Monday, July 17, 2023

APPLY YOURSELF TO THE FIELD MINISTRY: Semana de 17 a 23 de julho de 2023, Revisite, Convide a pessoa para uma reunião. Em seguida, apresente e discuta o vídeo Como São Nossas Reuniões?, Lição 6, Tarefa Preparada.

LET'S BE BETTER TEACHERS: July 17-23-2023, Return Visit, Lesson 6, Assignment Prepared.

Return Visit (4 min.): Use the topic of ideas for conversation. Invite the person to a meeting. Then present and discuss the video How are our meetings?, but do not play it (th lec. 6).

Publisher: Good afternoon Ishmael, I'm glad to talk to you again, last week we left pending the interesting question of why do we suffer? And we read James 1:13 through which we saw that God is not the cause of all this suffering, so why do we suffer?

Helper: Hello Alberto, yes, the conversation the other day was very interesting, I told you that I think that many of the problems and suffering and pain that we currently have have been caused by our actions in some way...

Posted: Yes, you are absolutely right but we said that those actions that many people have that lead to these problems is because this society is influenced by someone who makes people not have good qualities and values ​​and we treat each other accordingly. This way, let's read it in the Bible, okay?

Helper: Yes, of course...

Publisher: The biblical text is 1 John 5:19... here I have it, would you like to read it?

Helper: Let's see... it says... "We know that we come from God, but the whole world is under the power of the Evil One."

Publisher of the points Thank you very much, we read in Santiago that God does not test anyone with bad things, we know that everything that exists has been created by God, so we come from him, but today, currently, we are not under the Kingdom of God but in the hands of a ruler who says he is?

Helper: The Evil One, who I understand will be what we call the Devil... but does he really exist?

Publisher: Last week, you told me you believed in God, although you've put it off a bit, right?

Helper: Yes, that's right.

Publisher: If God exists, the Devil can also exist, in the end, he is just an angel who rebelled against God and was called that way. He is like a person or friend who gets angry with us and reveals himself and now wants or wishes bad things for us.

Helper: Mmmm makes sense, and God can't do anything against him?

Publisher: God is almighty, there is no angel stronger than him... and yes, he will put an end to the Devil, do you know when?

Helper: Oh no, I don't know, is there a date when everything will end?

Publisher: The Bible does not mention it, but if it gives us guidelines that we live in the last days, understand "last days" as the last times, since for God time is not as finite as it is for humans... look, I'll tell you to show a very short video... (...) what do you think?

Helper: Well, I didn't know that the Bible classes were like this and free, it seems more like meetings with friends in which topics of interest are discussed...

Publisher: It is precisely something like what you say... they are conversations like this, there is no type of exam or anything is put to the test, because we are all constantly learning from the Bible and the objective is not to know it from point to end... but to put into practice what we learn… in this way, until the appointed day of God arrives… we live a life in a theocratic way that avoids much of the current pain and suffering…

Helper: It looks good but I would have to think about it, it's an important change and I don't know if I have time or I'm willing to make that commitment...

Publisher: Without any commitment, and don't worry about time... it's something you'll see... do you know what else Bible classes allow? Knowing what God says about all these questions, which will give you confidence and hope when you know what is going to happen… how do you think God feels when he sees us suffer every day? Shall we see him the next day?

Helper: Ok, very good Alberto, it seems good to me and we are going to see what we saw in the video…

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