same?

Assistant: I suppose not, that he will say that at some point there will be no more pain, but... how?

Publisher: The first thing we would have to answer or study is the origin of all that pain... that is, to solve any problem we first have to know what is causing it, to know how to remedy it... then, whose pain? comes from?

Helper: It's a good approach, but it's difficult to really know, because it depends on each type of problem or pain that we have...

Publisher: Yes it is true, although we could find a common denominator of what causes all these problems that we have today... but if you want that we will see it the next day in a short conversation like we said this would be... now, if you agree Well, let's see that God is not the cause of pain and suffering... Would you like to read James 1:13?

Helper: Ah well, okay, we'll see it the next day… I read it, is this here? He says… “Let no one say during a test:“ God is testing me ”. Because, with bad things, no one can test God nor does he test anyone.

Publisher: It's very clear, isn't it? There are many people who say and think that God has abandoned us, that he is not making us suffer for being disobedient, and so on. And be careful, all thoughts are respectable, but it is not what the Bible teaches us, which in the end is the Word of God...

Helper: And couldn't God do something, if he really hasn't abandoned us and still cares about us, to change the situation?

Publisher: And it will, but in due time... let's give an example... a university degree. If we or our children have decided to take it, it is a path of at least 4 years that is full of problems, and also pain and suffering, and effort in exam periods, problems with teachers and classmates, etc. Who decided to study a career, ourselves or God imposed it on us?

Assistant: No, we decided it, with all its consequences...

Publisher: During this time we will have a better or worse time, but we will have problems, at least some that will cause us, pain, suffering, stress, anxiety, etc., but when we finish our studies and graduate everything is happiness and everything disappears that pain, right?

Helper: Yes, but what does this have to do with God...

Publisher: Well, this example serves as an introduction for future conversations... all of us make decisions that will make us suffer more or less, or have more or less problems... and it's up to us... but God has set a period in which it will end All the suffering that exists, if we manage to overcome that path we will see it and we will enjoy this wonderful promise.

Helper: Okay, and in all this way, which could be more than 4 years, can't you do anything for us, give us a hand?

Publisher: Yes, and it does, if we ask it of course… but for that to be possible, we have to know that God is not the cause of those problems, so why do we suffer? We will see it the next day.

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