Monday, June 19, 2023

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: Week of June 19-25, 2023, Are you making the most of God's Word? , Prepared Speech.

TREASURES FROM GOD'S WORD: June 19-25, 2023, Are you making the most of the Word of God?, Prepared Speech. 

“Are you making the most of the Word of God?” (10 min.).

In one of the verses, it is said that the Bible has "Power" and it is because the Spirit of God is in his word, that is why we must take full advantage of what is in its pages, and how can we do it? , we can follow the example of Josías, we are going to enumerate them in three steps, and for this we are going to read what it says: 2 Chronicles 34:18-19. If you found it, accompany me with the reading please.


The secretary Safán also told the king: “Hilquías the priest gave me a book”. And he began to read it before the king. 19 As soon as the king heard the words of the Law, he tore his clothes.

So, what is the first thing we have to do? As verse 19 says, when the king was listening to the words of the law. This attitude demonstrates his interest and willingness to receive divine revelation. Which is a great example for us as we can also do the same.

Now, the first thing we have to do is listen, and listening implies paying attention to the word of God, either through personal reading and meditation, so we must have a daily Bible reading program. We also hear it when we attend Meetings and Assemblies. By listening, we open our hearts and minds to receive divine teachings.

After listening there is something else we must do, and we are going to investigate what 2 Chronicles 34: 21 says, It says like this:


“Go, inquire of Jehovah for me and for those who remain in Israel and Judah about what the book that you have found says, for the fury that Jehovah will pour out on us is very great, for our ancestors did not obey the words of Jehovah, they did not they fulfilled everything that is written in this book.”

So what else should we do? Observe what Josías said, consult Jehovah for me to see what the book says. This indicates that he was not only listening or only seeing what he said, but that he was committed, he wanted to understand the meaning of each of those words.

And what was it implied? Then the second step is to understand, so after listening it is important that each of us seek a deep understanding of what God is communicating to us through his word the Bible. So this involves studying the Bible, reflecting on its meaning, and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit to understand its application in our lives.

Well, something we can do is also make use of the publications to consult, such as there are studies from The Watchtower that revolve around a biblical text, or also, for example: we can use what would be the Online Library, also in the we find understandings of texts that the brothers give detailed explanation, and in which we can apply in our daily life. Finally let's look at the last step in 2 Chronicles 34:33. It says the following:


Josiah then removed all the detestable things from all the lands that belonged to the Israelites, and made everyone in Israel serve Jehovah their God. While he lived, they did not deviate from following Jehovah, the God of his ancestors.

So, as Josias says, apart from listening and understanding, he applied everything he learned and this step is crucial to make the most of the word of God and apply it in daily life and obey its teachings. 

Once each one of us understands what God teaches us, we must strive to apply these teachings in our daily lives, this requires effort and perseverance especially at times when the teachings of the Bible conflict with our own inclinations or norms. of the society. However, seek God's obedience and trust in his grace, as it enables us to live in harmony with his commandments.

So in summary we can see that Josias demonstrated a remarkable commitment to the word of God, listening to it attentively, then striving to understand and finally putting it into practice, these actions reflect a receptive attitude and an active search to live according to divine principles and commandments.

Now we can answer the question: Do I immediately put into practice what Jehovah teaches me in his word? As servants of God we strive to do so. This implies living according to the principles and values ​​taught in the Bible, seeking to be a good example, treating others with love and respect, being honest and fair in all areas of life, and making decisions that are consistent with the Biblical teachings.

Finally, we must remember that no one is perfect. So we are all going to face challenges in applying the teachings of God's word in every area of ​​our lives. However, when we try to apply and follow the teachings, put it into practice immediately, which is a sign that you are growing spiritually and that you want to live up to the dedication you made to Jehovah.

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