Monday, June 12, 2023

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE, Week of June 12 to 18, 2023, "Let's encourage others in difficult times", Prepared Speech.

TREASURES OF THE BIBLE,, June 12-18, 2023, "Let's encourage others in difficult times", Prepared Speech. 

"Let's encourage others in difficult times" (10 min.)

What does the word encourage mean to you? According to a dictionary it is the act of providing support, encouragement and motivation to someone. And this means conveying positive words, gestures, and attitudes to lift another person's spirits, boost their confidence, and help them overcome obstacles or challenges.

It is inspiring to see how Hezekiah used this resource when he faced a difficult situation, what was this situation? Well, let's see it in the second book of chronicles, chapter 32:1. If you found it, please accompany me with the reading, it says like this:


After these things and these displays of fidelity, King Sennacherib of Assyria came to invade Judah. He surrounded the fortified cities, determined to break in and conquer them.

Well, the text says that King Sennacherib, who was from Assyria, came to invade Judah, had already invaded some other cities and surrounded the city, well, to come and in this case discourage the people and say that they will surrender without fighting He also experienced or spoke of other things that would make the people fear them, so as we see the problem that Hezekiah found himself, it was not encouraging, and it was not for less, since it is said that Assyria had the record in cruelty to treat its captives.

And a warrior, Ashurnasirpal, said how they were treated, here is a fragment of what was written: I drenched some from within the column, some I hung on the column's beams, many of their captives I burned with fire, and many others I captured alive. Some had their hands amputated, others their noses, ears and fingers, and many had their eyes gouged out.

Can you imagine losing your life that way? It is true that it was quite cruel but what could Hezekiah do then, well let's see what 2 chronicles 32:2-5 says.


When Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come and wanted to fight against Jerusalem, 3 he consulted his princes and his warriors, and decided to stop up the springs of water that were outside the city, and they supported him. 4 They gathered a lot of people, and they began to cover all the fountains and the stream that passed through that land. They said, “Why are we going to let the kings of Assyria come and find so much water?” 5 Also, with great determination, he rebuilt the entire wall that had collapsed and built towers on it. And on the outside he made another wall. He also repaired the Mound * b in the City of David and made many weapons * and shields.

The text talks about the measures that Hezekiah took to fight against Assyria. Hezekiah demonstrated leadership by consulting with his princes and powerful men to develop defensive strategies. They stopped up the springs and fortified the walls and towers of the city. In addition to these practical measures, Hezekiah encouraged God's people with his words. he reminded them that they should not have the king of Assyria, for Jehovah was with them and would fight their battles.

Hezekiah's words strengthened the people's faith and reminded them that they had an Almighty God protecting us. It is a powerful example, that how our words can influence others and encourage them in difficult times. Hezekiah, along with the prophets Micah and Isaiah, was a good shepherd to his people, guiding them and reminding them of Jehovah's faithfulness.

Now in our activity guide, we have an illustration, we can see in this illustration, we can see how you can encourage the brothers and we can ask ourselves, now observing the brothers in the congregation: How can I or what can I do to encourage the brothers? brothers when they are going through difficult times?.

Well, we are going to see some ways to follow Hezekiah's example, first to encourage the brothers we can provide emotional support, listen carefully to the brothers, show them understanding and empathy, sometimes to feel encouraged the Brothers just need to let off steam and know that someone is there for them. 

Another thing that we can do is that we can offer practical help, for example: We must identify the specific needs of the brothers and offer help in a concrete or individual way, it could be, for example, keeping them company or also helping them with some tasks or responsibilities that may sometimes be overwhelming when siblings are going through difficult situations.

Also Another thing we can do is share words of encouragement and strength, for example: we can encourage them with positive words, we can choose a biblical text or write it on a card, talk about personal experiences that show that they are not alone and that Jehovah is willing to Help your servants, remind them of Jehovah's promise and his unconditional love for his servants.

We can also organize support activities, what does this mean? we can plan meetings or activities that promote unity and mutual strengthening, that can be for example: the activity of going out together to give a Bible study or going together to the Meeting, if the brother does not have the strength or feels discouraged, also prayer can help, we can have moments of praise, sing a song or do family adoration together with the brother, or we can also have simple informal meetings where the brothers, for example, can share and provide mutual support.

Another thing that we can also do is set an example of strength and faith in difficult times, one's attitude and behavior can influence others, for example: we can maintain a positive attitude, we can also show confidence in the promises of God, that is, to be an example of perseverance and trust in Jehovah.

To finish this speech, remember that each situation requires encouragement, it is unique, the important thing is to adapt our support that we want to give to the specific needs of each person or each brother, let's not underestimate the power of a kind word or a gesture of kindness as we said before, or a show of solidarity to encourage the brothers in difficult times.

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